No date yet, I may not get one unless the OB thinks it's needed after my next ultrasound as my midwife knows I don't want an induction. I don't even have the ultrasound date and I'm 36+4 today so it's probably a safe bet I wont be induced until 38 weeks at the soonest.
Congrats to everyone who's holding their babies so far! I'm 37+1 just waiting it out.. The last few nights baby has become extremely active for 2-3hours just as I get into bed, braxton hicks like crazy and keep needing to run the loo (sorry tmi) throughout the night which I first thought could be my clear out as this is what happened with DD1 however I'm still here pregnant as things seem to calm down by the morning. When she's active it's so painful as I can feel her squirming her head that low I get so much pressure in my bum and am actually breathing through it! The first night this happened it sent me into a major panic because I remembered the pain (first time was actually quite straight forward with no pain relief) but for some reason I'm a lot more anxious this time so as much as I'm exhausted and want her out, I'm so scared for the main event! Did anyone else feel like this with subsequent pregnancies? X
my boobs are so sore and big today, im a h cup normally! think my milk is coming in, feel so guilty i cant breastfeed maze as shes constantily trying to get thembut due to my medications i cant breastfeed her, makes me feel like a failure
I've been getting some period type pains and lower back pains today but again nothing too regular. I keep cleaning too! Nesting for us lolOh playgirl I’m sorry you feel that way. It cannot he helped, and you are doing your best for your baby girl. I don’t have any experience on breastfeeding as I didn’t end up doing so due to mental health issues. I don’t think I will this time either.
As for me, I’ve had a few niggles today! And the last hour I have had period pains, braxton hicks and just generally feeling a bit off. This is all after cleaning my house top to bottom and also crying this morning because my husband said buying new bed sheets wasn’t a priority of ours right now LOL! (After tears were shed we did go out and get new sheets haha) x
thank u, i never managed to breastfeed my other 3 aswell, but i just feel so guilty this time, but as long as shes getting her milk i guess it dont matter which way, oh good luck ladies, i hope ur babies makes an apperance soon xOh playgirl I’m sorry you feel that way. It cannot he helped, and you are doing your best for your baby girl. I don’t have any experience on breastfeeding as I didn’t end up doing so due to mental health issues. I don’t think I will this time either.
As for me, I’ve had a few niggles today! And the last hour I have had period pains, braxton hicks and just generally feeling a bit off. This is all after cleaning my house top to bottom and also crying this morning because my husband said buying new bed sheets wasn’t a priority of ours right now LOL! (After tears were shed we did go out and get new sheets haha) x
I've been getting some period type pains and lower back pains today but again nothing too regular. I keep cleaning too! Nesting for us lol
thank u, i never managed to breastfeed my other 3 aswell, but i just feel so guilty this time, but as long as shes getting her milk i guess it dont matter which way, oh good luck ladies, i hope ur babies makes an apperance soon x
Got another ultrasound today to check on fluid levels. The tech wouldn't tell me anything but did at least tell me my levels were above 5 and no unexpected NST today so I feel like the results are good and I'm not in the danger zone. I'm 37 weeks tomorrow so at least I made it to full term.
my boobs are so sore and big today, im a h cup normally! think my milk is coming in, feel so guilty i cant breastfeed maze as shes constantily trying to get thembut due to my medications i cant breastfeed her, makes me feel like a failure
my boobs are so sore and big today, im a h cup normally! think my milk is coming in, feel so guilty i cant breastfeed maze as shes constantily trying to get thembut due to my medications i cant breastfeed her, makes me feel like a failure
thank u for that, u always know how to cheer me upHi hon
I'm in the same boat as you. I really wanted to breastfeed but cudnt because of my medication and it made me feel so sad and like I'm not giving him what he needs.
I spoke to a few midwives about it because seeing all the womon in hospital breastfeeding there babies just made me feel like a failure but was strictly told that I'm not a failure and bottle milk these days is so good and he is getting everything he needs.
U are not a failure hon.
It's hard when the milk comes in I found that's when I felt real sad. Like it was all going to waist. My boobs were so swollen and painful and hard for about 3 days and then they started going down.
There still a bit sore now and leaking a tiny bit but there no where near as painful.
U cant help it hon it's not like u chose not to BF' like me u didnt have that option. Dont feel bad hon ure doing amazing. Sending you massive hugs![]()
Ouch sounds like it hurts. My baby has always been very low in my pelvis so I've been blessed with no rib cage punching but I do feel him squirming around and his feet pushing up again my left side pelvic and it does hurt.I think my baby has his feet or his bum or something right in my ribs because the top of my bump has been hurting for the past couple of days, it’s so uncomfortable![]()
my boobs are so sore and big today, im a h cup normally! think my milk is coming in, feel so guilty i cant breastfeed maze as shes constantily trying to get thembut due to my medications i cant breastfeed her, makes me feel like a failure
aww thank u ❤ that means alot ❤ good luck to u, hope baby makes an apperance real soon for u xx, its alright. you're not a failure. You are the best already for loving her and nurturing her.
I'm the exact same! My bump has been such a weird shape today too, like shes lay more to one side. So weird lol I just need her here now safe and sound because this is draining me! 1 week today and hopefully not a day longer lolI think my baby has his feet or his bum or something right in my ribs because the top of my bump has been hurting for the past couple of days, it’s so uncomfortable![]()