October/November Conkers 2021***

@soloso sorry but I’m no help! I’ve never had any experience with that!

@topazicatzbet ooooooo! That’s a steep bill to pay! Ouch! How’s he doing? So you’ll be booked in for a section and if his turned by that date will they still give you a section?

@Penguin20 well that does sound like a good labour specially for a first! Hopefully this one will follow suit! My first was back to back so my contractions slowed and I had to have a drip but apart from that they’ve all been straight forward. The girls definitely quicker than the boys. Apart from my first my waters have gone one pushing and 2 of mine have still had some of there waters over there face when born.

@Catmumof4 oh my! I can’t believe tomorrow is nearly here! Super exciting! I have all crossed that your early start means you’ll get seen quicker and baby Sophia will be here early on! I hope all goes ok my lovely! Super excited about seeing some pictures! My guess is going to be…… 7lb 1oz?!?!
@soloso sorry but I’m no help! I’ve never had any experience with that!

@topazicatzbet ooooooo! That’s a steep bill to pay! Ouch! How’s he doing? So you’ll be booked in for a section and if his turned by that date will they still give you a section?

@Penguin20 well that does sound like a good labour specially for a first! Hopefully this one will follow suit! My first was back to back so my contractions slowed and I had to have a drip but apart from that they’ve all been straight forward. The girls definitely quicker than the boys. Apart from my first my waters have gone one pushing and 2 of mine have still had some of there waters over there face when born.

@Catmumof4 oh my! I can’t believe tomorrow is nearly here! Super exciting! I have all crossed that your early start means you’ll get seen quicker and baby Sophia will be here early on! I hope all goes ok my lovely! Super excited about seeing some pictures! My guess is going to be…… 7lb 1oz?!?!

Yes i will still get section. only a vbac if i go into labour before and things are going well. I very much doubt I will go into labour before 39 w though.
@Catmumof4 im going to guess 7lb14oz for Sophia! Hope it’s nice and prompt and not too much waiting around! Have a good rest tonight xx

afm, endocrinologist still happy with my blood sugars so no insulin and only one more appt at 36+3 to get through and then they don’t really bother anymore I guess lol.

I’m know Dani is in this boat as well but has anyone stopped gaining weight? I’ve gained only 1 lb In the last month. I know it’s just because of my GD diet and my nausea but I’m worried baby is starving in there! My midwives don’t weigh me and my endocrinologist is always in such a rush she doesn’t ask about things like weight or ketones in urine. I know I was gaining about 2-3 lbs per month in the end of my previous pregnancies.
Good luck for tomorrow hon. I really hope they are not busy and u get ure section tomorrow.
It was horrible having to wait all day on my induction day and not knowing what was going on.
Wasn't so bad when I was actually in the hospital tho even tho I had to wait another night. Even if they do keep u waiting I'm sure they will get u done as soon as possible.
My Induction wud of been the 4th if they wasn't so busy. They just kept having emergencies and womon already in labour. But they did start me off very early morning on the 5th. 6am she came in with the canula and pessery.
I was 37+1 and in a way I was lucky I was done then because of busy they were I cud of been left a few days but being high risk they didn't want to risk it.

Ure worries are all normol hon. I kept worrying how will I cope with 6 and what if Tommy hates the baby.
He's 2 next week and we have been having the terrible 2s for a while now so I was really worrying.

But everything is fine. Tommy was a bit off at first but he's back to himself now.
I think u will be just fine hon.

Me and my DH have had a talk and we are gonna try for one more baby in about 15 months.
I will be 43 which I know is old but we're just gonna give it a shot.
I turn 42 a week b4 Xmas eve so if we leave it 15 months then i wud of just turned 43.
Harley was going to be our last but I'm already feeling really sad about never being pregnant again.
So we just thought why not. Pluss 7 is my lucky number lol.

Please keep us posted tomorrow hon I will definitely be popping on to see if u have had baby.

Have they said how much she will weigh?

I had a growth scan 4 days b4 having harley and it was pretty much bang on.
He was 7lb 1oz at that scan and 7lb 3oz at birth.

He's 6lb 11. He had no withdrawal symptoms from the codeine. U know I was so worried about that even tho I cut down I still worried about it but thankfully he is fine.
The only issue we have had is the weight loss.
But he will get there.

I know what u mean hon. My 8lb 15 baby only looked newborn for about 2 weeks.
Harley reminds me so much of our 8 year old dd. She was 5lbs 7 at birth and dropped to 4lb 11oz. Harley has skinny legs just like she had lol.
It is nice having a teeny baby. He's like a little doll.

I've been up the school with him but when he's in his pram u can't see him so I have to undo all the apron part to show him to people and the all can't believe how teeny he is.

So much for the monster baby I thought I was going to have lol.
My bump was big but I had so much water.
When she broke them I thought it was never going to end haha.
Is this one still ure last hon?
We have decided to try for one more in about 15 months.
I know it may not happen because I wud of just turned 43 but were just gonna give it a shot and see what happens.

I felt so done after the birth but all that now seems a distant memory and I've been getting so sad at the thought of never ever being pregnant again.

I know that sounds so selfish because I've been more than blessed.
But I know if I leave it and I get to 45 46 i will probably feel gutted for not giving it a try and regret it.
So we're just going to see what happens.
I'm definitely going on the mini pill for a while. And DH has told me not to tell him when I stop taking it.
I said that seems really sneaky but he said he wud rather it be a surprise.

Our 3 boys were planned and our dd was a woopsie but I still did a prep test infront of him so I've never been able to surprise him.
But if we are blessed again I can do a surprise for him.
Will stay team yellow to because that baby (if it happens) really will be our last.
Not sure if 43 is pushing it a bit.
We cud try when I'm 42 but I really want to enjoy Harley first.
It did take us 11 cycles to fall with Harley which was hard because I've never had to really try b4.
I mean i did get pregnant 4 other times while we were ttc but all were chemicals.
So I know it cud take a long time to fall again or i may be too old for it to happen again but we shall see. What will be will be.
I think 7lb 6oz or 7lb 10oz max.

Harley-Oliver was 4lb 15oz at 32+3 weeks and 7lb 1oz at 36+4 weeks then was born 4 days later 7lb 3oz.
@Reiko_ctu I didn't gain much weight at all in the last weeks.
I was 10st 7lbs from around 33 weeks and 10st 9lbs at 37 weeks.
I put on 2 stone.

So sorry u and @daniyaaq are having neasea again.
I had such bad acid reflux so that made me feel so sick at the end.

I kept throwing up when I was in labour because of it.
Was the sickest I had been the whole pregnancy.
Burnt like a bitch too. Yuck.
Thankfully all gone now
@Reiko_ctu ive no idea how much I weigh right now but I know ive put weight on! Glad all is good with your blood sugars.

@topazicatzbet I see! I’m guessing if baby is comfy he probably won’t turn????

@Suggerhoney Harley sounds lovely! A little dinky doo! I’m hoping once baby is here I have the complete feeling. We just bought an 8 seater van so would be a waste to sell it and buy an 9 seater plus we don’t have enough room in this house for another. House prices a crazy that moving isn’t an option either. So i hope I’ll be complete! I don’t think I’ll ever get over wanting babies but hey!
@Catmumof4 Good luck for today hope all goes smoothly, excited to see pictures.. I’m guessing 7lb 2oz on weight

@Mummy2Corban I’m worried labour going to be to quick, I can handle 6 hours again but don’t they say the second is like half the time from your first ? And wow still had some waters on their face, hopefully another straight forward labour for you :)

@Suggerhoney wow how exciting you will go again in the future, we have decided this will be our last one so only be the 2 but money just not going to stretch for us more than 2, I always thought I would have 3 but I’m quite content with the 2, I say now lol

wish I knew measurements of baby, all I got told at my 20 week scan is baby bang on my dates and when midwife measures my belly she says it’s perfect, and can’t see much notes in my baby folder.. I think it says 67th percentile at my 20 weeks scan but not sure if looking in the right place haha.. definitely think I’m going to be having a 9lb baby, I know bump size means nothing as I was tiny with my first and had growth scans after growth scan and she ended up being 7lb 13oz and this time I’m so much bigger and you can tell I’m pregnant and I just feel heavy already.. plus me and my partner are quite tall big built people so be interesting..
@Penguin20 this one is measuring on its weeks when the midwife measures. One of my biggest bumps was my smallest babies and one of my smallest bumps my biggest so it’s hard to say! On my chart this one is just above the 50th centile?! I wonder if this bubs will be bigger than your last???

My first labour was 16 hours from first contraction (had he not been back to back it would have been a bit quicker as I was 9cm 9-10 hours in but it all slowed at that point) I pushed for 4 hours!!!!!!!

My second was 3 and a half hours from first contraction with only a few pushes! So it’s possible it will be much quicker?!
@Penguin20 this one is measuring on its weeks when the midwife measures. One of my biggest bumps was my smallest babies and one of my smallest bumps my biggest so it’s hard to say! On my chart this one is just above the 50th centile?! I wonder if this bubs will be bigger than your last???

My first labour was 16 hours from first contraction (had he not been back to back it would have been a bit quicker as I was 9cm 9-10 hours in but it all slowed at that point) I pushed for 4 hours!!!!!!!

My second was 3 and a half hours from first contraction with only a few pushes! So it’s possible it will be much quicker?!

Wow 4 hours of pushing, that’s amazing, I’m not sure how long I was pushing but my DH says it wasn’t for long.
I find it crazy how long some people labours are bless them.. you done amazing.
Hopefully if it is a quick labour i get to the hospital in time, don’t really want a car park delivery
@Penguin20 i guess just call as soon as your contractions are regular just encase. Well what a story to tell though! Car park baby!!! Haha!
@Penguin20 i honestly worry about my labour especially given how much hospitals like sending people to labour at home. With my first it was no more that 30 minutes from first contraction to her out. With my second I went to hospital soon as I felt contractions - well after showering getting dressed so maybe an hour or so… I got there and was only 2cm dilated, luckily they weren’t busy so they allowed me to stay, I’m glad they did because I went to sleep, woke up an hour later feeling pressure down and there and little girl made her appearance. Midwife got splashed with waters when she checked me- she didn’t believe it was time either.
@daniyaaq wow! Your labours!

my third was pretty much exactly the same as my 2nd (both girls)

fourth at home wasn’t engaged so was about 7 hours from first contraction. Took an hour to come down then I could push

fifth was similar time to my fourth but was engaged so after transition he came quicker.

so being another boy I expect that it will go similar to the last two? My contractions are very intense and very hit and miss until it gets close to baby coming so there not bad labours really!

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