Evening girls, not been on in ages, busy as usual, Jules I see you were very lucky, congrats on your BFP hunnie, it seems to be in the water at the moment, two of my best friends have just announced their pregnancies at 11 weeks, so come October I get to coo and get all broody over two little bubbas.
Well my end not much to report, Macy doing great, she had her first dentist appointment last Wed bless her, only a quick look just to get her used to it, she has so many teeth, nearly all are through so I thought seeing as the others were having theirs checked macy might aswell join in

She is running around like a looney, stringing lots of words together, singing to twinkle twinkle little star, hiding wipes in my Uggs, nice soggy foot the other day lol, just being really funny, a very good girl, she likes to help, will put things in the bin, pass you things, wipe her own mouth. I keep thinking about the potty but when she has weed with nappy off she has cried, I may leave it until the summer holidays, we will see. She is beginning to be fussy at meal times, likes to be distracted when fed, will feed herself but does not always like it so if I do it she likes to do some colouring in at the same time grrrr!! Just weaning her off formula little pest, half and half at the moment, I refuse to buy anymore so this lot of formula has nearly gone so Im gonna chuck more cows milk in her bottle tomorrow lol, its frustrating my other two had no problems with cows milk, she doesnt seem to like it but seem to be getting on well with the gradual reduction of formula, that will be a sad day for me when she no longer needs it as it means my baby has left me lol. Anyway night night, catch up soon xxx