@ciz so glad to see u back hon.
Yes I'm nesting like crazy too. It started a few weeks ago but on Saturday I cleaned all my kitchen cupboards out and re arranged and organised them all which is crazy nesting haha.
Just need to pack my hospital bags now.
So glad all is ok and yay for 3rd tri.
Gosh ladies that have anterior placenta. I had anterior with my last 2 but with this one I have a prosteria placenta.
I didn't feel movements untill 19 weeks which was odd considering my placenta is at the back but oh my gosh.
I almost wish now I had a anterior placenta again because I totally forgot how fierce these movements become when ure very heavily pregnant.
It actually is painful sometimes. Esp when he stretches. It also wakes me up and prevents me from sleeping because its just so strong.
He sticks his butt out alot but also get alot of knees or elbows. And feet.
Sometimes it feels like he's bucking like a little rabbit and I'm like what the heck are u doing in there haha.
I feel so big now ladies. I will get another bump shot probably Tomorrow because I have a growth scan.
But I've a feeling this baby will be big and over 8lbs. My DH does not think so but I do.
His movements are crazy strong.
He was 3lb 8oz at my 30 week scan.
At this stage now he should be around 4lb 6oz but I think he will be bigger.
I know the scans are out but I've just a feeling I'm having a big baby.
Bit scared tbh