~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

So sorry to hear that Flutterly :-(. I'm glad he went peacefully with family close by. :hugs:
Oh flutterly. :hug: so sorry to hear this. My heart goes our to your family and may you all take care of each other in this time of need. Carry your memories with you always and share them with your little one. :hugs:
My dad passed away peacefully at about 5.30 this morning :( he had deteriorated rapidly over the last couple of days so we knew it was coming but I'm absolutely devastated :(

Flutterly, my condolences. :hugs: He will live on in your heart and through your new life. Take the time to grieve. So sorry...
So sorry to hear this Flutterly...my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :hug:
Thinking of flutterfly and her fmily right now my thoughts and prayers are wiv you all at this sad time. x
Aw, hope you doing OK Flutterly....

I was meant to be helping out in new flat today, but Claudio said I don't have to! I didn't sleep well last night, due to feeling so uncomfortable and just so tired today.

I'm now getting really tight feelings in my bump - all over. I'm not sure if this is my muscles stretching, but I'll find out on Wed when I see midwife. Alexandre also really pressing against me as he moves/kicks - one crazy baby!! :wacko: I am going to ask if I can get measured as well, as I feel a lot bigger than 29 weeks.

Also my mama phoned from Portugal last night. My Uncle left us quite a lot of money, so once it is all sorted, we going to use some of it for nursery/baby, getting things for new flat and rest is to be saved - possibly in fund for when Alexandre older.

I now away to get some rest watching bit of Olympics possibly.
Oooooppppssss Thats sudnt o happened haha my 2 year old hanging around me thats what i get haha.

Hope every1 is doing well and nice to see all our bumps are still cooking and none of our bouncing babys have came along early i pray that all our bumps keep cooking until at least time for them to arrive.

Well update from me ive had a good few weeks :) im going to update my jornal 2day. I had my midwfie apt at 29weeks and i was measuring ahead so when i had my consultants apt on friday and i had my scan they also measured me using the ulta sound and sure enough i was 30weeks on friday and i was measuring 33weeks and 1 day so maybe my babs will be a september baby haha not getting my hope up as i have gone over due by 10days wiv ds and 14days wiv dd :s so no doubt i will have that long wait again this time haha will be a total suprise if i have bby early haha. My consultant is not will to induce me until im 10days over wiv me having the tube/cyst they dont want me under any presure as it is and were all hoping i go into labour myself :) Apart fom that all is ok i have to see my community midwife every 2 weeks now until baby here wiv me having high bp wiv ds.

This weekend ive started to sort things out for the house move and im hoping i get a house quikly and there isnt too much holding the move up id really like to be in my newly decorated new home b4 bby arrives so all my vistors could go there and not to this house im living in now :s I also thought i best check i have everythink ready for bby so ive done abit of shopping online i have most things i need my pram still so hoping to go looking for that next weekend wiv my mum.

Be back on soon to keep p to date. x
My dad passed away peacefully at about 5.30 this morning :( he had deteriorated rapidly over the last couple of days so we knew it was coming but I'm absolutely devastated :(

So sorry for your loss. Guess he'll just have to watch your little boy grow up from a little bit farther away. :hugs:
Aw, hope you doing OK Flutterly....

I was meant to be helping out in new flat today, but Claudio said I don't have to! I didn't sleep well last night, due to feeling so uncomfortable and just so tired today.

I'm now getting really tight feelings in my bump - all over. I'm not sure if this is my muscles stretching, but I'll find out on Wed when I see midwife. Alexandre also really pressing against me as he moves/kicks - one crazy baby!! :wacko: I am going to ask if I can get measured as well, as I feel a lot bigger than 29 weeks.

Also my mama phoned from Portugal last night. My Uncle left us quite a lot of money, so once it is all sorted, we going to use some of it for nursery/baby, getting things for new flat and rest is to be saved - possibly in fund for when Alexandre older.

I now away to get some rest watching bit of Olympics possibly.

Those tight feelings you're getting on your bump could be Braxton Hicks contractions. They can be pretty common as your pregnancy progresses. I've had them for about a month now and it's just tight for a few seconds, then passes. Weird, aren't they?? :haha:
dizzydoll - I'm with you on the no sleeping, it sucks! Watch the dizziness, it could be your iron levels. Do you have a m/w appt soon?

I'm in for my GTT tomorrow and then MW appointment next Friday.

My dad passed away peacefully at about 5.30 this morning :( he had deteriorated rapidly over the last couple of days so we knew it was coming but I'm absolutely devastated :(
So sorry to hear hun :hugs:
I have been getting the Braxton Hicks too. It does feel weird! I don't get them everyday but when it does hit, it is strange! If I am walking, I usually have to stop and wait for it to pass.

I have my glucose tolerance test a week from tomorrow. I am a bit nervous but confident. I am just hoping I pass so that I don't have to do the 3 hour! :)
Good luck for the GTTs girls! Never had one, doesn't sound like fun though!

I've been having Braxton Hicks for weeks, I mainly get them when walking, at least they don't hurt though!

Exciting weekend for us was buying an ICandy Apple/Pear combo with Maxi Cosi car seat. Bit sad about having to sell my Babystyle Oyster but we can't justify keeping both, especially having the Apple option on the Icandy.
soo sorry for ur loss flutterly! im sure he will be watching down on ur lil bundle of joy and just know hes got somebody upstairs watching out for him. we tell OH's daughter she has a angel watching over her shes called mom mom.

so 2 wks a ago i had my glucose test and i must of passed because they didnt call me back for the 3 hour one. i was measuring right on track and hb was 140. i have an appt on thurs for my next check up my mom is going to go with me first time she has heard the heart beat then we are going glider chair shopping. my baby shower is this wkend but im kinda sad. my OH got called away for a 2 wk deployment with the airforce and it just so happens to be on baby shower then my best friend has to work and she is a nurse so she cant just call off. im sure ill still have a blast but just a lil sad.
so 2 wks a ago i had my glucose test and i must of passed because they didnt call me back for the 3 hour one. i was measuring right on track and hb was 140. i have an appt on thurs for my next check up my mom is going to go with me first time she has heard the heart beat then we are going glider chair shopping. my baby shower is this wkend but im kinda sad. my OH got called away for a 2 wk deployment with the airforce and it just so happens to be on baby shower then my best friend has to work and she is a nurse so she cant just call off. im sure ill still have a blast but just a lil sad.

Good to hear that you passed the glucose test hun :) Sorry to hear about OH and your friend missing your shower :hugs:

My test today wasn't pleasant but certainly not as bad as expected. I was feeling woozy and sick after the first hour but the time actually flew and before I knew it I was home and resting. :)
I'll have to wait til my appointment next Friday for my results unless they call me sooner!
I went to midwife today, instead of tomorrow. I woke up with tightenings in bump, like yesterday and didn't want to have another day with this. So I phoned to see if I could see her today and she said she could.
I was worried as I had so many things to ask, but she was good and took her time explaining things to me.
The tightenings are a mixture of BH's and my muscles starting to stretch, as baby takes all the space. Last night I felt as if he was going to kick his way out!

She felt his position and he is still head down, but not engaged. She also got a few kicks and was able to see the hard lump that sticks out when he kicks. I was told it could be his knees, as they have to go somewhere!

I asked if I could be measured, as said I felt more than 29 weeks. I am measuring 32, but this is fine as I am carrying more forward - I'm only 5ft 4 - and baby is getting big - so bump is now full of baby.

Midwife happy with me and I am to see her in 3 weeks, where we will start to talk about birth plan.

I may go to new flat later, but I am so relaxed, resting on the sofa watching Olympics (come on Portugal!). I also get tired and sore if I walk very far.

x Francisca and bouncing Alexandre bump x
Glad to hear everything is looking good Francisca :) Always better to get checked out if you've any worries :)
Francisca- sounds like you have a wonderful midwife, taking the time to see you and ease your mind. I'm also short waisted so I know the feeling of the bump being all baby! Wait another month when your ribs feel about to burst. The good news is you'll get through it.
Where in Portugal are you from. My husband is Portuguese, his family is from the Azores.
Are you island or mainland?
Thanks for all your lovely messages ladies :) they mean a lot!!

Glad all is well Francisca, my bubba is causing me havoc at the moment!! Walking is a struggle as he's getting so heavy and causing me pain!!

Went to the Olympics today, was amazing and just what I needed even though I am now exhausted!! Was great watching team GB winning silver :)

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