~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Fifi- haven't got a chance to get any pregnancy/new baby books yet but it's on the list. We just try to talk about baby and show the belly. He really has no clue what's going on. Typical self absorbed little guy. We'll try all the tricks I've read about. Create a big bro t-shirt with him, have him pick something for baby, get him a big gift from baby, talk to him about how when baby comes he'll have --- with him for a bit. When he comes to the hospital daddy will bring him, I'll meet him outside the room (ideally if no c section) and bring him to meet baby in the hospital bassinette, not in my arms so I'm free to hug him. He's keeping his crib/bed as its a 3 in one, we'll get the same for the baby and new bedding so his stuff is his.

Ladybug- milk used to help for mine but since like 25 weeks I've been suffering at all times of day and that's going through craploads of milk and tums and avoiding all kinds of food. Thank god my doc okayed Zantac as its a total godsend! I slept great last night, besides aches and peeing trips, and daytime has been a huge relief!
Sounds like you're doing all the right things. It's that fear of the unknown, you have no idea how it's going to go until baby's here. Hugs x
Just back from night out with my preggo yoga friends from last time, I'm the first to get pregnant again so there was lots of chat about how nuts I am! Didn't mind being the sober one though :)
Leikela - I read that post as well. WOW that must have been scary! Fifi- my last labour lasted from about 10.15pm to 11.30pm. I did have some clues all day and now I know what those are I am hoping I will be able to make it to the hospital prior to contractions starting. It is amazing really because my first labour was 2 days long and the second only 5 hours. Each time I seem to progress further before the pain kicks in. I have considered a home birth and still may. I am undecided.

Lady-K - hope the nausea eases. Third tri is a pain, I think my pregnancy glow is going to pack her bags and make way for the heavy, moany me :)

mel9996 - enjoy your baby shower! I am probably going all natural, last one I had with no pain relief. I did have an epidural with my first one, no side affects at all, I would happily have gone natural and even planned a water birth :haha: keep an open mind ;)

Hopeful42nd one of the things that made a new baby and a toddler hard for me was ME, I was worried about how my son would react to the new baby. Looking back now, and in preperation for this one with my current toddler I am a way more relaxed, what will be will be. My two older children are best friends, he cannot remember life without her. Their relationship is one of the reasons we decided to have another one close in age to our third. All the worries will naturally fade as you both start getting used to having the baby in the mix.
Had my OB visit today. Baby is doing wonderful, measuring right on track or just barely under. Strong heartrate, and the best news is my GTT test came back normal :) woo hoo! I've gained 10 lbs total this pregnancy do far, so we are on track to keep it at 20 :)
I spoke to her about my heartburn issue as its now constant all day/night, if I eat/ or not, so on to Zantac it is. I just hope to god it helps as I was up half the night and thought I was gonna be sick. Going to pick some up later today :) my doc was like ' and foget the wimpy 75 strength, go strait for the 150, it's more designed for pregnant heartburn' lol
Also did my press it at the hospital. They provide formula still but only 6 diapers now. That's changed. So I guess we shall pack more this time :)

Great to hear that you passed the GTT and everything looking good :) Well done with the weight gain, I've not been weighed since about 13 weeks and I'm afraid to weigh myself haha :)

I've been feeling rubbish all day!

My ribs feel as if they have been in a boxing match and my hips and back are really sore and achey.

I've been walking round flat to get exercise, but even that tires me out. I'm pleased I only have about 10 steps from the sofa to kitchen - I have counted!

My bump just feels so heavy, as he presses against me, spreads out and grows. Last midwife check-up, she said he is getting big. He just loves to kick his mama in the ribs!!

We also now starting to think about birth plan as we count down the weeks. I'll be 30 weeks on Monday.... eek!!


Sorry to hear you're so uncomfortable, my wee one seems to have just recently discovered how much fun it is to kick me in the ribs haha :)

I really need to start working on a birth plan too, I have some ideas of what I'd like but getting it all written down is the big thing haha :)

Hi all.

Dizzydoll - I really culdnt tel u the name of it haha its a light weight one as after my ds i suffer wiv back problems and bby wont be in pram much anyway as i drive most places haha. But its good for what i need it for :)

Haha sorry for being nosy I just love looking at diffferent prams :)
Hope everyone is well today. I am feeling a bit better now about the whole new baby, toddler thing. I'll just stick to my plan and I'm sure it will work out. Loads O'd ppl do it and so can I. So my little guy has been fighting his naps lately again and going to bed too late, so I figured it's a sign it's time to swap to single nap. Today's trial run is so far so good :) he went down after his lunch and is sleeping sound :) I didn't want to do it before moving but he is ready I guess. There goes my AM catnap, lol
Yep, going to have a newborn with a 19 month old. She has absolutely no idea what is going on.

I have absolutely no idea what it's going to be like.

She'll probably be fine. It's me who's terrified! I just hope I can still devote enough time to her.
We are in this together I guess. We'll be starting a thread to chat about toddlers and babies on the parenting threads section. Who am I kidding, it's probably been done! We will survive.
We will survive, with each other's tips of what works and doesn't, and thankfully they're just wee, they won't remember a time without their sibling! The phrase to remember is "this too shall pass" :)
fifi-folle: I laughed when I saw the word "wee" in your post. I was going to say please don't mention wee, but I took it wrong way.... lol

First time tonight in about 2 weeks that baby has been quiet!! I hope this means he gives me some peace before he's born, but I doubt it! One minute I think he's asleep and then "baaam", I get a sharp kick to remind me he's there (as if I need reminded thanks to my huge bump!!)
Hey ladies! Been for my midwife appoint today and all is well with me and bubba :D Can't believe I'm 32 weeks!!!!
I had my appt yesterday and it was only so/so. My first bp check was really high 168/105, but there was no protein in my urine and the nurse checked it again and it had went down to 138/82. When it was high I had eye "floaters", which I get occasionally. Since my bp went back down after a few minutes they are letting me keep going as normal. Hopefully I can avoid anymore high readings and make it to my goal of 38 weeks ;)
Flutterly good to hear your appointment went well!
Twinkle fx'd your bp stays down for you!! :)

Looking forward to my appointment on Friday now!!
Thanks hun, I just celebrated by buying some blankets lol!!!

Twinkie, hope everything stays ok hun!!
Wholly Molly.... Anyone else thinking 'eek!' ? I keep seeing tiny babies and thinking how it'll be me really soon, feel pretty unprepared to be honest! :/ xxx
Wholly Molly.... Anyone else thinking 'eek!' ? I keep seeing tiny babies and thinking how it'll be me really soon, feel pretty unprepared to be honest! :/ xxx
It's fine. You're never prepared :lol: We tried for DS for almost 2 years, I work in childcare, have done teaching, am fully qualified to look after 0-16 but was still not prepared for how much life would change!!!
I'm looking at little babies going "How the heck am I going to look after one of them as well as DS!?!?!"

Now the proud owner of a birth pool :happydance: and a TENS machine :D Had a poorly wee one all weekend, he's passed it on to me so I feel like rubbish :nope:
Had my 30 week appt yesterday and all is well. Been having some braxton hicks contractions that I can feel in my back, so that has me a little worried that LO is in the wrong position still. I'm starting acupuncture soon to try and make sure this one goes where's she's supposed to and to just de-stress and be prepared for labor. It worked helping me get pregnant, so I'm a pretty big advocate of acupuncture now. :thumbup:
Glad to hear all is well with everyone! We are all really getting very close! I too cannot believe it to a degree, with it being my first and all.

Today I had a 29 week appointment and it went well. I did the one hour glucose tolerance test and it wasn't so bad. It just tasted a like a slightly flat orange soda. I hope I pass! I didn't feel any symptoms though. No shaking, headache, nausea, etc.

I hope we all continue to do well in the upcoming weeks! :)
I noticed the past few days that my belly button has changed. I can see insides of it much better and it's become soft skin like the earlobe as its all streatched :) I like the feel on it and catch myself feeling it.
Things are so much better now that my heartburn is under control. I ate buffalo chicken tenders today! No issues :)
Hope everyone is having a good day!

So all of yesterday we continued with getting the new flat ready, so we can move in next week. :thumbup:

I find it funny, as it feels as if bump enters the room before me! I just feel so huge now!

I gave in to my husband last night as we decided to "christen" the flat! Afterwards, Alexandre went nuts for about 30 minutes - limbs poking out at side and powerful kicks...


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