October bumpkins 2019

Not good with skull theory but I will guess boy!

Y’all! The weather yesterday and today has been SOOOoo nice! Only in the upper 80s!!!! And low humidity! This NEVER happens down here in the south! Like I’m voluntarily sitting out on the back porch just taking in the weather! Ahhh! If it never got hotter than this I’d be totally ok with that! And when the wind blows even just a bit it’s just like “ahhh that’s so nice!”

Currently both kids are napping, I’ve gotten a good bit of work done and ate lunch so I’m just out here with my two dogs enjoying it! If I had a hammock and some better shade trees I’d be taking the best nap!
Quick update from me: Bump shot and progress. Not much else going on. I passed my glucose test and the weight gain has slowed down this month.

I hope everyone else is beating the heat and keeping cool inside these last few weeks! It's CRAZY out there!

26weeks.jpg 26weeks1.jpg
You look so great nolimit! Great idea to take the pics beside that tree - you’re getting all 3 seasons in there!

I went for my glucose test today - I felt SO sick afterwards (and during). It was just the 1 hour test, but I got super dizzy and faint feeling while I was waiting, and then my vision got all spotty until I got home and ate something. I still have a headache and it’s been like 9 hours since the test. I didn’t have to fast but since I went in the morning I hadn’t eaten yet, and I was also told yesterday at my appointment that my blood pressure is very low. So I’m sure that all contributed, but I’m really hoping that doesn’t mean I have GD. :( I didn’t feel this sick when I did it with DS1 last year.
You look so great nolimit! Great idea to take the pics beside that tree - you’re getting all 3 seasons in there!

I went for my glucose test today - I felt SO sick afterwards (and during). It was just the 1 hour test, but I got super dizzy and faint feeling while I was waiting, and then my vision got all spotty until I got home and ate something. I still have a headache and it’s been like 9 hours since the test. I didn’t have to fast but since I went in the morning I hadn’t eaten yet, and I was also told yesterday at my appointment that my blood pressure is very low. So I’m sure that all contributed, but I’m really hoping that doesn’t mean I have GD. :( I didn’t feel this sick when I did it with DS1 last year.

My sheet said I would feel gross and dizzy if I didn't eat before the drink for the test, so maybe that had something to do with you feeling so gross after it? My sheet said DO NOT FAST and to eat a light, non sugary meal about 1-2 hours before. I ended up eating some vegetable low mein at a chinese restaurant with a friend and I finished eating an hour before the test (but started two hours before). The sauce isn't completely sugar free on that dish but pretty low sugar for chinese dishes anyways. I hope you pass your test!
My sheet said I would feel gross and dizzy if I didn't eat before the drink for the test, so maybe that had something to do with you feeling so gross after it? My sheet said DO NOT FAST and to eat a light, non sugary meal about 1-2 hours before. I ended up eating some vegetable low mein at a chinese restaurant with a friend and I finished eating an hour before the test (but started two hours before). The sauce isn't completely sugar free on that dish but pretty low sugar for chinese dishes anyways. I hope you pass your test!

Ah that totally could have been it. I hate how they just say you don’t have to fast, but I feel like wouldn’t it affect the results based on whether you eat beforehand or not? Just saying you don’t have to fast is not a clear yes or no haha. But yes I definitely felt awful w the roller coaster of sugar levels!! Should have the results tomorrow, will update then!
Just did my 1 hour glucose test! Third time doing fruit punch and it wasn’t bad. Sitting here waiting another 15 minutes before they can poke me!

Go back in two weeks and I get an ultrasound! Not sure what the ultrasound is for but I’m not complaining lol!

Blood pressure and weight was good today!

So tired right now though and somehow have to go to work after this!
Got my results back, no GD which is awesome but turns out I’m very anemic which explains why I felt so awful haha. I had low RBC, hemoglobin and hemocrit. I don’t know much about it but google told me that combo means anemia. I’m sure I’ll get a call from my midwife next week to confirm. Thankful that’s all it is, will have to buy some iron supplements and switch up my diet a bit.

Hope everyone is doing ok! Been having a really hard time accessing the site lately. Must be buggy!
It's back.. haven't been able to get on at all..

Hope everyone is well..

Great news @Sander one less thing to worry about with the GD
Looking great @Nolimitxox I'm in the same boat about the name.. me and my hubby are not agreeing on a boys name at all.. I have a feeling it will be baby boy for the first few days it's born lol

We have decided on Luna for a girl
Looking great @Nolimitxox I'm in the same boat about the name.. me and my hubby are not agreeing on a boys name at all.. I have a feeling it will be baby boy for the first few days it's born lol

We have decided on Luna for a girl

Starting to empty out the what is going to be the baby's room so hoping over the next couple of weekends I will get it all done x
Looking great @Nolimitxox I'm in the same boat about the name.. me and my hubby are not agreeing on a boys name at all.. I have a feeling it will be baby boy for the first few days it's born lol

We have decided on Luna for a girl

Starting to empty out the what is going to be the baby's room so hoping over the next couple of weekends I will get it all done x
Website has been acting crazy!

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!

I woke up before anyone else in the house, sat outside in the amazing weather we have been so fortunate to get (however it’s not going to stay around) had some coffee, got to go to town alone today so got my toes painted, eye brows waxed, went to a few stores and got so many discounted goodies for the family, school supplies for DD, a few maternity shirts, groceries and treated myself to lunch alone! It was nice to not have to lug around a kid or two (minis this bump)! Only downfall was it got pretty warm again while I was out! But overall nice and much needed day to myself!
I love that picture in your bathroom!!!

Thank you! My mother in law actually painted it - since she’s retired she’s taken up painting and she’s given us so much of her artwork I’m running out of places to hang it haha. But she’s super talented!
Anyone else still struggling to get on?

Hope everyone is well

Nursery is under way.. Baby's wardrobe is sorted just need to paint it and a few wall stickers should have it complete by end of Aug
I'm having no problem today with the site, which is nice. I like stalking everyone X'D

Trigger warning perhaps?:
Anyway update here, I have been struggling mentally again. While we had always discussed a surprise baby, we never thought it would happen. I have come around to another baby, which is good, I want to be excited, but I'm more scared. Scared because with my daughter (first birth) I almost bled out. Over 2.5 liters of blood lost shortly after giving birth with her. I had been given everything they could and it wasn't seeming to work. I remember vividly what went on, I remember a nurse literally on top of me trying to get my uterus to contract. I remember starting to feel their worry (I can pick up on emotions easily). It stopped though and my hemoglobin from hours prior had gone from a 13 down to a 5.9. I should have been transfused, but since my body handled it well I wasn't. My doctor when he found out I wasn't transfused was beyond pissed. It was scary and I remember it.

With our son, second birth, I only had a very tiny hemorrhage a little while after I had him. I was able to hold him even, but his wasn't easy either. I was leaking fluid for up tot a week prior, I couldn't get in to see my normal doctor and he knows I know my body to a T and he listens to me. This new doctor, guess what, shrugged me off as the typical end of pregnancy female who just wanted to be done -_-. Later that same day my water had broken. Several hours later from that, while in the hospital I spiked a fever of over 103 F. I had an infection and they tried as long as they could to not give me anything in hopes he would be born. But they had to. He was born a few hours later then, but had to go to NICU.
I appreciate all the NICU nurses, I do, but not for my son. He was 10.5 lbs and they treated him like a 3 month old. Making him drink 3-4 oz of formula each time they fed him, on which he puked up. He's a new born he doesn't need that much right away. It was frustrating. He was there simply because he needed the antibiotics out of him. That was it. He didn't get much care there, which he didn't need, but I felt sorry for him because I couldn't be there all the time. He had a bunch of extra tests on him to see why he was puking up, but when we found out it was due to how much he was drinking and contacted his doctor (whom he didn't see yet) he was like WTF, and said his stomach is only the size of a marble don't feed him that much. Which that took care of it then but still he went through a lot of extra stuff because they where treating him like a 3 month old as that was his size. *sighs*

And then to help with that, I never bonded with him like I did our daughter. I ended up with Post patrum depression. I didn't open up on it for a long time. I kept everything to myself, my best friend (my husband) didn't see what was wrong with me, instead we just got into more arguments when we RARELY ever argued. Things where my fault, all of it was. Whether he said stuff or not, I was in a bad place mentally. I finally opened up ten months later to a friend and she realized what I had. The more i talked to her, the more I understood that this might have happened because of the antibotics, that my body didn't release the right way as it normally would have after birth as it was trying to fix me.

The more I talked with her, the more I started to open up with my husband, and the more I felt better and finally pulled myself out of it a few months later.

I have talked with my doctor and he is going to keep a closer eye on me after birth. I adore my doctor I actually feel like he cares for his patients. But I can't help but have such high anxiety of the after birth. I worry about dying, about bleeding out, about not connecting with baby again. About another infection or NICU stay.

I plan on talking to him at my apt this week as it's really been the past week or so that my anxiety has started to take over with this. I have calmed down some after talking to my husband again about it, but the fear is still there and I'm scared.

Happier note!
I put together the crib a few weeks ago and love it. We also got our bassinet and will put that up soon. We pretty much have everything except the breast pump I want to get and a bottle warmer, and of course diapers and wipes. How's everyone else doing with buying things?
Hi ladies
I haven't been able go get on here for 4 days due to the silly error that kept coming up grrr. So glad it's all up a running now tho. Was getting withdrawal symptoms haha:rofl:

The temps here last on thusday was up in the high 90s and was totally unbearable esp with no air con. It was dreadful and I cudnt sleep I cudnt do anything. I felt like I was melting. I had a cold shower and that worked for all of 5 mins and then I was just a sweaty dripping mess again. At one point I got half into the deep freeze and then I was walking around hugging a bag of frozen sausages:haha:

Alot has been happening with me.
My itching returned last week. I ended up in the hospital on Saturday and I found out that I did pass my glucose intolerance test and definitely don't have gestational diabetes. But my bile acid levels have gone from a 16 to a 26 in just 2 weeks.
They monitored baby on the heart monitor and he is doing great but I'm measuring a week behind. So I'm measuring 28 weeks and I'm.29 weeks. It was same with DD but she was just a small baby.
They took some more blood to test my bile acid levels and my liver function and they also checking for pre eclampsia even tho my BP and urine are normol.
But maybe bloods pick it up earlier i dont know:shrug:

I have to go back on friday to be monitored again and have my bile acid and liver function bloods done again.
The itching has increased and I'm so scared the levels are just going up and up.

My high risk pregnancy consultant only said I can go no further than 37 weeks providing my bile acid levels do not start rising again but if they do I will have to be induced even earlier. So now I'm freeking out because they are rising again.

I was so hoping they wud stay at a 16 but I guess it is what it is.
Just pray and hoping I can get past the 35 weeks stage. Not sure if I will tho. I've been getting some very painful Braxton hicks contractions the past few days. Also in my back which I have never ever experienced b4.

I have been under alot of upsett tho. I found out a friend of mine had passed away a few weeks ago and that hit me hard. I cried so much my heart hurt.

So maybe that's why I've been having such bad painful contractions. Yesterday was the most painful yet and my nanna actually got quite worried about me and thought I was in early labour.
Thankfully it all fizzled out tho and I've been fine today. Even played a bit of mini golf.

Gosh this post is so long.
Hope I haven't bored u all reading my essay lol.

Its gonna rain and thunder tommorow and I'm gonna be out there dancing in it haha:rain::wohoo::bunny:
I'm having no problem today with the site, which is nice. I like stalking everyone X'D

Trigger warning perhaps?:
Anyway update here, I have been struggling mentally again. While we had always discussed a surprise baby, we never thought it would happen. I have come around to another baby, which is good, I want to be excited, but I'm more scared. Scared because with my daughter (first birth) I almost bled out. Over 2.5 liters of blood lost shortly after giving birth with her. I had been given everything they could and it wasn't seeming to work. I remember vividly what went on, I remember a nurse literally on top of me trying to get my uterus to contract. I remember starting to feel their worry (I can pick up on emotions easily). It stopped though and my hemoglobin from hours prior had gone from a 13 down to a 5.9. I should have been transfused, but since my body handled it well I wasn't. My doctor when he found out I wasn't transfused was beyond pissed. It was scary and I remember it.

With our son, second birth, I only had a very tiny hemorrhage a little while after I had him. I was able to hold him even, but his wasn't easy either. I was leaking fluid for up tot a week prior, I couldn't get in to see my normal doctor and he knows I know my body to a T and he listens to me. This new doctor, guess what, shrugged me off as the typical end of pregnancy female who just wanted to be done -_-. Later that same day my water had broken. Several hours later from that, while in the hospital I spiked a fever of over 103 F. I had an infection and they tried as long as they could to not give me anything in hopes he would be born. But they had to. He was born a few hours later then, but had to go to NICU.
I appreciate all the NICU nurses, I do, but not for my son. He was 10.5 lbs and they treated him like a 3 month old. Making him drink 3-4 oz of formula each time they fed him, on which he puked up. He's a new born he doesn't need that much right away. It was frustrating. He was there simply because he needed the antibiotics out of him. That was it. He didn't get much care there, which he didn't need, but I felt sorry for him because I couldn't be there all the time. He had a bunch of extra tests on him to see why he was puking up, but when we found out it was due to how much he was drinking and contacted his doctor (whom he didn't see yet) he was like WTF, and said his stomach is only the size of a marble don't feed him that much. Which that took care of it then but still he went through a lot of extra stuff because they where treating him like a 3 month old as that was his size. *sighs*

And then to help with that, I never bonded with him like I did our daughter. I ended up with Post patrum depression. I didn't open up on it for a long time. I kept everything to myself, my best friend (my husband) didn't see what was wrong with me, instead we just got into more arguments when we RARELY ever argued. Things where my fault, all of it was. Whether he said stuff or not, I was in a bad place mentally. I finally opened up ten months later to a friend and she realized what I had. The more i talked to her, the more I understood that this might have happened because of the antibotics, that my body didn't release the right way as it normally would have after birth as it was trying to fix me.

The more I talked with her, the more I started to open up with my husband, and the more I felt better and finally pulled myself out of it a few months later.

I have talked with my doctor and he is going to keep a closer eye on me after birth. I adore my doctor I actually feel like he cares for his patients. But I can't help but have such high anxiety of the after birth. I worry about dying, about bleeding out, about not connecting with baby again. About another infection or NICU stay.

I plan on talking to him at my apt this week as it's really been the past week or so that my anxiety has started to take over with this. I have calmed down some after talking to my husband again about it, but the fear is still there and I'm scared.

Happier note!
I put together the crib a few weeks ago and love it. We also got our bassinet and will put that up soon. We pretty much have everything except the breast pump I want to get and a bottle warmer, and of course diapers and wipes. How's everyone else doing with buying things?

Awwww sweetheart I know it's such a worry. I hemorrhaged really really bad with DD and my placenta came away in small pieces instead of just the whole thing like it wud normoly. I was rushed to theatre for surgery and needed 2 units of blood transfusions. It was so scary.
My DD also spent 17 days in NICU or SCBU as we call it here (special care baby unit)
She was only 5lb 7oz but had internal bleeding so she cudnt even be tube few for 3 days. She dropped to just 4lb 9oz. It was so scary.

So I requested a c section this time but was refused because it's to risky with all my liver anti rejection medication and the high risk chance of me bleeding out on the operating table.
So I'm being induced again this time and have to do it vaginally and I'm so afraid I will hemorrhage again.

I already know that this baby will also have to go to SCBU as originally I was being induced no later than 37 weeks but sadly my bile acid levels are on the rise again and she said if they start rising I will be induced even earlier.
So I feel ure fear hon.
I'm excited but just so scared.

I also feel u on the anxiety and depression thing as well. I have bipolar disorder type 2. But I have been seeing a mental health maternity nurse for a few months now and that has helped alot.
Theres so many people who can help u hon and who u can talk to.
I'm seeing a midwife who is something to do with womon with mental health problems on 14th august. It's to discuss my birth fears and what she can do to make it a better experience and help to settle my nerves. Not sure how taking will help. Think I'll still be shitting myself. And I dont really have much birth options.

Its vaginal and that's that. The option was taking away by the high risk pregnancy consultant. So not really sure why the letter says to discuss birthing options.:dohh:

Hope and pray all out labours and births run really smoothly and all our babies are healthy [-o<
yesterday i ended up on the labour ward with irregular pains, luckily all was ok and the pains eased off, i have just had the diabetic nurse ring me and they are putting me on tablets to try and control the diabetes, and they are gonna keep a close eye on baby to make sure she dont get to big x

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