Hi ladies. Just caught up reading...sorry I've been MIA. Having major back problems so I have been trying to rest as much as I can. I am having xrays done on Monday so I hope that we get some answers soon, my back keeps going numb and its starting to get worse and worse...anyway!
Baby Lanay is doing great! She's up to 13lbs 4oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. She's amazing and she's such a great baby! She gets a bath at 6:30 at night and is in bed at 7. She sleeps til 3, eats, goes back to sleep and wakes up between 6-7 eats again then will sleep til 10 or 11. After that she has short little naps throughout the day but is really good!
I, too, don't pay attention to every 3 or 4 hours to feed her, I just feed her when she cries and nothing else works. Sometimes she eats 3oz and sometimes she eats 8. So we usually just make 4oz at a time and go from there.
This is my 3rd baby so it is really crazy in my house with 3 kids ages 4 and under but I love it!
Hope all is well. Love the pics of the babies!!