Shorty, I'm in the same boat. GD is a pain and this Metal(??) chemical(??) "I dont know what it is" after taste in my mouth every time I stuff my face is awful as well. I can't wait to be able to eat and not worry. Dont worry about the due date in front page, I'll let you know when I deliver in Oct. haha-

but I know for sure its a boy, I think.....
Jessie, I'm sorry you're going through so much in your relationship I can't imagine going through that with all these pregnancy hormones just raging to attack. I tell myself everyday, its the hormones so I can't imagine how you're dealing with this.
When you're in love, you're in love! Can't no one, anyone tell you otherwise. I must say, just make sure you are safe and the baby is safe. Know that you and your baby matters more than anything in this world. No one is worth your pain and suffering. "If its toxic get rid of it and move away from it." I mean that's basic belief in every situation.
I'm sure you guys are wonderful together and I hope that you two can find it in yourselves to forgive one another and move on from this thing we call "the past." It really shouldn't matter who and when you slept with in the past if you're trying to commit to a new relationship ( new beginnings.) I mean I hope going into this for the 3rd or 7th or 100th time I would hope that you two sat down and worked out your feelings and concerns before committing again. I always tell my husband, if you're gonna ask me a thing or two about my past know it in you heart that you can "TAKE" whatever I respond responsibly if you know you can not, please dont ask me and I plead the 5th.
So to answer your question after reading what you've been going through. I've always felt that I shouldn't have to "prove" to anyone that i'm worthy of their time or love. It is way too time and energy consuming. I would tell him every thing he wants to know because it is his baby. Let him know what he wants to know. Again, this is me.... I'd let him go, if he chooses to walk away after knowing the truth. Life is too short for him to be contemplating if Im worth it. You'll know if he's a good person or not once your baby is here. If he turns out to be the best then let him be "the one that got away," at least he's the exact example you want your child to be. If he should turn out to be the worst of the worst then at least you got rid of him,
