October/November Conkers 2021***

@ShanandBoc oh I been sick the whole way through, right now dealing with low bp and nausea that’s made a come back. I feel you about the hip pain it’s awful, I also have insomnia these days so not even getting much sleep.

lovely name by the way, I love unusual names
Hi all! @Mummy2Corban I have to be in for 7am, Sophia was 6lb 10 at 35 weeks hoping she's as chubby and ginger as Bonnie is.

@ShanandBoc heeyyy I feel you on the pain side of things I won't bore you but I'm pretty much bed bound and wheelchair bound now! I'm having an elective section Thurs thank heavens!!!
Are you consultant or midwife led care? Xx
Yay I done with work for a whole year. My boss sent me home at dinner with a big box of presents from everyone.

Can't wait til dh finishes work to have a look through them all.

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That’s lovely! Hope you got some cute things.

Im a contractor at work and no one besides my friend the receptionist even acknowledged I was leaving XD. I feel like the owner should be contacting me to terminate our contract, since I’ve been off for a month already lol!
So frustrating that in the morning, I’m hungry but feel ok, and as soon as I eat the nausea is full on. Had a bit of yogurt and half a piece of toast with peanut butter just now about 200 cals and I feel absolutely rotten. How am I supposed to grow this baby… not worried about a big baby at all anymore. My bump has basically stopped growing. I have midwife next week, not this, and if it hasn’t grown they’ll send me for a growth scan. I’m not actually worried because I’d rather deliver a 6lb baby than an 8 lb baby but hopefully she’s just getting everything she needs for her brain… my three girls are smart as whips so hopefully she’ll be a smarty pants as well.

anyways maybe I’ll start taking 1 diclectin again in the morning and I’ll have enough pills to get me close to the end… think I have about 30 left before getting a new prescription. The thought Of taking those pills makes me nauseous even though.

anyone have any appointments this week? Good luck @Catmumof4!! Can’t wait to hear how everything goes and see your beautiful girl.
Hi lovelies hope ure all OK. Harley is 9 days old and is now 6lb 11oz. There still not very happy he hasn't gained more but we are doing all we can. Feeding every 3 hours and has about 2oz.
He is gaining but very slowly.
But he a very good very chilled out baby. He only cries when he is hungry.
Tommy is alot better now and not being as tantrumy as he was. He does show interest in his little brother and tries to help and its so cute.

I'm feeling alot better now. No more after pains and boobs have gone down and not sore.
Still getting a bit of hip pain but not as bad.
Itching has completely stopped.

Took this photo yesterday20210913_195522.jpg

He has completely stollen my heart.
He's still in preemie and tiny baby clothing and it's still big on him.
Such a little sausage.
@Suggerhoney hes lovely. He will gain in time don’t worry!! Some babies are just teeny.

so ladies I just recalled a dream I had last night, that I had already had the baby and the midwives were giving me my notes and the labour time was 66 minutes! Ha wonder how my brain came up with that Number. Wouldn’t be enough time for my DH to get home from work if it were that quick.
@Suggerhoney hes lovely. He will gain in time don’t worry!! Some babies are just teeny.

so ladies I just recalled a dream I had last night, that I had already had the baby and the midwives were giving me my notes and the labour time was 66 minutes! Ha wonder how my brain came up with that Number. Wouldn’t be enough time for my DH to get home from work if it were that quick.

Yes thats true hon and I think he will just be teeny.
It's nice in a way because he will stay a baby for longer.
The way I see it as long as he's content then he's fine.
Just really feel like there trying to push him too much.

He passed his hearing test which was relief because Tommy kept failing his until he was a few weeks old.

Can't believe there will be more babies born here soon. @Catmumof4 is next then I think it will be you @Mummy2Corban and @playgirl666 right behind you.
@Suggerhoney oh he is gourgeous! I love little babies in babygrows!!! He is gaining even if only slowly so that's a plus!

2 more sleeps! Don't know how I'm going to get to sleep tonight or tomorrow night!! Just so excited and nervous lol xx
@ShanandBoc yes we are having a boy! Pretty sure that his name will be Hudson Robert. I love your name choice had baby no.5 or this one been a girl we would have more than likely used Thea so very similar! All my babies have been late so I fully expect to be late…. Plus I’m not quite ready to give him up yet! Haha!

lightening crotch is no joke!!!!
@Catmumof4 eek!!!!! Another day nearly done! Have you managed to keep busy? So I’m guessing if your scan was right she will be 7lb odd???? So exciting. How are you feeling???

@topazicatzbet amazing!!!! Happy maternity leave! Lovely they let you home early plus with a box of goodies! Time to chill a little now!

@Penguin20 thanks lovely! How’s you?

@Reiko_ctu that sucks! I’m sorry your still dealing with this! It’s no fun and like you say does make you worry. I’ve always been told that baby always takes what it needs from you and your the one that ends up lacking?! Hopefully all is well with baby girl. I’m also loving this dream! Would be totally insane if your labour was 66 minutes! Make sure you time it. Ha e you decided if you’ll stay at home? Or go to hospital?

@Suggerhoney he is a little cutie! And a teeny one at that. Maybe he is just a slow gainer. I’ve had a few friends that just had mini babies that gained slowly. Mine get big quick which makes me sad as they really don’t stay small long enough for my liking! Glad he passed his hearing test too. Did you have to go back to the hospital for that?
@Catmumof4 so excited for another wee one to be born!! Can’t wait!!

We are planning to go hospital birth but will have to have a few backup things at home just in case we don’t make it. Not supposed to get in the car if I feel close to transition or pushy.
@Reiko_ctu how long after delivery do you usually stay at your hospitals? Well at least you know what’s going on with your labours so can judge if you think you’ll make it.
@Reiko_ctu how long after delivery do you usually stay at your hospitals? Well at least you know what’s going on with your labours so can judge if you think you’ll make it.
I actually have in my birth plan, as long as we are all healthy, that if it’s a morning deliver we want to be discharged the same day and if it’s afternoon or evening we want to be discharged the next morning. The midwives will come and visit me 24 hours after delivery at home, and do any other tests on the baby at that time.
@Reiko_ctu im not sure if anything has changed with covid but after delivery aslong as all is ok and baby has had its checks I’ve been out 4-6 hrs after delivery. So with most of mine I’ve been home for breakfast! Haha!
@Reiko_ctu what you described is my biggest issue. I try wake up and get as much work stuff done before I eat because once I do nausea hits so badly. I been resisting taking ondansetron but I’m honestly going close to because the doxylamine and b6 aren’t doing nothing to this nausea.
@topazicatzbet so jealous. I have 2 weeks left but honestly feel like I should just start end of next week. Have 2 Court matters to do next week and then literally nothing to do, I have handed over all my files already, so I’m wondering what I’ll be doing in that last week.

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