October bumpkins 2019

So back in hospital I was having very bad palpitations and dizyness and blurred vision so they kept me in to observe me.. I was sent for a scan and I was telling the sonagrammer how I had no profile pic of the baby so she turned on 3d/4d for me and printed out pics for me for free.. I nearly cried.. this is the first time this pregnancy where I got to see this baby's face and it is so like my two daughters.. I'm so in love and it has given me the fight I needed to get through these last couple of weeks with my diet and insulin

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It has real chubby cheeks.. baby's belly is no longer ahead and it weighs 2lbs 14 oz :cloud9:
Keep up the good work, mama. You are doing just fine, you can do it. Your baby is, tooo cute!!<3
yes, me. it hurts a lot.. my doc said its nothing unusual and uterus is expanding.. but it is painful!

It is really uncomfortable. I've tried a few different things to help. And stuffing a pillow under the bump does help a bit but I still wake up all through the night in pain.
So back in hospital I was having very bad palpitations and dizyness and blurred vision so they kept me in to observe me.. I was sent for a scan and I was telling the sonagrammer how I had no profile pic of the baby so she turned on 3d/4d for me and printed out pics for me for free.. I nearly cried.. this is the first time this pregnancy where I got to see this baby's face and it is so like my two daughters.. I'm so in love and it has given me the fight I needed to get through these last couple of weeks with my diet and insulin

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It has real chubby cheeks.. baby's belly is no longer ahead and it weighs 2lbs 14 oz :cloud9:

Omg just look at those cheeks. So adorable hon.
I'm so sorry u have been feeling so rotten and hope u feel better soon. I expect the heat isn't helping either. Its blooming roasting here.
Just rest sweetheart and take it easy. :hug:
Hello hello hello.

I had my glucose intolerance test done this morning.
I'm almost certain that the last time I had this test with DD I only had to drink a small cup of the glucose drink, but this time it was like a pint of it. Made me feel quite sick to be honest.
Was up the hospital for about 2 and a half hours in total and was told if I dont get a phone call from them by this evening then I'm all clear.
Its 6:15 PM now and no phone calls yet.
So fingers crossed that's a good sign.

I mentioned to them about my headaches and they said to keep an eye on them. They didnt check my pee or do my blood presure but I see midwife on Wednesday so will have all that done then.

They also did my bile acid levels and liver function bloods today as well.
28 weeks today so officially 100% in 3rd trimester yay:wohoo:

Took a bump shot in the hospital toilet
@Shorty88 how gorgeous is baby!!

@Suggerhoney Fab bump! I would say you haven't got gd if no phone call by now.

I've being up to dau today, have had a headache since yesterday and being sick a couple of times, bp was averaging out at 165/90 no protein thankfully but the Dr said it's only a matter of time as I've had it twice so far, so I'm being checked twice a week now and hopefully it doesn't go any higher or will be on medication though I wish they would put me on some now tbh x
@Shorty88 how gorgeous is baby!!

@Suggerhoney Fab bump! I would say you haven't got gd if no phone call by now.

I've being up to dau today, have had a headache since yesterday and being sick a couple of times, bp was averaging out at 165/90 no protein thankfully but the Dr said it's only a matter of time as I've had it twice so far, so I'm being checked twice a week now and hopefully it doesn't go any higher or will be on medication though I wish they would put me on some now tbh x

Oh hon bless ya. I've been struggling with the headaches as well. I will my BP and urine checked on Monday and I'm so scared. Pre eclampsia is no joke. I'm glad they are keeping an eye on u hon. Pre eclampsia started at 30 weeks with DD so getting a little edgey now.
I no cholestasis and pre eclampsia can go hand in hand but I'm really hoping this time I do not get pre eclampsia. Its highly likely tho so I'm gonna prepare myself just incase.
9:31pm now and no phone call so I guess that means I do not have gestational diabetes.
Surly I wud of heard something by now and I think the day assessment pregnancy unit shuts at 8:30pm.
Good stuff Sugger.. u have so much going on already. Good to have managed to steer away from GD..

AFM, 59 days to go fr 37 weeks.. that's less than 2 months.. growth scans stsrt from 9th Aug and will hsve them every 2 weeks, given my diagnosis. Feel like I am at home stretch but also feeling nervous for the baby . Hope all goes well .

Bump shot from yesterday.n I realised I was much smaller than this with my DS

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i went hospital today, got my blood machine etc, gotta test 4 times a day, the only thing thats gonna ba hard for me is no sugary fizzy drinks! x
Good stuff Sugger.. u have so much going on already. Good to have managed to steer away from GD..

AFM, 59 days to go fr 37 weeks.. that's less than 2 months.. growth scans stsrt from 9th Aug and will hsve them every 2 weeks, given my diagnosis. Feel like I am at home stretch but also feeling nervous for the baby . Hope all goes well .

Bump shot from yesterday.n I realised I was much smaller than this with my DS

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U look great hon. I have my next growth scan on 6th aug. Glad there looking after you. It's so scary being diognosed with a serious illness In pregnancy.
i went hospital today, got my blood machine etc, gotta test 4 times a day, the only thing thats gonna ba hard for me is no sugary fizzy drinks! x

Oh hon u poor thing what a nightmare.

Oh my gosh ladies it is absolutely boiling hot here today I literally do not know what to do with myself. I've been feeling so sick again today and faint but I'm drinking plenty of water.
I have all my windows wide open and the curtains shut (to stop the heat getting in) also I have 2 fans on full power but I'm still sat here sweating my arse off.
It's up in the 90s here in south England.
I can not bare it.
Its gonna be like this for the next 2 days as well. Last night I cudnt sleep because of the heat.
Its horrible.

I passed my GTT test so that was a relief. I really didnt want something else added on to what I allergy have. Just got to hope the pre eclampsia dont start.
Fingere crossed my urine and BP are normol tommorow.

Had a bit of a cry today ahe feel so stupid. I just feel like the birth is so so close now and my anxiety is straring to creep up again.
I'm so so scared the same thing that happened last time will happen again.
I'm scared about the pain and I'm scared about hemorrhaging and I'm scared about the placenta coming away in bits again and having to have it manually removed again.

Having some family problems as well so really feeling all over the place.
Was having pains that kept coming and going but was all in my back and was so scared.

I took my codeine medication and thankfully the pain went away and I've been fine today.
I really think all the stress is starting to take its toll.
i feel you on the stress of life! My normal 3rd trimester symptoms are kicking in which include just being uncomfortable and some swelling in the feet off and on. This normally is just one of those "it is what it is" and "i'll be alright" things but its super hot here too and we actually HAVE to have AC in our homes where I live because its so hot, but its like an overwhelming hot and unfortunately its not just because i'm pregnant, everyone is feeling it! Being pregnant just makes it worse and this is my first every pregnancy in the heat so i'm not doing well with it.

So on top of being uncomfortable, I'm also hot all the time which means my patience is super low and that isn't good for my poor toddlers and i'm trying to keep myself together because I know they're just being kids, but my 4 year old DD is at that stage of independent/teenager and lordyy she is killing me. I swear I thought we were finally seeing the light a few months ago and getting passed the terrible 3's but nope.. here we are! I am also tired and just exhausted from working and the kids and the heat and being so dang large!

Then there is life! DD is starting school which has me all in my emotions in itself, plus she has a school supply list (she is only going to be going 2 days a week since she is only 4) and i'm not complaining by any means because I don't mind contributing, but its quite the list and we're trying to budget before this baby comes! Plus the heat means my AC unit NEVER turns off so my electric bill is RIDICULOUSLY high the past 2 months and will continue for at least 2 more months. It doesn't cool off around here until about October :( so there is another added expense, plus some medical bills from when DD cut her head and had to have it looked at by the doctor, plus some other bill that was just sent to us from 2016!!! Our house needs some new windows to try to help make it more energy efficient and did I mention we have a baby coming in less than 75 days!!! All I am seeing is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ everywhere!

I know it's just life and it will pass and I am so fortunate and grateful for carrying this baby, having a healthy and super easy pregnancy, two healthy toddlers and husband and a hard working and hands on with the kids husband at that, having AC and a home and money to be able to do these things, but man I feel like it's all coming at me at once!

Ok, my rant is over. My complaining is over. My poor poor pitiful me moment is over. I feel better and I'm just going to take the bull by the horns, put my big girl panties on and deal with it like an adult!

I do hope you ladies that are having some medical issues start to feel better soon! We're getting there! Super close <3 we can do this! We were made to do this!
i feel you on the stress of life! My normal 3rd trimester symptoms are kicking in which include just being uncomfortable and some swelling in the feet off and on. This normally is just one of those "it is what it is" and "i'll be alright" things but its super hot here too and we actually HAVE to have AC in our homes where I live because its so hot, but its like an overwhelming hot and unfortunately its not just because i'm pregnant, everyone is feeling it! Being pregnant just makes it worse and this is my first every pregnancy in the heat so i'm not doing well with it.

So on top of being uncomfortable, I'm also hot all the time which means my patience is super low and that isn't good for my poor toddlers and i'm trying to keep myself together because I know they're just being kids, but my 4 year old DD is at that stage of independent/teenager and lordyy she is killing me. I swear I thought we were finally seeing the light a few months ago and getting passed the terrible 3's but nope.. here we are! I am also tired and just exhausted from working and the kids and the heat and being so dang large!

Then there is life! DD is starting school which has me all in my emotions in itself, plus she has a school supply list (she is only going to be going 2 days a week since she is only 4) and i'm not complaining by any means because I don't mind contributing, but its quite the list and we're trying to budget before this baby comes! Plus the heat means my AC unit NEVER turns off so my electric bill is RIDICULOUSLY high the past 2 months and will continue for at least 2 more months. It doesn't cool off around here until about October :( so there is another added expense, plus some medical bills from when DD cut her head and had to have it looked at by the doctor, plus some other bill that was just sent to us from 2016!!! Our house needs some new windows to try to help make it more energy efficient and did I mention we have a baby coming in less than 75 days!!! All I am seeing is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ everywhere!

I know it's just life and it will pass and I am so fortunate and grateful for carrying this baby, having a healthy and super easy pregnancy, two healthy toddlers and husband and a hard working and hands on with the kids husband at that, having AC and a home and money to be able to do these things, but man I feel like it's all coming at me at once!

Ok, my rant is over. My complaining is over. My poor poor pitiful me moment is over. I feel better and I'm just going to take the bull by the horns, put my big girl panties on and deal with it like an adult!

I do hope you ladies that are having some medical issues start to feel better soon! We're getting there! Super close <3 we can do this! We were made to do this!

Rant away hon that's what we are all here for to give each other support.
It's so crap when everything comes at you at once. I'm worrying about money to and the things u have to get kids for school now is just ridiculous and costs so much so I'm totally feeling ya hon.

Its prob way hotter there than it is here. It's been 92f today and will be for the next few days.
It's so weird because last summer we had a 3 month heatwave and this summer seems to be doing the same but at least this summer we only get the supper hot hot weather for a few days and then it just goes back to hot weather which is still not nice but a bit more bearable than this.
I'm like this is england it's not supposed to be this hot haha:rofl::brat:

I'm not a big fan of supper hot weather when I'm not pregnant and being pregnant is definitely much harder.

These fans feel like there just moving the hot air around and dont seem to be helping much.

Luckily it's only for a few days and then it will back down in the low 80s. I can deal with that.
Our shops have air conditioning so If i go into a supper market it's pure bliss. Ans our cars have air con but not our homes.
I bet it costs so much to run hon. The cost of living over here is really expensive. Everything just keeps going up and up its ridiculous.

Keep an eye on that swelling hon. I'm getting a little swelling but not to much I think it's just because of the heat.

I'll go outside and do a little rain dance and send some ure way haha:rain:

Rant away when ever hon. It's ok ure aloud and it's good to get it off ure chest.
I put this up in 3rd trimester thread but gonna do it here to. Hope it makes u all smile and laugh.

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hey, girls! Sorry I've been AWOL, I've tried to catch up when I could but life is super busy!!
But, it's the last couple of days of school for the kids then the holidays start.
We had a 4d scan yesterday and this kid is proper awkward! We knew having an anterior placenta would have made it more difficult to get good pictures, but the little horror spent the whole time sat with his bum in my pelvis, his hands and feet around his head, and his face leaning back so he was staring at my ribs! The poor scan lady tried everything to get him moving but he is stubborn, so she had to dig in hard under my ribs to try and see his face. We got a couple of pictures though and he definitely looks like our youngest boy the most!

My first growth scan is next Wednesday and I am hoping for good news. After my bump growth spurt a few weeks ago, I dont really seem to have got much bigger, but I'm hoping it is just his weird positioning or something. Ill add a picture of my bump at 20 weeks, and then again at 27 on the next post because it won't let me put it here!!
I have arranged my mat leave to start on Sept 27th, and I have holidays to take before then, so fingers crossed, I finish work on Sept 2nd and I cannot wait! I work in an office environment and its getting difficult to get comfy sitting down, and I do longer days so the 10 hr shifts are starting to drag!
Those who work, when are you going on mat leave?
Your so neat @doddy0402.. gorgeous 4d scan xx

My maternity leave starts 2nd September but I have enough holidays built up to finish up on 1st of Aug.. I might add I am currently off work (2 years) I'm a career for my DD but kept my job as they pay maternity leave lol

Bump pic 29 weeks 3 days Screenshot_20190724-165659_Gallery.jpg
I'm not an expert at all, but I think the flatter the forehead,the more likely it's a girl, so I would guess girl from that picture...I think!x
Anyone good with skull theory?? View attachment 1065080

Looks girl from what little I know about it haha

Doddy you’re so little! Beautiful bump :)

I had my midwife appointment today and I told her about my OB consult - she’s going to refer me to a different OB in London (about an hour from us) to see if I can’t get a 2nd opinion. My midwife agrees I should see if I can have it scheduled for 38 weeks, this other doc booked it at 39+4. So I’m hoping I can get in to see this doctor and hear what he has to say. I wish it wasn’t all up in the air, especially as we get closer and closer to October. But I’m really thankful to have a supportive midwife who takes the time to listen to me and help me to make a good birth choice this time.

Down to appointments every 2 weeks, crazy!

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