This pregnancy has just been so different from my others I think! Very unpredictable I think is a better word maybe!
Like food wise with dd is was all about sweets and with son it was all about salty and this one it’s up in the air and just whatever I can manage to make sound good other than dang soda!
Sickness: dd had the most nausea but I was aldo on progesterone supplements, ds a little nausea randomly throughout the day, this one basically none minus a couple of days here and there unless I was sick with the stomach bug!
Heartbeat: dd found at 7w and some days and found super easy after that and was 150s, ds found at 8 weeks and again super easy to find after that and always 130s, this one took forever to find at 8 weeks and it’s been difficult to find but it’s been in the 165-175 range
Weight: dd no weight gain til second tri but I gained everywhere especially boobs very early, ds no weight gain in first tri lost weight in second trimester and all belly and boobs third tri, this one I had put on 6 pounds at my appointment on 2/28 but I have now lost all 6 of those as second tri is creeping up!
Nerves: dd I really wasn’t all that worried even though It had taken 3 years to get pregnant and I had a chemical prior, ds again I wasn’t quite as worried after the first few weeks even though I was coming off of a mmc, this time I’m constantly thinking things are wrong!
Someone please tell me they’re right there with me and I’m not the only crazy one! If this is your third or more pregnancy have any of them been similar?