October bumpkins 2019

i have gotta go back to the hospital on tuesday to figure out the best way to control the diabetes x
thank u for that :) thats helped me alot, do u no if they are gonna offer u growth scans? i will be honest im scared of having a big baby, all my other 3 was 6ibers x
When I last saw my OB she didn't mentioned anything about "growth scan," but scared me about having a big baby. Because of my age and being a first time mom she told me an 8lb baby and up she would consider c-section and will only let me deliver if is 8lb and below. I was LIKE OMG!!! I think I mentioned it before where she then went to go look for my baby's hb and couldn't find it so she wheeled in the ultrasound to check if he was ok. I knew he was ok because right before she went for his hb he was just kicking up a storm. Sure enough he was, but hidden way down in my pelvic and transverse. (I really think she wanted also to check to see if my baby was big, because once the monitor came on the first thing she was check for his hb and then measured him. She then said, " oh yes, so he still very small right now, but watch what you eat cause in a few weeks he will be gaining a pound a week.")
i have gotta go back to the hospital on tuesday to figure out the best way to control the diabetes x

Im sure they'lll have you monitor your fasting esp, and if its high they'll give you some kind of meds for it. Im fine during the day, but its my fasting. Im from the U.S so Im not sure how they measure your fasting but mines can't be over 90 for fasting which is overnight after having a snack before bedtime. I got some above 90's for a few weeks so they had me on Glyburide the lowest dose of 2.5mg. It wasn't helping or should I say it HELPED too much and it would take my glucose down too low where I would wake up in a cold sweat, shaking and not being able to catch my breath. It happen 2 times like that so they change the does to 1.5mg, but still with that it was taking me way too low. Anything under 70 is too low, you have to wake up in the middle or should i say early morning to snack on something and wait 15mins to check bloodsugar again. If it goes up you're good to go back to sleep, if not snack some more and check again. It was getting to the point where it was effecting my work because I work 7am-4pm mon-friday. I would be so tired from being up all night freaking out about my life that I wouldn't be able to go to work. So eventually my OB said, " fine go off the meds. we will check again at 28weeks. UGH, dreading it cause i think i'm going to have to drink that sweet orange glucose drink again. AHH my life! lol

you'll be fine, just watch what you eat and try to follow their guidelines of dieting. Im terrify of having a big baby, too. I tell my son to grow steady no rushing. lol
thank u for that info, much appreciated, i got a letter from the nurse looks like tuesday is gonna be a group session to discuss diet and how to monitor bloods ( which i already knew as my mum, brother, grandad and nan all have/had it) also i have low iron which i suspected x
Hey ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA but have been reading all posts.

So I have started insulin it's not too bad.. only problem I have now is it is working too well lol I'm having alot of low blood sugars.. so just trying to find the balance..

I had a scan and baby's belly is measuring a week ahead. Nothing to be concerned about now I'll be having a proper growth scan soon.

C section has been brought forward to between the week 37-38 so from 15th of September onwards. 9 weeks..

ladies I can't believe I'm in single digits of having my rainbow.. I'm so excited
all the best ladies struggling with GD.. I haven't experienced it though but pretty sure you all will sail through :)

We have a problem of the opposite kind. Just like my last pregnancy, this time too i have high resistance in uterine arteries.. Basically, my blood is thick and flow to placenta meets with resistance (do not have any BP related issues).. This leads to sub optimal nutrient flow and amniotic fluid.. There is no solution to it, but just to keep one hydrated, have baby aspirin, protein rich diet and continuous monitoring. My DS born at 38+4 weeks was a 6lb baby and doc expects a similar pattern with this one too :(
thankfully, this condition only impacts the birth weight and abdominal circumference of child.. so we can catch up with better nourishment, when he is out hopefully.
(My DS is a chubby child now :| )

The only risk is making it till term with growth. If he stops growing at any point of time, it will be time to get him out..so fingers crossed till 37weeks!
all the best ladies struggling with GD.. I haven't experienced it though but pretty sure you all will sail through :)

We have a problem of the opposite kind. Just like my last pregnancy, this time too i have high resistance in uterine arteries.. Basically, my blood is thick and flow to placenta meets with resistance (do not have any BP related issues).. This leads to sub optimal nutrient flow and amniotic fluid.. There is no solution to it, but just to keep one hydrated, have baby aspirin, protein rich diet and continuous monitoring. My DS born at 38+4 weeks was a 6lb baby and doc expects a similar pattern with this one too :(
thankfully, this condition only impacts the birth weight and abdominal circumference of child.. so we can catch up with better nourishment, when he is out hopefully.
(My DS is a chubby child now :| )

The only risk is making it till term with growth. If he stops growing at any point of time, it will be time to get him out..so fingers crossed till 37weeks!
Fingers cross for you, hun.
Hey ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA but have been reading all posts.

So I have started insulin it's not too bad.. only problem I have now is it is working too well lol I'm having alot of low blood sugars.. so just trying to find the balance..

I had a scan and baby's belly is measuring a week ahead. Nothing to be concerned about now I'll be having a proper growth scan soon.

C section has been brought forward to between the week 37-38 so from 15th of September onwards. 9 weeks..

ladies I can't believe I'm in single digits of having my rainbow.. I'm so excited
Excited for you!! I was looking at my and noticed "88" more days for me and I'm just like "oh man!" Yay for all of us
I've had my first growth scan today at 26+3 and baby is measuring good so far and is plotting on 32nd centile (DD1 was born below the 1st centile). However, they have noticed that I have a low lying placenta/placenta previa which may explain my earlier bleeding. She said they will check again on my next two growth scans and I may need an internal scan to measure from cervix to placenta but if it doesn't move out of the way then I'll need a section. Does anyone have any experience of this? I was nervous enough about a possible induction due to growth as my first baby was completely natural (not even any pain meds) so now I'm super nervous about a possible section if baby stays breech and/or placenta stays low.
Hi ladies.

Playgirl sorry about the GD hon that must be worrying. Theres a few ladies on here that have it. My biggest baby was a 9 pounder and I'm very petite and short but I didnt have GD I just went 14 days over due and I think it's the last 4 weeks they put on a lb a week.
I have my glucose intolerance test on Monday.

We finally brought the baby some baby grows and body suits today. They go up to 7lb 5 but look really long so think they wud fit a 8lb baby.
Hoping my baby wont be 8lb esp as I'm having him early so hopefully it will fit him with maybe room to grow.
If he is smaller then I told hubby he will just have to grab him the premmie stuff while I'm in hospital. Luckily the hospital supply premmie stuff while baby is in special care baby unit.

So I know I'm not aloud to go any further than 37 weeks but I have such a horrible feeling I am going to go into labour b4 that.
My Braxton hicks contractions are alot stronger when I have them now and I get the pain in my back and front.
I have them every day now but they are never regular so I know it's not the real thing. But I had this with DD at the same stage as I am now and then at 35 weeks they became more frequent. Didnt think they were doing much but when they went to induce me 3 days later I was already 2 cm dilated.

Just hope he dont show up b4 35 weeks and really hoping to get as close to 37 weeks as possible.

I also had some womon ask me how long I have left and when I told her she looked totally shocked and to my utter horror said. And I quote "you look like ure due now:

Yep thanks for that:shock:
Braxton Hicks for me are much stronger this pregnancy than my other 2! Don’t get a ton but maybe more than I did with my other 2? Not really sure.

Definitely at the point where I’m sore and everything hurts by the end of the day! My swelling in feet is kicking in! Not anything constant but by the end of the day typically and if I do t have enough to drink I’ll notice it.

Dr will be monitoring weekly me starting at 32 weeks to watch for preeclampsia, my glucose test is next week!

Cannot believe we’re all talking about deliveries!! It’s just insane!

Home stretch!
My biggest was 10lb and I'm expecting this one to be a 10lber if he carries on growing the way he is, ds2 was expected to be the same but his growth slowed completely and at 38 weeks he was only 6lb 15 when we delivered.
@Suggerhoney everyone has the same reaction when I say when I am due, I'm like I know I am big,no need to tell me I'm huge!!!

My blood pressure at consultant appointment last week was 176/95 which then ment I had to stay a while and had 15 mins obs, urine only plus 1 for protein, bloods cane back fine thankfully, and the lowest reading was 142/85 he said I will be going on bp medication sooner rather than later and watch out for the usual signs for pre eclampsia. Tbh this pregnancy has being the easiest for me and I'm hoping it carries on without any issues x
Little update on the room, wood wall painted, crib mattress in. Chair should be here Monday, changing pad and cover should be here next week too. Things are getting real!

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Wow @brittany12 looks amazing.. making me panic that i haven't started yet lol.. but how amazing we are at this stage getting ready for baby arriving
Awwwww @Demotivated love it. So cute.

Love ure beautiful nursery @brittany12

Hope all u other ladies are well.
Cant believe I'm 28 weeks wow definitely on the home stretch now and getting so excited.
Still nervous about the birth esp now it seems so close.

My Braxton hicks have been bad the last few days. I was getting alot of them on Friday to the point I thought things were about to start.
Anyone else sometimes feel like there waters are about to break at any moment?
It's like suddenly i get app this presure down there.

Thankfully I've been fine today and only had about 5 Braxton hicks contractions and theh were not painful. A little uncomfortable but not painful and not in the back like they were on friday.

I still keep getting diareah because if the cholestasis meds I'm on and I'm wondering if the diareah is irritating my uterus and that's why I get painful Braxton hicks sometimes?

I have my glucose intolerance test in a few hours. Gonna try and get some sleep in a min because I have to be up so early to get to the hospital.

I'm back up the hospital again on friday for an iron infusion. (Oh joy)

Been getting bad headaches so I'm a bit nervous about having my blood presure done tomorrow incase it's high.
Headaches were one of my first signs of pre eclampsia and then the major swelling feet and ancles. But the headaches came first so I'm a bit nervous.
Hoping my blood presure and urine are completely normol.

Cant believe we will all have our babies soon ladies. It's been such a long haul and now it feels so close.
I cant wait.

Does anyone get a achey bump. Like when ure ure sleeping on ure side do u wake up and the side ure laying on hurts??,

Still getting leg cramps and still peeing all the time. My appetite is still non existent not been feeling hungry for weeks.
I've also stayed the same weight for the past 3 weeks but my bump is huge.
I had a bath last night tho and my belly felt so squishy I cudnt even find baby. He soon started kicking tho Haha.

Also anyone else's baby wake them up kicking and punching. Swear my little man is trying to escape sometimes lol. He just goes nuts.

He keeps sticking his bum feet knees and elbows out. I push them back I again then he pushes them back out. It's like a little game we play. Haha.
So back in hospital I was having very bad palpitations and dizyness and blurred vision so they kept me in to observe me.. I was sent for a scan and I was telling the sonagrammer how I had no profile pic of the baby so she turned on 3d/4d for me and printed out pics for me for free.. I nearly cried.. this is the first time this pregnancy where I got to see this baby's face and it is so like my two daughters.. I'm so in love and it has given me the fight I needed to get through these last couple of weeks with my diet and insulin


It has real chubby cheeks.. baby's belly is no longer ahead and it weighs 2lbs 14 oz :cloud9:

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