i feel you on the stress of life! My normal 3rd trimester symptoms are kicking in which include just being uncomfortable and some swelling in the feet off and on. This normally is just one of those "it is what it is" and "i'll be alright" things but its super hot here too and we actually HAVE to have AC in our homes where I live because its so hot, but its like an overwhelming hot and unfortunately its not just because i'm pregnant, everyone is feeling it! Being pregnant just makes it worse and this is my first every pregnancy in the heat so i'm not doing well with it.
So on top of being uncomfortable, I'm also hot all the time which means my patience is super low and that isn't good for my poor toddlers and i'm trying to keep myself together because I know they're just being kids, but my 4 year old DD is at that stage of independent/teenager and lordyy she is killing me. I swear I thought we were finally seeing the light a few months ago and getting passed the terrible 3's but nope.. here we are! I am also tired and just exhausted from working and the kids and the heat and being so dang large!
Then there is life! DD is starting school which has me all in my emotions in itself, plus she has a school supply list (she is only going to be going 2 days a week since she is only 4) and i'm not complaining by any means because I don't mind contributing, but its quite the list and we're trying to budget before this baby comes! Plus the heat means my AC unit NEVER turns off so my electric bill is RIDICULOUSLY high the past 2 months and will continue for at least 2 more months. It doesn't cool off around here until about October

so there is another added expense, plus some medical bills from when DD cut her head and had to have it looked at by the doctor, plus some other bill that was just sent to us from 2016!!! Our house needs some new windows to try to help make it more energy efficient and did I mention we have a baby coming in less than 75 days!!! All I am seeing is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ everywhere!
I know it's just life and it will pass and I am so fortunate and grateful for carrying this baby, having a healthy and super easy pregnancy, two healthy toddlers and husband and a hard working and hands on with the kids husband at that, having AC and a home and money to be able to do these things, but man I feel like it's all coming at me at once!
Ok, my rant is over. My complaining is over. My poor poor pitiful me moment is over. I feel better and I'm just going to take the bull by the horns, put my big girl panties on and deal with it like an adult!
I do hope you ladies that are having some medical issues start to feel better soon! We're getting there! Super close

we can do this! We were made to do this!