October bumpkins 2019

Wish me luck ladies... I'll Will be more than likely be admited tomorrow to start insulin as my bloods are slowly getting out of control...

My diet has slipped since being on holidays so I think after speaking to the specialist docs tomorrow will shock me into the right diet frame of mind.

Hoping baby is growing fine.. I feel small bump wise compared to my other 2 pregnancys so hoping baby is ok

I will update tomorrow if I can
Good luck
Hi ladies I so need to catch up on the thread.
I'm now in 3rd trimester :yipee:
So happy to finally be on the home stretch. 10 more weeks max to go eeeeeeek. Right time to catch up on the thread now.
Congrats on a boy!!

We had our 3D scan today, little man was adamant about keeping his hands in front of his face, so we only got one decent picture ha. I’ll post a pic of DS1’s picture too, I think they’re pretty similar! The clearer picture is DS1, the one w the giant placenta next to his face is this baby.

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So cute hon and yes they look so similar. So lovely
Anyone else already struggling with the final trimester. I am absolutely exhausted and the heat at the min isn't helping! So warm today in Belfast and I'm hiding inside. Also feel I can't eat much at one time but I am always hungry and when I feel hungry I feel or am physically sick :-(

Yep the heat is getting to me. I'm still finding I'm not very hungry and cant eat lots. I guess it's the uterus pushing our stomachs up and compressing them. I've been supper thirsty but not hungry.
I'm in the south west of England and it has been so hot and so humid and its horrible. Cant wait for September to come and autumn and our babies :laugh2:

Wish me luck ladies... I'll Will be more than likely be admited tomorrow to start insulin as my bloods are slowly getting out of control...

My diet has slipped since being on holidays so I think after speaking to the specialist docs tomorrow will shock me into the right diet frame of mind.

Hoping baby is growing fine.. I feel small bump wise compared to my other 2 pregnancys so hoping baby is ok

I will update tomorrow if I can
Good luck hon. Ure bump looks great so I'm sure baby is growing nicely and will be just fine.
I have my GD test on Monday. I have to be at the hospital at 8:55am and fast from midnight. Gonna be like a walking zombie lol. Good luck sweety :hugs:
Wish me luck ladies... I'll Will be more than likely be admited tomorrow to start insulin as my bloods are slowly getting out of control...

My diet has slipped since being on holidays so I think after speaking to the specialist docs tomorrow will shock me into the right diet frame of mind.

Hoping baby is growing fine.. I feel small bump wise compared to my other 2 pregnancys so hoping baby is ok

I will update tomorrow if I can
goodluck Hun.
got my gtt tomorrow morning which means no eating or drinking from 10 tonight, my whole lower back just seized right up i couldnt move :( x
Cute nursery!! Can you buy a crib that converts to a toddler bed? That’s what we’re doing as DS will only be 16 months when baby is born and is NOT ready for a big bed.

It does convert, but we prefer to go straight to a big bed. My DD did awful with a toddler bed and he would be even worse with it
anyone shop amazon prime day? or any of the other retailers sales?

Got lots of goodies over here! Especially for baby!

Some things we got for baby:
-rocker for the room
-crib mattress
-several breast feeding things like storage bags, a small manual pump to keep in the diaper bag for emergencies, lotion for the nipples, gel pads for pain, breast pads, ect
-sound soother
-toys for christmas

Things we got for the other kids and us:
-a couple of the echo dots (great gifts for gift exchanges!)
-bluetooth speaker for our golf cart
- a kids fire tablet for DS (he is still kind of young, but this is the same age we got one for DD and within the year she was using it and learning so much from it)
-an electric handheld drink mixer!
-a cricut press for my cricut machine
-thermacell (we have bad mosquitoes around here and a thermacell is a repellant that you dont have to spray on your or anything and keeps them several feet from you, almost like the candles but works MUCH better!)
- several toys
-trampoline for Christmas for the kids
-several outfits and some shoes for the kids
-some work boots for the men in the family!

We are huge givers come Christmas time. We absolutely love it and it is what fills our hearts, so we save through out the year and shop all the deals! I am LOVING that the last few years amazon and other retailers are doing a black friday in July sale! It helps so much when it comes to thinking of what to get for people. Most of who we buy for can be difficult people to get gifts for! Like the ones that have like everything, so I love having more time than just black friday to grab stuff!

Also, with the purchase of the chair and mattress baby's nursery will be finished (minus the painting of the wood wall still!)
anyone shop amazon prime day? or any of the other retailers sales?

Got lots of goodies over here! Especially for baby!

Some things we got for baby:
-rocker for the room
-crib mattress
-several breast feeding things like storage bags, a small manual pump to keep in the diaper bag for emergencies, lotion for the nipples, gel pads for pain, breast pads, ect
-sound soother
-toys for christmas

Things we got for the other kids and us:
-a couple of the echo dots (great gifts for gift exchanges!)
-bluetooth speaker for our golf cart
- a kids fire tablet for DS (he is still kind of young, but this is the same age we got one for DD and within the year she was using it and learning so much from it)
-an electric handheld drink mixer!
-a cricut press for my cricut machine
-thermacell (we have bad mosquitoes around here and a thermacell is a repellant that you dont have to spray on your or anything and keeps them several feet from you, almost like the candles but works MUCH better!)
- several toys
-trampoline for Christmas for the kids
-several outfits and some shoes for the kids
-some work boots for the men in the family!

We are huge givers come Christmas time. We absolutely love it and it is what fills our hearts, so we save through out the year and shop all the deals! I am LOVING that the last few years amazon and other retailers are doing a black friday in July sale! It helps so much when it comes to thinking of what to get for people. Most of who we buy for can be difficult people to get gifts for! Like the ones that have like everything, so I love having more time than just black friday to grab stuff!

Also, with the purchase of the chair and mattress baby's nursery will be finished (minus the painting of the wood wall still!)
Adopt me, please. Lol
I told myself "NO, you dont need anything while Amazon is having their "prime days." " I've been lurking, but I haven't bought anything nor have i put anything in my cart so bravo to me. The only thing we've manage to put together this weekend is my baby's dresser from IKEA and awhile back we put his closet together. Which I am regretting that I should of painted the walls first, but at the time i didnt want to deal with my husband's attitude about me doing DIY= DO IT YOGI (YOGI is his nick name the family gave.) Ugh, I should of just paint it from the get go. The previous owner had that particular room closet painted a hunter green. I've been meaning to paint it, but it was our office room for the longest time so i was like, "ah I'm lazy, its alright." Hehe
A few photos to share, for some reason the frame I have of my husband and self above the dresser wont come off the wall. I know I used command strips to hang it, but dang it let me tell you its as if i glued it to the wall. I'm afraid to keep tugging at it the glass might break in my face. So I couldn't hang what I wanted to. At least I know it wont fall on my kid when in use. I was thinking about using it as the changing station???

I still have my makeup station in this room. I need it out, but I'm (we) so lazy!!!

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Hi ladies. Just did a quick skim of the last few pages, but I think I'm fairly up to date now.
Re: birth experiences. I've only given birth once and it was fairly tame, I guess, compared to some of your stories, but it still wasn't the birth I wanted. I wanted as few drugs as possible and definitely not pain meds. Early labour started at 5am on July 19th, water started to break at 8am, went to hospital at 4pm (only 2cm, 80% effaced), admitted at 8pm, and asked if I was strep b positive and I said no because that is what I was told by my OB weeks ago. They check my file and said that it said I was positive, so I get the stupid drip. Walk around a bit, try to get comfortable in the hospital bed, but it feels really hard on my hips when I lay on my side. Try the tub, but I can't put my left hand under water cuz of the IV and the water is way too warm. I finally bitched out at around midnight and got the epi before they TOLD me I was getting pitocin. Not asked, told. I had my mom, my SO, and a friend there, all who knew I wanted to be talked out of an epi, but didn't say a damn thing. When I got all the meds, I was at 4cm. 6cm at 2am, 10cm at 4am, but they let me sleep some more til 6-ish and then pushed for an hour and a half and had my son at 7:54am. I had 2nd degree tearing and definitely felt the last 3 stitches going in. I cut myself some slack at the time, but I fuckin' hate myself now. I'll never get that experience back and I'll just be another woman that couldn't handle it the first time around and had to give up and failed at achieving my goal. This is why I'm got a midwife this time and I'm planning on a home birth. I can't be trusted in a building from of drugs and medical staff that don't give a shit about your wishes.
I hope that all of you ladies get the deliveries you want, or as close to it as possible though.

Jessie - Your whole situation sounds like a mess, but I'm glad you 2 are getting some counselling now. FX everything works out well.

Demotivated - Congrats on your boy.

Shorty - Good luck.

Re: getting the nursery ready. SO and I are in the early process of getting our own place. Right now, I technically still live at home, but my son and I spend the majority of our time at SO's one bedroom condo. We haven't even met with a mortgage broker yet (cuz SO hasn't compiled all his paperwork yet), so I'm really not holding my breath that we'll find a place before the baby comes. And I don't wanna be giving birth in a living room, surrounded by unpacked moving boxes. So, I'm just twiddling my thumbs til we find something.
In other news, my son has had these tiny spots all over his torso for a day or so now. We took him to the Dr's and she said it was either a viral rash or the tail end of parvovirus/fifth's disease/slapped face something or other. She said I should be careful around him cuz I'm pg and couldn't find anything in my file to say if I was immune to it, so she gave me a req for bloodwork and I'll be doing it this afternoon. I noticed some spots on my chest and was feeling kind of achy and tired on Monday, but I seem to be alright now. I also did my GTT on Monday, so FX that no news is good news. Gotta wait another 4 weeks til my next MW appt and then it's biweekly appts after that. Feeling lots of kicks, even as I type this and we have our 4D scan in one month. Oh, and my son's 2nd BDay (and party) is this Saturday. Stress, stress, stress. -.-
they took 12 bottles of blood in total today, cos they asked me if i would take part in a new research thing x
they took 12 bottles of blood in total today, cos they asked me if i would take part in a new research thing x

Did you feel sick after? They took a ton of blood from me during my first prenatal workup back in February, I felt so sick I thought I was going to pass out!

Actually, speaking of that haha. Does anyone know if you can deny certain blood tests? In case we ever have a 3rd baby, I don’t want all that prenatal work done again. Some of it I understand getting every time, like my RH antibody levels as I’m RH-. But they test for a bunch of STD’s - DH and I have only been with each other so it’s really a pointless test. I get why they want to do them but now that I’ve been tested in each pregnancy I don’t see why it would be necessary to run it again. Anyway it’s just something I’ve thought about because they take SO much blood for all these tests, I feel awful after and it’s really not necessary. I’m in Canada btw
Did you feel sick after? They took a ton of blood from me during my first prenatal workup back in February, I felt so sick I thought I was going to pass out!

Actually, speaking of that haha. Does anyone know if you can deny certain blood tests? In case we ever have a 3rd baby, I don’t want all that prenatal work done again. Some of it I understand getting every time, like my RH antibody levels as I’m RH-. But they test for a bunch of STD’s - DH and I have only been with each other so it’s really a pointless test. I get why they want to do them but now that I’ve been tested in each pregnancy I don’t see why it would be necessary to run it again. Anyway it’s just something I’ve thought about because they take SO much blood for all these tests, I feel awful after and it’s really not necessary. I’m in Canada btw
it did make me abit queezy as i hadnt eaten since 4.30pm last night and hadnt had a drink since 7pm! x
the hospital said they would ring pretty much straight away if anything is picked up on the gtt, i had a missed call from a private number at 5.30 x
A few photos to share, for some reason the frame I have of my husband and self above the dresser wont come off the wall. I know I used command strips to hang it, but dang it let me tell you its as if i glued it to the wall. I'm afraid to keep tugging at it the glass might break in my face. So I couldn't hang what I wanted to. At least I know it wont fall on my kid when in use. I was thinking about using it as the changing station???

I still have my makeup station in this room. I need it out, but I'm (we) so lazy!!!

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Love the dresser and we’re using ours as the changing area too! Changing pad will be on the dresser
i spoke to the hospital, i failed my gtt :( she said i have diabetes and i have gotta speak to the diabetic nurse today for the plan of action x
Love the dresser and we’re using ours as the changing area too! Changing pad will be on the dresser
Yes, we are thinking to do the same. I do love the dresser as well.

i spoke to the hospital, i failed my gtt :( she said i have diabetes and i have gotta speak to the diabetic nurse today for the plan of action x
Awe, it's ok I have it too, but i was diagnosed at 8weeks. So yes i have been battling with it since. I have a nurse call me every Wednesday to check and get all my numbers for the week. It'lll be ok we just have to watch what we eat, I'm Asian and we love RICE with EVERYTHING. I had to cut rice out of my life since I failed my glucose at 8weeks. Not going to lie a few times I tested my luck and seriously... it (rice) really is poison to my body right now. To healthy foods! Cheers!
thank u for that :) thats helped me alot, do u no if they are gonna offer u growth scans? i will be honest im scared of having a big baby, all my other 3 was 6ibers x

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