October bumpkins 2019

Sorry ladies for not commenting much I have been reading the thread as best as I can as it's gotten so busy (loving that)

If I'm honest ladies and please don't judge but I am miserable at the moment :sad2:

I'm suffering with the worst morning sickness I have ever experienced... I can't stand the smell of anything or hold down anything I can't drink much and when i do I pay for it later with the worst nausea and sickness. I can't stop crying cause I'm so tired and so sick of feeling this way.. I'm so weak I have lost like 10 pounds in 2 weeks... I called the hospital and they have given me some tips but still nothing is easing this up. I think I need to get tablets or something to help me because I can't go on like this.. I have spent all day in bed watching friends and just running to the toilet if I get a smell of anything.. food, toothpaste shampoo litterally anything sets me off.. hubby is even calling in sick on Monday to help me with the school run cause i do be so bad in the mornings.

My poor hubby is been neglected big time.. I have zero sex drive he can't even kiss me or cuddle me other wise I'm puking.. he has to brush his teeth and spray his deodorant in the down stairs toilet with the windows open otherwise my head is in the toilet all morning :wacko:

Sorry for the rant but we haven't told any family so I have no one to talk to..

On a funnier note I'm craving alcohol like mad :rofl: I think it is cause I know i can't have it makes me want it more lol x

I'm so sorry ure having such a horrible time hon. Can u get some anti sickness meds from ure Dr?
I pray all the sickness stops very soon and u get to enjoy being pregnant rather than suffering.
I hope ure managing to keep some fluids down sweety.
Sending hugs
Care no sharp pains in my stomach here. I've had a pulling in it but nothing that was painful or alarming. I hope it's just a fluke for you and isnt related to your baby at all.

Sorry for all you suffering with morning sickness. I'm only 5weeks+1 today and I only feel queazy if I don't eat. No cravings but aversions for sure (to chocolate?!)

Again I'd like to ask if anyone has experienced high blood pressure this early. I cannot be on my feet for long before I feel it. I get dizzy, the start of a headache, and tightness in my chest. It calms down after about 30 minutes of laying on the couch. My readings during these episodes are hitting 135-45/85-92. My resting BP after relaxing or taking it easy slows down to about 120-127/78-83.

My doctors are well aware and just want to watch it, and as I'm watching it every day the numbers reach a new high. How frustrating. I'm hoping to see my GP tomorrow but I may not be able to go until Tuesday.

I haven't had to deal with BP but in my earlier pregnancy I developed resistance to uterine blood flow at 20weeks. So this time my doc has put me on baby aspirin from the start.
May b ask your doctor abt the same?
I haven't had to deal with BP but in my earlier pregnancy I developed resistance to uterine blood flow at 20weeks. So this time my doc has put me on baby aspirin from the start.
May b ask your doctor abt the same?

I have a bit of a unique issue and I am allergic to asprin, ibuprofen, and nsaid medications in general. :( I do have to call the primary tomorrow and try and get in. Thanks for the advice, I wish I could try it!

And to answer your question sugger no, my BP is usually text book 120/70 but I did experience this during my last pregnancy (mmc at 10 weeks trisomy 16 complete)
Its scan day today, I'm so excited to see my little peanut again. Hopefully, we will have scan pix to share this time FX. Not gonna lie I'm bit nervous but my husband has done coached me on being POSITIVE.:D
Its scan day today, I'm so excited to see my little peanut again. Hopefully, we will have scan pix to share this time FX. Not gonna lie I'm bit nervous but my husband has done coached me on being POSITIVE.:D
Yay good luck can’t wait to see pictures!!
8 weeks today!!!

Had the craziest dream last night! Don’t remember the entire thing but the part I remember was I was pregnant-8 weeks so like real life.. a friend of mine was a nurse for my doctor and I had some spotting that went away after one wipe. We were at the doctors and she had the ultrasound tech scan me. Well they had to shave my hooha :haha: but I started bleeding pretty bad at this point and so the tech said I’m going to go ahead and scan you as a favor just so we can know for sure what is going on. We all expected I had lost baby at this point and we’re all upset. She scanned me and I immediately said y’all there’s a heartbeat! And they said omg yes there’s a baby and a heartbeat!! The heartbeat was 162 bpm and I said to them y’all this is a girl 100% and everything is ok!! And the tech said yes there’s a healthy baby there and your bleeding was from a Subchorionic hematoma but everything is great! And this is where I woke up but holy crap it was so real!

Also last night.. this is a littler personal but hey. So dh and I have not dtd since finding out. Mainly cause I’m scared to and don’t want to bleed and also because I’m just too tired and don’t feel like it. Poor him, but apparently I had an orgasm in my dreams or something. I woke up and oh it was sorreee!! Like crazy intense Braxton Hicks! It went away after a few minutes but lol..

Roll on Thursday I’m ready for my scan!
8 weeks today!!!

Had the craziest dream last night! Don’t remember the entire thing but the part I remember was I was pregnant-8 weeks so like real life.. a friend of mine was a nurse for my doctor and I had some spotting that went away after one wipe. We were at the doctors and she had the ultrasound tech scan me. Well they had to shave my hooha :haha: but I started bleeding pretty bad at this point and so the tech said I’m going to go ahead and scan you as a favor just so we can know for sure what is going on. We all expected I had lost baby at this point and we’re all upset. She scanned me and I immediately said y’all there’s a heartbeat! And they said omg yes there’s a baby and a heartbeat!! The heartbeat was 162 bpm and I said to them y’all this is a girl 100% and everything is ok!! And the tech said yes there’s a healthy baby there and your bleeding was from a Subchorionic hematoma but everything is great! And this is where I woke up but holy crap it was so real!

Also last night.. this is a littler personal but hey. So dh and I have not dtd since finding out. Mainly cause I’m scared to and don’t want to bleed and also because I’m just too tired and don’t feel like it. Poor him, but apparently I had an orgasm in my dreams or something. I woke up and oh it was sorreee!! Like crazy intense Braxton Hicks! It went away after a few minutes but lol..

Roll on Thursday I’m ready for my scan!

That dream is awesome.
My dreams have been vivid to and had a few pregnancy dreams.
Anyone else have like mega sore boobs and nipples mine are killing me today propper outchy.
Boobs don’t bother me but nausea hit me just now like a ton of bricks and of course now ds is wanting something to eat like right this second!
My boobs are ok, though I'm still feeding ds2 as and when he wants, my nausea comes and goes, more I eat the better I feel, I've got my booking in appointment on Sunday and I'm going to ask for a scan just to make sure all is ok as I'm getting alot if 1 sided cramps/back ache which I know is normal but after my 4 losses I'm finding it hard to stay positive at the moment.
Boobs don’t bother me but nausea hit me just now like a ton of bricks and of course now ds is wanting something to eat like right this second!

Still only feeling queezy. Some days are worse than others. Yesterday and today hasn't been to bad at all. I did feel a bit queezy earlier but I've eaten alot today so i think that's helped. It's my nipples and boobs that hurt and just to touch. My belly is getting bigger. Just hope this is all good signs. Still no news on scan.
My boobs are ok, though I'm still feeding ds2 as and when he wants, my nausea comes and goes, more I eat the better I feel, I've got my booking in appointment on Sunday and I'm going to ask for a scan just to make sure all is ok as I'm getting alot if 1 sided cramps/back ache which I know is normal but after my 4 losses I'm finding it hard to stay positive at the moment.

Bless you sweety I can understand the worry but I'm sure Every thing will be ok. Losses are horrible.
I've not had a scan and don't know if I'll be getting one any time soon I'm just praying Every thing is ok.
I found a opk and thought hmmmmn let's see what happens if I test with this now at almost 7 weeks. And the results were crazy. I diluted it with lots of water as well
I didnt even get it no where near this dark when I ovulated lol.
Only did it for funsies hehe
Sore boobs has been my friend since 10dpo that's how I HAD A GUT feeling I should test.:lol:
Long story:
I never really just sat down and typed, but since this morning I have it off because its scan day \\:D/. Usually if I'm going to get sore boobies for a cycle, I'd normally get it immediately after I ovulate up until when the which shows her ugly face. This time though, no sore boobies, but here comes 10dpo and they start hurting. I was like "HMM, this is new??" so I tested with a cheap test it was the faintest of all faint, but..... a Line is a Line, right? So the next morning of my FMU I was going to test with a first response, but I said to myself, "you know what? its going to be positive and you're gonna be happy or its going to be negative and you're gonna test again tomorrow." so what the heck I whipped out the Clear Blue Digital "Pregnant or Not Pregnant." Didn't bother to cover it I just sat on the toilet and held it in both my palms. I watched the blinker go from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and then Pregnant. At first I was like, "wait, where's the "not?" Then like a ton of bricks, it hit me! OMG, I'm pregnant!! At this point I was crying laughing giggling I wanted to jump up and down but decided not to. cried for like a good 10mins, before I came out to the bedroom where my sofly snoring away husband was sleeping. I woke him up and gave him the test.

Morning sickness for me comes and go. Somedays its with me all day and then most days its "hi, bye!" I hope morning sickness ease up for the ones who are going through alot. xoxo.
I found a opk and thought hmmmmn let's see what happens if I test with this now at almost 7 weeks. And the results were crazy. I diluted it with lots of water as well
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I didnt even get it no where near this dark when I ovulated lol.
Only did it for funsies hehe

I did the same thing too, when I got "pregnant" on clear blue digital. I couldn't believe it so i took out a LH test to see if it would be positive and sure enough it was..
Sore boobs has been my friend since 10dpo that's how I HAD A GUT feeling I should test.:lol:
Long story:
I never really just sat down and typed, but since this morning I have it off because its scan day \\:D/. Usually if I'm going to get sore boobies for a cycle, I'd normally get it immediately after I ovulate up until when the which shows her ugly face. This time though, no sore boobies, but here comes 10dpo and they start hurting. I was like "HMM, this is new??" so I tested with a cheap test it was the faintest of all faint, but..... a Line is a Line, right? So the next morning of my FMU I was going to test with a first response, but I said to myself, "you know what? its going to be positive and you're gonna be happy or its going to be negative and you're gonna test again tomorrow." so what the heck I whipped out the Clear Blue Digital "Pregnant or Not Pregnant." Didn't bother to cover it I just sat on the toilet and held it in both my palms. I watched the blinker go from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and then Pregnant. At first I was like, "wait, where's the "not?" Then like a ton of bricks, it hit me! OMG, I'm pregnant!! At this point I was crying laughing giggling I wanted to jump up and down but decided not to. cried for like a good 10mins, before I came out to the bedroom where my sofly snoring away husband was sleeping. I woke him up and gave him the test.

Morning sickness for me comes and go. Somedays its with me all day and then most days its "hi, bye!" I hope morning sickness ease up for the ones who are going through alot. xoxo.

Awwwww bless you. I so lovely. Yep my first sign was tender boobs as well and I also don't get sore boobs b4 AF so I was like hmmmmmm.
Ive dried heaved a few times but I haven't actually been sick. Some days it's just like a mild queezyness and other days it's much more severe like car sickness.
U do the same as me hahaha. I hold the tests as well. I cudnt do it with the digi tho because I used the weeks one and it takes ages for the results to show up haha. Ure just there staring at the screen at this egg timer spinning around. So I had to put those ones on the side. Do a bit of washing up or something :dishes: then wud go back to the test and it said pregnant then had to wait ages for the weeks indicator. Hahaha.
I did the same thing too, when I got "pregnant" on clear blue digital. I couldn't believe it so i took out a LH test to see if it would be positive and sure enough it was..

Hahaha it's crazy isn't it. It's good that they work for both ovulation and pregnancy.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who tried this hahaha.
Aw such a sweet story! I remember with my first a lady a work told me I should be working back in MRI since I was pregnant and I was like omg no she didn’t! Later that night tested and after 3 years ttc it was faint of all faint lines on frer but 100% there! I was so giddy excited!

With my mmc we dtd 1 time and I just knew.. took a .88 Walmart cheapie and there it was a faint line! I was so shocked but happy told dh that same day with our family photos!

With ds we were 4- 5 months post mmc but only like 2 maybe 3 cycles post. We were in Disney for mother’s day/ our anniversary and I was so achey and had the worst headache and gas pains.. snuck to get a test by saying I needed bandaids for my blister on my foot.. took the frer and bam the faintest line!!

This time I knew from the day we dtd i was going to be pregnant.. sure enough and I was so shocked! It took me days to come through and realize we were going to have baby #3!

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