~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Where in Portugal are you from. My husband is Portuguese, his family is from the Azores.
Are you island or mainland?

From mainland - Mourao. Azores beautiful part of world!

Flutterly: I may have seen you in the crowd, as I was watching in between sleeping.

Claudio not back from flat until around 8pm, so I'm now away to waddle to have a nice relaxing bath and then get some food ready. Alexandre seems to calmed down now after his powerful gymnastic performance today, but I'm sure he'll kick out to say hello to his Dad!!!
Oh a bath sounds like a fab idea Francisca! I think I'll have to make time for me to have one tomorrow! :)
I think I need a bath. Playing out back with my munchkin, he swapped between sandbox and pool and back again. He threw three shoveles of dirt in the air and they ended up mostly on me :(. I have to say he was much worse off with sand in his hair, ears, mouth, even his diaper when opened spilled out sand. Lol, needless to say he got a bath. I'll get mine later.
Just checking in.

Francessca = Glad apt went well and your midwfie sounds very nice and makes u feel at ease whitch is good :)

Flutterfly = Glad ur taking time out for urself hun and try to rest/relax as much as possible pregnancy can be a stressful time especially with a loss in the family. Sending u lots of love.

Well from me girls...

I have jst been onto the kiddicare website and ordered by pram for new babs and the buggy board for my 2 year old hope ive made the right choice :s Pram was really good price and comments sound good so cant wait to recieve it now.

Unsure if any1 watched the midwifes program lastnight on bbc at 9pm it was well worth watching but ive got to say it was soooo sad i sat here most of the night crying my eyes out of what can go wrong :( Hoping and praying now all will b ok.

Ive been locked away in house since sat (my own choice haha) i was planning a day out yday but was far to ill to attemp moving i have had sore tummy last 2 days and yestaday i felt like death warmed up and feeling sorry for myself good job hubby was off work to look after me :) This morning woken up at 5.45 though and decided to ge up i must b mad i will soon be wanting to go back to bed haha. Goin to get kids wellys and rain coats on 2day though and head out no matter what the weather haha.

See u all soon :)
I am glad all us ladies are doing well with the pregnancies! I cannot believe it is now August. Only 6 weeks until my baby shower and 9 weeks until I go out on maternity leave. Where did the time go?

I had a dream last night that I was in labor and it was painless and took 5 minutes. LOL This is about my 4th labor dream over the past two months. I am very anxious about it as the time draws closer. However, I know I will be able to get through it. :)

It sounds like the rest of you ladies are prepared for the arrival of your beans! Is anyone else anxious?
Hi everyone, hope everyone is well. Cannot believe we are all now in the last stretch, it seems to have flown by.

That's great you got to go Flutterly, sending lots of hugs your way :hugs:. Did you have tickets or are you making the most of the empty seats fiasco?

Leikela I am getting anxious. My major concern is that it will be too quick for me. The midwife has told me I can call an ambulance due to my fast delivery last time but I would rather be in control of the situation! Somewhere deep down though, I actually feel this birth will be a little longer than my third. I hope I am right!

We are off to France next week, looking forward to the break from the Olympics to be honest. Love the atmosphere but sometimes I am getting caught up, like trying to go to the park for an icecream or even crossing the road and being asked if I have a ticket :haha: Might help if I bothered to find out exactly where the games venues are before I plan an icecream in central London :)

Oh and Fifi, meant to say, we have that pram and I have a little tip from Icandy. When you want a forward facing toddler single buggy in the future you unscrew the two brackets on the blue seat and swap them round. Took me ages to find that out and saved me having to buy an apple seat unit, so thought I would share that with you.
Thanks for that Cheshire. The one we bought has both the apple and pear seats. Already using it as a single with DS, it's a much bigger seat than the Oyster! Trying to sell my Oyster though which I'm a bit sad about, it's hardly been used as DS had reflux and much preferred being up in the wrap with me or Beco with DH.

Note for all: If you are interested in baby carriers feel free to ask me any questions, it saved my sanity but I did have to do a lot of research as the Baby Bjorn we were loaned to begin with killed both our backs and it was impossible to get DS into a position where he looked comfy.

Cheshire have you thought of a home birth? How quick was your last delivery?

Leikela I am definitely anxious. I had such a horrible time last time I really want to have a more positive experience this time, ideally at home in water. I'm doing natal hypnotherapy to help me deal with my previous experience and get ready for this lo

Going to pick up a second hand birth pool which was never used at the weekend. I think once I have this I'll feel a bit better. I really hope things go better this time!
Well from me girls...

I have jst been onto the kiddicare website and ordered by pram for new babs and the buggy board for my 2 year old hope ive made the right choice :s Pram was really good price and comments sound good so cant wait to recieve it now.

Unsure if any1 watched the midwifes program lastnight on bbc at 9pm it was well worth watching but ive got to say it was soooo sad i sat here most of the night crying my eyes out of what can go wrong :( Hoping and praying now all will b ok.

Ive been locked away in house since sat (my own choice haha) i was planning a day out yday but was far to ill to attemp moving i have had sore tummy last 2 days and yestaday i felt like death warmed up and feeling sorry for myself good job hubby was off work to look after me :) This morning woken up at 5.45 though and decided to ge up i must b mad i will soon be wanting to go back to bed haha. Goin to get kids wellys and rain coats on 2day though and head out no matter what the weather haha.

See u all soon :)

WHich pram did ya get hun? :)

Aw I watched that show and I was so upset watching it but it was lovely! I do like that they did show what could go wrong and that.
I'm waking up with indigestion :( Anyone know a cure/how to prevent it? gaviscon isn't working.
I'm waking up with indigestion :( Anyone know a cure/how to prevent it? gaviscon isn't working.

Peppermint tea might work.

I'm getting waves of nausea today. Like first Tri. I get the odd day like that. DH reckons it's a hormone surge. It's rubbish; whatever it is.
Had my OB visit today. Baby is doing wonderful, measuring right on track or just barely under. Strong heartrate, and the best news is my GTT test came back normal :) woo hoo! I've gained 10 lbs total this pregnancy do far, so we are on track to keep it at 20 :)
I spoke to her about my heartburn issue as its now constant all day/night, if I eat/ or not, so on to Zantac it is. I just hope to god it helps as I was up half the night and thought I was gonna be sick. Going to pick some up later today :) my doc was like ' and foget the wimpy 75 strength, go strait for the 150, it's more designed for pregnant heartburn' lol
Also did my press it at the hospital. They provide formula still but only 6 diapers now. That's changed. So I guess we shall pack more this time :)
I've been feeling rubbish all day!

My ribs feel as if they have been in a boxing match and my hips and back are really sore and achey.

I've been walking round flat to get exercise, but even that tires me out. I'm pleased I only have about 10 steps from the sofa to kitchen - I have counted!

My bump just feels so heavy, as he presses against me, spreads out and grows. Last midwife check-up, she said he is getting big. He just loves to kick his mama in the ribs!!

We also now starting to think about birth plan as we count down the weeks. I'll be 30 weeks on Monday.... eek!!

Hi everyone, hope everyone is well. Cannot believe we are all now in the last stretch, it seems to have flown by.

Leikela I am getting anxious. My major concern is that it will be too quick for me. The midwife has told me I can call an ambulance due to my fast delivery last time but I would rather be in control of the situation! Somewhere deep down though, I actually feel this birth will be a little longer than my third. I hope I am right!

We are off to France next week, looking forward to the break from the Olympics to be honest. Love the atmosphere but sometimes I am getting caught up, like trying to go to the park for an icecream or even crossing the road and being asked if I have a ticket :haha: Might help if I bothered to find out exactly where the games venues are before I plan an icecream in central London :)

Chesire, I just read a thread in the 3rd Tri section where a poster just had her baby at home, all by herself and the paramedics had to break down her door! Those are the types of horror stories I think we dream about but are unlikely. LOL I am sure things will work out just fine for you and baby. :)

Leikela I am definitely anxious. I had such a horrible time last time I really want to have a more positive experience this time, ideally at home in water. I'm doing natal hypnotherapy to help me deal with my previous experience and get ready for this lo

Going to pick up a second hand birth pool which was never used at the weekend. I think once I have this I'll feel a bit better. I really hope things go better this time!

Fifi, I am glad I am not alone with my anxiety! I have heard of hypnotherapy and it sounds interesting! And I hope you are successful with your home water birth. I saw one on TV and it looked so easy. :)

I'm getting waves of nausea today. Like first Tri. I get the odd day like that. DH reckons it's a hormone surge. It's rubbish; whatever it is.

Lady-K, me too! Two days this week, I have been nauseous. Eating seems to help. For me it isn't quite as bad as 1st Tri but it reminds me of that time! I agree, it is complete rubbish. LOL I hope you feel better soon!

I've been feeling rubbish all day!

My ribs feel as if they have been in a boxing match and my hips and back are really sore and achey.

I've been walking round flat to get exercise, but even that tires me out. I'm pleased I only have about 10 steps from the sofa to kitchen - I have counted!

My bump just feels so heavy, as he presses against me, spreads out and grows. Last midwife check-up, she said he is getting big. He just loves to kick his mama in the ribs!!

We also now starting to think about birth plan as we count down the weeks. I'll be 30 weeks on Monday.... eek!!


I can relate! I feel as though I have gotten to the point where I am as big as I can comfortably handle! 12 more weeks of growing? Nooooo!!!! LOL My bump feels very heavy as well and if I have been sitting for long periods of time, it is painful to walk at first and my pelvic bone feels as though it is going to split in half. LOL I guess these are the joys of the 3rd Tri! I hope you are feeling better soon!
Hopeful42nd - wow well done on 10lbs! im a fat fallumpus, have gained 2st (~24lbs)
I wasn't as tiny as I should be to start with so i didn't have that wiggle room to gain lots. I did anyways with my son though. At this point I had gained like 30. I think every baby affects us differently. Don't think your a fatty, your pregnant Hun! And your avatar pic is adorable :)
appt went good yesterday. hb nice and strong and measuring at 31 wks. i have gained a total of 15 lbs since being prego and the doctor is happy with that me on the other hand not so much. my butt is so big it swipes things off the counter haha. also my iron is a little low i have always been anemic but this was the first time at the an appt they have brought it up. its suppose to be 11 and im 10.7 so its not too bad.

bought a camera for the baby shower tomorrow and from 8pm until 5am was making candy lollipops because the lady who was suppose to make the favors bailed on my mom and she has spent so much money and time on my shower i couldnt let her do them. her and my mommom also bought my glider yest. its super cute and soft excited to get it in a week. im so excited for tomorrow cant wait to see friends and family i havent seen in a long time. especially since i started this nursing job i have no spare time and the time i do its spent sleeping doing laundry and keeping the house together for OH and his daughter.

im anxious about birth too. the other nite i was laying in bed and she was going crazy in there and all i kept thinking is in a few months she going to be in my arms and my wheels just kept turning from there. question who is going to try and go natural? no epidural? im trying to stay away from it just because i dont want the chance of having back problems down the line.
Okay the realization just hit me today. My child will be 20 months when this new baby drops in on our family and I have no clue how he's going to cope. He has no real clue when I talk to him about baby in belly but will kiss the belly if asked to. He is going to be in for a huge culture shock...and I am going to be in for trouble as he is sooo mommy attached. I'm scared he is going to become a terror and be angry with me :( I know it's normal to feel this way, but it's panic starting to set in. I know about getting a gift from baby to him and getting him to pick something for baby, but is this really a fix all. I'm in the throws of reading all there is to read on the subject and just can't calm myself.
Are you reading new baby stories to him? Once baby arrives you can try to make sure your wee guy gets some mummy time whilst your DH or family look after the baby. Can't think what else to suggest. DS will only be 14/15 months so I'm not sure there's anything we can do to prepare him!
Mel 10.7 is pretty good really. In pregnancy in the UK they don't worry if it's above 10.5.
My weight gain has just been in the past few weeks, I've put on 15lbs too :)
Hi all.

Dizzydoll - I really culdnt tel u the name of it haha its a light weight one as after my ds i suffer wiv back problems and bby wont be in pram much anyway as i drive most places haha. But its good for what i need it for :)

Heartburn is starting to kick in although kicking in late as wiv DS and DD i was in pain with it from around 23wks haha. I try to drink alot of milk i find that helps with the heartburn (old wives tale and it does work)

Hope all is ok :) x

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