~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

I think 37 weeks is technically considered full term in the US also Leikela. When I had my version with DS, they wanted to wait until after 37 weeks so in case he needed to be delivered right away, he'd still be full term.

Had my 34 week appt today and got an ultrasound to check her position, and she is head down!!! :happydance: I'm so relieved and excited! I was convinced she was breech, but I was wrong. Now I can concentrate on getting this little girl out naturally hopefully!
You're right! I never knew this before. Everyone always talks about 40 weeks that I thought that was full term. Hmmm, you learn something new every day! :)

It's getting so close!! Flutterly are you going to be the first of the october people? Cannot wait!

Great news annabelle!

Well I am off to the hospital this morning, not for me :) my crazy 8 year old was playing on a roundabout (playground one not road one!) and decided to hold on with only his hands and let his legs spin out (it was a standing one, more like a maypole), then his hands got sweaty and he flew off at top speed, landed in the grass and broke his wrist, a week before school went back!! He was totally chuffed as this was described as a 'sports injury'... hmm. Today he needs to go back to the fracture clinic for assessment. What's terrible is that he was helping me so much with my 2 year old (putting on his shoes, fixing his ice lollies etc). Now I can't bend down and he has only one arm :( so mummy's helper needs help. :dohh:

The sooner I have my body back the better!! Anyone else feeling that now, too big and goodbye feet?
I don't know Cheshire, this little one seems to be well comfy in there! Unlike his mummy who would quite happily have him out now! I feel huge and am so tired! Last night I got up for a record 3 wees last night. I know I know, I am very lucky that I generally only get up once a night but this means last night was extra bad! OH had a bad tummy too so between the pair of us we are a bit zombiefied today!

Sorry to hear about your son's wrist as well, it makes me laugh that he is proud of it though but sucks for you!!
I haven't posted much, but my little guy is being quite the trouble maker! I between 33 and 34 weeks I was at Labor and Delivery twice to stop preterm contractions and ended up with medicine to take daily (I finally got to stop taking it today since I am 36 weeks :)) At one of my follow up appts the dr. (not mine because he was out of town, but the other Dr. in the practice) asked me if the lady at the hospital said if he was head down or not, and then recommended that I have an ultrasound to check. So at my 35 week appt I had an ultrasound which showed the little guy is first off not so little (estimated at 7lb 4oz at 35 weeks!) and is in the Frank Breech position. They are giving him until 37 weeks and then I have to decide between a breech delivery (uh not going to happen LOL), an ECV (which sounds really painful), or an elective C-section (which I don't really want either). So what I need is for little guy to decide to turn on his own!!!
So many babies like to turn late and scare their mommies and docs into booking surgeries. It's really weird how their immediate reaction now is to c sect rather than try turning the baby. I know c sections seem easy fix for a doc but for us ladies it adds a whole new element to what we'd expect and how we can care for our newborn.
I would recommend to you ladies being told this to try everything you can to get your babies turned as really, why go through major surgery if it can at all be avoided. I hated the experience :( and I got cheated out of being able to see my son when he was first born. You don't get that moment back.
My Dr. seems to lean more toward either vaginal breech delivery or the ECV. He really doesn't do C-sections too often, but it is an option if I choose it. I am going to bring DH with me and a notebook full of questions and get all the information possible before I decide. I know I don't want a vaginal breech delivery because DS #1 got his head stuck and had to have a forcep delivery and this baby is probably going to be the same size or bigger and my Dr. did say that the head getting stuck is the one major risk for a breech delivery, so I am not even risking that! I am leaning toward trying the ECV, but no choice is without risks!
Twinkie there are a few ways to encourage baby to turn head down, have a look on spinningbabies.com for different positions you can use. Acupuncture is said to help (or reflexology), moxibustion is another one (bit weird though). Talking to baby is said to help and visualising them head down (yep I am a total hippy! :lol:) Anything is better than ECV or c-section!

Sorry to hear your little helper is out of action Cheshire - most inconsiderate!

Hopeful - I totally understand what you are saying re c-section. I've written a 3 section birth plan - HBAC, VBAC in hospital and one for a c-section. But I'm asking for a Gentle c-section if that happens. My midwife is passing this on to the OB team as they've never come across this before. It's a much more family centred approach to c-section. See this article
Gotta run pick up DH will finish post later :)
It's baby shower day :) I'm very excited but wish I hadn't been awake since 4.30! Too uncomfortable to sleep :(
Thanks for that info Fifi :)
I'm not sure how much my hospital would agree to but I do insist certain things of them. At least my doc just wants me to go into labor naturally and knows induction could ruin vbac chances. They are also aware if c sec is needed I demand to see my child bare minimum before they rush into the back room with her. Also if she is crying she is not in distress I should be allowed to have her on me for a brief moment. My DH is aware and will ensure these rights are met! I am not trying to put my child's safety in danger, just have those moments most other moms get at delivery.
I have consented to continual heartrate fetal monitoring to ensure my baby is safe, but that's the extent of things.
Sorry ladies not been on for a bit! Checking busy threads from my phone is too hard!
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Lol, all I ever use isn't phone or I'd have no time, my toddler will not give me computer time.
Morning ladies,

Well what a wonderful afternoon I had yesterday. The weather was glorious and about 22 people gathered at my sister's house for my shower! My sister and her helpers done a wonderful job...there was food galore, games and plenty of chatter. Everyone seemed to have a lovely time and me and bump were thoroughly spoilt! We got presents galore and are now well and truly set for baby! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family and friends :)

This is me just after the present opening!!! Presents are currently in the corner of the front room waiting to be housed!!!

glad it went well, you look glowing + gorgeous x
Glad you hada fab time,
I have never had a baby shower thrown for me :( (cue violins....)
I guess there isn't much point now it's my third?
Thought I'd come and say hello again now I know for certain I'll be having an October baby :)
She's planned to be delivered on 25th October :D and I am so excited! I hope I haven't stolen anyone's due date! xxx
Thought I'd come and say hello again now I know for certain I'll be having an October baby :)
She's planned to be delivered on 25th October :D and I am so excited! I hope I haven't stolen anyone's due date! xxx

Hello, spoken on NMs too :D
Added you to the front page :)

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