We had a little scare today. My morning sickness is really an all day sickness and it's been preventing me from getting any water or food. Hadn't eaten since dinner last night which I ended up throwing up so really lunch yesterday. My ob wanted me to go to the immediate care and get some IV fluids and zofran but then I started spotting so we went to the ER instead. All is well with me and baby. We got to see our little heartbeat fluttering away again. We should be going home shortly. We were allowed to eat. First time in over 24 hours since give had food in my stomach and I am so greatful. They found the source of my spotting which is a blood blister in my uterus. Thankfully it's nothing to worry about though the doctor told me I will spot this pregnancy for sure, and it will not affect the baby whatsoever. Totally thankful for my wonderful nurses and doctors tonight that made sure I was feeling better, got something to eat, and helped control my dehydration.