@Reiko_ctu with all the many scans I’ve had I haven’t asked them to reconfirm gender, a part of me is hoping I’ll give birth and it would be a girl
Just watch out for those nappy changes as boys are really good at peeing on you. Lol.oh my I’m going to have a DSI sure hope this boy don’t give me too much of a challenge
Wow you look fantastic.
For reference, left is me this pregnancy 31 weeks. Right is me last pregnancy with my DD 31 weeks. I can’t believe I’m 31 weeks in both photos and can look so different
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Thanks ladies!
@sil wow! What a difference! Amazing how bumps can vary so much pregnancy to pregnancy! You look great! Hopefully baby girl is all good at your scan next week. Keep us updated.
@daniyaaq hopefully once back in the court room it will be like riding a horse? And you’ll just get right back into it! Hmmm how are the contractions now? Seems a long time to have painful ones???
@Suggerhoney he looks so dinky in that photo! Glad he is nearly back at his birth weight and that you don’t have to go back to clinic! Having a newborn is hard work and those long nights sure take it out of you! Sounds like you and DH have a good routine set up though.
and yes I agree that you and @Catmumof4 need to baby doll is with pictures!!!!
so my question to you ladies is how do you feel on the run up to labour/delivery? Do you get nervous? Calm?