October bumpkins 2019

Hi ladies. I was out of town for several days with almost no internet access, so I'm not quite up to date, but I have some pretty decent pics from my repeat anatomy scan.

Also, I live just outside of Toronto, and ya, it's been pretty hot. Imagine being pg and then working for 9 hours in a factory, with large garage doors open, but no AC except in the break room. Welcome to my life. Thank God my house and SO's condo have AC. lol

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anyone else getting excruciating pain when they stretch there legs in bed? i had the cramps with my other 3, but early hours this morning it was so bad, i nearly cried, poor hubby woke up not knowing what was going on, my leg still hurts now :( x
I've been starting to get cramps in my calf and thigh when I'm stretching on rolling over in bed as well. I have to make a mental note to not readjust myself too quickly or I'll cramp. I've had foot cramps too, which isn't so great for squeezing my feet into my rock climbing shoes so I've been chugging water and taking a lot of breaks at the gym too. I'm 24 weeks tomorrow and feel like I'm on the verge of getting all those lovely third trimester symptoms.

Also I got my crib and am dying to set it up. Though need to figure out what to do with a couch I have in my bedroom since the baby will be in my room for the first few months until I can move into a 2 or 3 bedroom place hopefully next Spring.
Is anyone feeling totally overwhelmed? I just feel like I've been so busy with work and other things and events etc I've not been able to take this pregnancy in as much as my first and its flying by and still have so much to buy and do and sort out but all comes down to money also and just don't feel confident everything will get done in time for when baby is here. I asked my dad who's a joiner for help with some DIY bits because our whole upstairs needs a rejig and me and hubby arent great at DIY but my dad thinks all men should learn and refused so I ended up in tears. Probably just hormones but I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now
Is anyone feeling totally overwhelmed? I just feel like I've been so busy with work and other things and events etc I've not been able to take this pregnancy in as much as my first and its flying by and still have so much to buy and do and sort out but all comes down to money also and just don't feel confident everything will get done in time for when baby is here. I asked my dad who's a joiner for help with some DIY bits because our whole upstairs needs a rejig and me and hubby arent great at DIY but my dad thinks all men should learn and refused so I ended up in tears. Probably just hormones but I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now

How is your husband and you supposed to learn if your dad doesn't show him how? :( I'm feeling this way too. The nursery is almost cleared out but we still have to patch, sand, prep, and paint. My father in law is going to help us convert the closet from pull out doors to slider doors which can happen soon, but the fact that were almost at 100 days or less makes me nervous we won't get it all done. I also want to redo our guest bathroom upstairs that will be used for baby because we have the tile to redo it in the garage but demoing a bathroom right now seems hard. The baby isn't going to demand a nice bathroom, no, or a painted nursery but still....I want to have to it done. I just have to breathe and understand what will be will be and it's okay. Its frustrating because I want it done, but I know it'll be okay if it's not.
How is your husband and you supposed to learn if your dad doesn't show him how? :( I'm feeling this way too. The nursery is almost cleared out but we still have to patch, sand, prep, and paint. My father in law is going to help us convert the closet from pull out doors to slider doors which can happen soon, but the fact that were almost at 100 days or less makes me nervous we won't get it all done. I also want to redo our guest bathroom upstairs that will be used for baby because we have the tile to redo it in the garage but demoing a bathroom right now seems hard. The baby isn't going to demand a nice bathroom, no, or a painted nursery but still....I want to have to it done. I just have to breathe and understand what will be will be and it's okay. Its frustrating because I want it done, but I know it'll be okay if it's not.

This is my life haha. We bought our first house in January and it was quite the fixer upper. Hubby and I have also never done any kind of construction/renovation work before. There’s still a lot we want to do with the house, but we are just trying to prioritize what can reasonably be done before baby and what can’t. I found it helped to make a list and put dates beside it - aka, patch walls July 11, paint nursery July 12, buy supplies July 20 etc. Then we can have a solid plan not just a - well we’ll get to it. And it helps to see what can actually be done in the time left instead of trying to do too much.

Thankfully my son’s room was set up a while back so we’re just putting another crib in there for new baby, even though he probably won’t use it for at least 6 months! But we did get a little bookshelf for DS’s books, just got it set up yesterday.

Haven't lost my appitite but morning sickness is back ](*,)

Not sure if it is the tablets the hospital have put me on or not but my stomach is on edge the same way it would be in first tri :dohh:
I have had diareah since being on the cholestasis meds hon. Still hardly no appetite but bump has had another growth spurt. Sorry ure sickness is na
Hi ladies. I was out of town for several days with almost no internet access, so I'm not quite up to date, but I have some pretty decent pics from my repeat anatomy scan.

Also, I live just outside of Toronto, and ya, it's been pretty hot. Imagine being pg and then working for 9 hours in a factory, with large garage doors open, but no AC except in the break room. Welcome to my life. Thank God my house and SO's condo have AC. lol

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Lovely pics hon

my leg is so sore today still :( i also have been getting foot cramps, oh the joys lol x

I get bad cramps in my calf and feet esp if I turn over in bed to fast. And then it hurts for days after. Oh the Joy's

Hi ladies
I'm almost 26 weeks and it is going by so fast now. I still have so much to buy for baby. We haven't brought him any clothing or anything yet. I really need to right a list.
The weeks are flying by now. Our babies will be here b4 we know it. Eeeeeek.

Still not much of a apitite and the cholestasis medication is giving me diarea. Urghhh.
My bump is getting so big now and this baby boy is so active. He keeps sticking stuff out like knees and elbows and feet Haha.
Its been so hot and humid here I'm not liking it. Cant stand the humidity and having no air con is just horrible.
Was my eldest daughters prom and we had a lovely photo taken.
I don’t know if it’s just the heat lately but I am completely exhausted all the time again. Think it’s a sign of the final trimester coming!!

Cud be hon. Have u had ure iron checked? I went through a stage about a month ago of being totally exausted and drained and i had to be put on iron pills. I still get tired but not as bad. Mind you this heat wears u out.
Its been so hot everyday for the past week.
Ive done all the house work today and i feel totaly warn out and my back is killing me. So im just laying here on the coutch now totaly pooped haha. Bet i still have trouble sleeping tho haha. Oh the joys of being very pregnant lol.
Stupid bnb pop up ads keep taking me to another page and deleting my posts and I don’t feel like tying it a 4th time!!!!!!!! Ughh!!!! Had such a long post written too 3 times! So anyway here’s a 4D photo finally. Sorry I had to zoom in so much.. again, bnb made me

Wow Britt they look so similar thats amazing. What a beautiful baby. And that scan is amazingly clear. Any clues on gender yet??

Hope everyone is doing ok?. Hope ure all coping with the heat. Im just about managing.

I just realised im now in double figures yay. 26 weeks tommorow. Well in just over 10 mins as its almost midnight.
Its going so fast now.
We've all been pretty quiet lately. So I just wanted to wave "hey ladies!" I, too, have been feeling extra extremely tired. I would sometimes find myself working to stay up I'm so tired. I just saw my OB last Friday. She couldn't find the hearbeat so she rolled in the ultrasound machine and he was hiding all the way tucked inside my pelvis lying side ways. So it got me thinking, every time I see him he is always in that position. I hope when the time comes for him to come out he knows to turn. Lol
Wow @brittany12 that is a brill scan :cloud9: look at its little face :p Are you swayed in any way? (Gender wise)

Having a really hard time lately so really think I might treat myself to a 4d scan as long they don't tell the sex..

I will admit me included it has gotten quiet on this post.. think everyone is the same nothing much going on..

So roll call... is the front page up to date with your correct info?

Also conversation starter what are you dying to eat/drink again that you couldn't eat or drink during pregnancy??

I Just can't wait to be able to eat anything.. I'm so strict to my diet with the diabetes and severe acid reflux so I litterally can't wait to eat anything and not worry it will spike my bloods or cause me unimaginable pain
I'm taking pate and crackers to eat once I've delivered :haha:

I've got my gtt tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I will be ok as I test my sugars at home regularly and I've got another consultant/growth scan on Thursday. Also got ks1 and ks2 sports days Thursday and Friday morning so busy week this week!
Shorty, I'm in the same boat. GD is a pain and this Metal(??) chemical(??) "I dont know what it is" after taste in my mouth every time I stuff my face is awful as well. I can't wait to be able to eat and not worry. Dont worry about the due date in front page, I'll let you know when I deliver in Oct. haha-:lol: but I know for sure its a boy, I think.....

Jessie, I'm sorry you're going through so much in your relationship I can't imagine going through that with all these pregnancy hormones just raging to attack. I tell myself everyday, its the hormones so I can't imagine how you're dealing with this.
When you're in love, you're in love! Can't no one, anyone tell you otherwise. I must say, just make sure you are safe and the baby is safe. Know that you and your baby matters more than anything in this world. No one is worth your pain and suffering. "If its toxic get rid of it and move away from it." I mean that's basic belief in every situation.
I'm sure you guys are wonderful together and I hope that you two can find it in yourselves to forgive one another and move on from this thing we call "the past." It really shouldn't matter who and when you slept with in the past if you're trying to commit to a new relationship ( new beginnings.) I mean I hope going into this for the 3rd or 7th or 100th time I would hope that you two sat down and worked out your feelings and concerns before committing again. I always tell my husband, if you're gonna ask me a thing or two about my past know it in you heart that you can "TAKE" whatever I respond responsibly if you know you can not, please dont ask me and I plead the 5th.

So to answer your question after reading what you've been going through. I've always felt that I shouldn't have to "prove" to anyone that i'm worthy of their time or love. It is way too time and energy consuming. I would tell him every thing he wants to know because it is his baby. Let him know what he wants to know. Again, this is me.... I'd let him go, if he chooses to walk away after knowing the truth. Life is too short for him to be contemplating if Im worth it. You'll know if he's a good person or not once your baby is here. If he turns out to be the best then let him be "the one that got away," at least he's the exact example you want your child to be. If he should turn out to be the worst of the worst then at least you got rid of him, :hi: Felicia!!
Shorty, I'm in the same boat. GD is a pain and this Metal(??) chemical(??) "I dont know what it is" after taste in my mouth every time I stuff my face is awful as well. I can't wait to be able to eat and not worry. Dont worry about the due date in front page, I'll let you know when I deliver in Oct. haha-:lol: but I know for sure its a boy, I think.....

Jessie, I'm sorry you're going through so much in your relationship I can't imagine going through that with all these pregnancy hormones just raging to attack. I tell myself everyday, its the hormones so I can't imagine how you're dealing with this.
When you're in love, you're in love! Can't no one, anyone tell you otherwise. I must say, just make sure you are safe and the baby is safe. Know that you and your baby matters more than anything in this world. No one is worth your pain and suffering. "If its toxic get rid of it and move away from it." I mean that's basic belief in every situation.
I'm sure you guys are wonderful together and I hope that you two can find it in yourselves to forgive one another and move on from this thing we call "the past." It really shouldn't matter who and when you slept with in the past if you're trying to commit to a new relationship ( new beginnings.) I mean I hope going into this for the 3rd or 7th or 100th time I would hope that you two sat down and worked out your feelings and concerns before committing again. I always tell my husband, if you're gonna ask me a thing or two about my past know it in you heart that you can "TAKE" whatever I respond responsibly if you know you can not, please dont ask me and I plead the 5th.

So to answer your question after reading what you've been going through. I've always felt that I shouldn't have to "prove" to anyone that i'm worthy of their time or love. It is way too time and energy consuming. I would tell him every thing he wants to know because it is his baby. Let him know what he wants to know. Again, this is me.... I'd let him go, if he chooses to walk away after knowing the truth. Life is too short for him to be contemplating if Im worth it. You'll know if he's a good person or not once your baby is here. If he turns out to be the best then let him be "the one that got away," at least he's the exact example you want your child to be. If he should turn out to be the worst of the worst then at least you got rid of him, :hi: Felicia!!
Thank you. It’s just so hard! I know myself I’m best letting him walk away. It’s just heartbreaking that I know it’ll be the last time because I promised myself if we broke up after trying this then it would be for the last time.
So I need some advice. It's kind of a long story so I will try and summarise as much as I can.

So me and OH have been fighting quite a bit, well no I'll rephrase that, he keeps fighting with me over things that I did while I was single in January. I slept with OH (the day baby was conceived) 24th jan and freaked out so I text this boy (that i slept with in december) on the same night asking him if he wanted to basically have a casual relationship. That never happened and I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks later. I got back with my OH when i was about 9 weeks pregnant. My OH has hurt me numerous times over the last 6 years we were together (off and on a few times due to him ending it) so sleeping with him brought those feelings right back. So OH seen my messages to him going through my phone in March and flipped out.

The reason me and OH broke up was he kissed another girl at the beginning of December and broke my heart. He told me the day after but then dated her for about 4 weeks which is why I then gave this other boy a chance as he had confessed to liking me. Me and this other boy only slept together once on the 23rd December and that was the only time we saw eachother outside of work (bad idea I know).

Now OH brings me texting that boy on the same night baby was conceived up constantly saying I betrayed him and he's so hurt by it. He also brings up this time in May last year when i had been single for 6 months and I slept with 4 boys within about 2-3 weeks (one I didn't consent to but never went to the police about. I was drunk, knew I had no leg to stand on basically). 3 of those were one time things I used condoms with them all and felt awful after. OH had been playing with my emotions a lot last year we were broke up from November 2017 to August 2018 then lasted 4 months before he cheated. We constantly saw eachother and at the time he was also sleeping with other people but denied it. I never admit about those times in May because my OH constantly told me if i went near another boy he would never go near me again.

Now last night he got angry, said he was done with our relationship because i wouldn't go through the same conversation about my 'terrible' past again when he brings it up every single week and it's draining. This is the only thing we (he) argue about. Today I've just found out that on our week break in November 2017 he slept with another girl who he had confessed to sleeping with just in January but he slept with her the day after we went on a break. We agreed the break was to work on our relationship and definitely not see other people. Now I just feel him attacking me about my past is completely hypocritical and honestly dont know what to do anymore. I feel for the last 3 month's it's been me fighting for this, we even started counselling and because he hadn't had chance to bring up all the 'bad thing's' I did while SINGLE he said he's not going back. It was the first counselling session and obviously our counsellor needed to build up a background of our relationship. It just annoys me that he's the one who was never faithful to me clearly however he tries to turn it all on me.

Now I know you are all probably thinking im insane even wanting to be with him but I just wanted him to get over my past so we could be happy because on our good days we are absolutely amazing. He's been in my life for the last 8 years and I just dont want to have to coparent. I want the happy family I always wanted with him. What would any of you advise :|:|

So first off, I’ll say this. You love each other which is why you’re still going back to each other all of the time. When you love someone it doesn’t matter what others say, until you’ve had enough you’ll stay in it for the long haul. I’ve watched my mom go through this for 15 years and it was a domestic violence situation and even me her own child begged her to leave, I stopped having a relationship with her, everything. It didn’t matter as awful as that sounds. She chose him over her family. It had to be on her time when she finally had enough to leave and she finally did.
Second, clearly y’all both have made mistakes. He did, you did, everyone did. If y’all are going to be together it needs to be from this point forward. No more going back to the past. No more bringing up the past. Deciding to be together means forgiving each other no matter what. And forgiving means leaving it there is the past because it cannot he changed. What’s done is done. Y’all are both sorry for it. So I say if he cannot do this and stop bringing it up then it’s never going to change and he could very well still be doing some of these things and having guilty conscience and fighting with you and blaming your past. Not saying he is, but it’s very common.
I know you want a happy family together, but sometimes being happy means being apart. Just really think about you and your child and FOREVER. Don’t suffer through it because one day the baby you are growing now will be grown and moved out and then it’s just you and him again.

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