October/November Conkers 2021***

@daniyaaq those last few weeks I didn’t do much! I felt pretty rubbish and exhausted so stay in bed and rest as much as you can. When do you next see a midwife/dr?
DH has gone back to work today so I’m missing him like mad. Have everyone at home as it’s half term. I feel so tired! Trying to just get a wash on feels like a total mission! The boys all have another wave of this nasty cold going round! And as usual everyone is bickering but I’m so grumpy because I’m tired out!!! Not a good combo today!
DH has gone back to work today so I’m missing him like mad. Have everyone at home as it’s half term. I feel so tired! Trying to just get a wash on feels like a total mission! The boys all have another wave of this nasty cold going round! And as usual everyone is bickering but I’m so grumpy because I’m tired out!!! Not a good combo today!

I have my hand full with 3 others I dont know how you do it. I'm lucky dh has saved his holiday so is off for 5 weeks in total. Plus the older 2 are old enough to help me with things around the house.

I can't believe Zac is a week old already. I'm just trying to savour every minute with it being the last time. We got an appointment through today for his hearing test as his right ear failed the on the ward test.
I bought some milk collection shells this time round and I'm loving them. I already have 3 bags of milk in the freezer that would have just been wasted into pads.

@daniyaaq don't feel bad for resting those last weeks are hard work. The covid really zapped all my energy and I was lucky to have a good pregnancy before. All the sickness must really wipe you out.

@Reiko_ctu hope you made it home and are feeling better.

Can't wait for our last few babies to arrive.
DH has gone back to work today so I’m missing him like mad. Have everyone at home as it’s half term. I feel so tired! Trying to just get a wash on feels like a total mission! The boys all have another wave of this nasty cold going round! And as usual everyone is bickering but I’m so grumpy because I’m tired out!!! Not a good combo today!
Fair play, you must be just exhausted. I hope he finishes work early enough to help out in the evenings.

Still no baby here. Im OK with that though. The thoughts of labour and having another baby are starting to freak me out now. I was doing everything to try and get him out and now I'm like, nah you can stay another few weeks.

@Mummy2Corban Am I right in remembering that you were like that close to the end?

@daniyaaq My heart goes out to you. Hope baby is here soon. Rest up while you can
@Mummy2Corban Sorry to hear everything feels like a mission, the first couple days when DH goes back to work is always a struggle, don’t know how you do it as I struggled with one and worried what I’m going to be like when he goes back when this one is here.
My last working day is next Friday so excited to be done with work as just so uncomfortable and heartburn been a real kick in the face lately

@daniyaaq sorry it’s been a tough end to the pregnancy hopefully not long left

@Suggerhoney Hope your doing better after your bad night, colic is the worse and really hope it settles soon

@topazicatzbet hopefully he will pass the next hearing test, can’t believe how quick time is flying

I pulled a muscle or something down below and it hurts so much when I walk or sit down as all the weight goes on to it, hopefully it heal quickly whatever it is, got DD with me while I wfh as half term and to be fair she been so good but having her moments where I think how am I going to handle 2 lol
@topazicatzbet oh that’s amazing. DH has another 2 weeks off for Christmas but being self employed he is going to have to work like crazy to make sure we are ok for him to have the 2 weeks off. I must admit my nearly 11 year old DS has been amazing and is great at settling Hudson for me or doing an odd thing to help out. I’m feeling you with breathing it all in! I feel so lucky to have this little man and makes me appreciate it all that little more. That’s amazing you’ve collected so much milk! I used them with DS1 but totally forgot about them. I’ve leaked so much this time round aswell. How did his hearing test go?

@sadeyedlady im actually happy my babies are late! Haha! As much as those last few weeks are a real struggle I get the fear about labour so feel being late helps me get my head round it. I wasn’t as stressed about it this time round but had moments of like oh my god!!!! In my head I was ok with making it to my sweep that was 40+5. You got this lovely!

@Penguin20 i guess it’s just working out a new routine..well when baby gets into some kind of routine! Haha! Because most of us are still poorly I haven’t got to stress myself about taking them out to much. Roll on next Friday! Then the countdown can truly begin! Hopefully the pulled muscle gets better as it sounds super uncomfortable m. Hopefully this week isn’t to difficult working from home with your little lady there.
Thanks everyone. The sickness is bad, I do wish I slept more but that’s a struggle too, I especially hate night time.

I see the doctors Wednesday.

@Mummy2Corban i feel for you hun, that first day alone with baby and other kids is daunting, hope everyone settles and gets well soon.
@topazicatzbet oh that’s amazing. DH has another 2 weeks off for Christmas but being self employed he is going to have to work like crazy to make sure we are ok for him to have the 2 weeks off. I must admit my nearly 11 year old DS has been amazing and is great at settling Hudson for me or doing an odd thing to help out. I’m feeling you with breathing it all in! I feel so lucky to have this little man and makes me appreciate it all that little more. That’s amazing you’ve collected so much milk! I used them with DS1 but totally forgot about them. I’ve leaked so much this time round aswell. How did his hearing test go?

@sadeyedlady im actually happy my babies are late! Haha! As much as those last few weeks are a real struggle I get the fear about labour so feel being late helps me get my head round it. I wasn’t as stressed about it this time round but had moments of like oh my god!!!! In my head I was ok with making it to my sweep that was 40+5. You got this lovely!

@Penguin20 i guess it’s just working out a new routine..well when baby gets into some kind of routine! Haha! Because most of us are still poorly I haven’t got to stress myself about taking them out to much. Roll on next Friday! Then the countdown can truly begin! Hopefully the pulled muscle gets better as it sounds super uncomfortable m. Hopefully this week isn’t to difficult working from home with your little lady there.

Haha finding the routine is always the fun part lol, I hope you all feel better soon nothing worse than everyone feeling crappy,
And thank you I’m hoping it just going to ease as the week goes on and DD has actually been really good, I think she used to me working while she entertains herself the best she can with the whole covid situation and being stuck at home.
We are home and so thankful to be home… but my first night at home I way overdid it and now I’ve hurt my tummy and am feeling really sad.

plus I have this awful shortness of breath which apparently is normal after a c section especially for me because the blood was backing up into my abdomen from my Fallopian tubes. So overall I just feel like s*** and my nipples are on fire from breastfeeding and I can’t even lay comfortably because of the incision and my massive uterus which is taking forever to go down, when normally it’s back to normal on day 3 of my vaginal deliveries. Just feeling really sorry for myself, this postpartum experience sucks. And I know DH wants to put on a helping face but deep down he just wants me to do it by myself because he can’t function on no sleep. He made a fuss because of the Jammie’s I wanted put on her last night because they were too hard to put on and I feel terrible every time I have to wake him up for help. I ended up just taking her to the living room last night and sitting in a chair feeding and holding her for hours because the bed is just too much for my incision. I’ve pulled my staples and it hurts very bad. And on top of all this, I don’t even know who to talk to about it because the hospital Ob told me I’m her patient and I have to see her for my 6 week check up but the midwives are taking care of Meadow and coming to do home visits for her, and if want any attention for myself i have to go back to the ER. But I’m supposed to take my baby to the ER and wait there with her because she’s breastfed? Honestly I feel like just complete total FML. Not one thing has gone good in my life in the past 2 years. I am so good at birthing babies. It was the one thing I was sure I could do well and then this has to happen.
We are home and so thankful to be home… but my first night at home I way overdid it and now I’ve hurt my tummy and am feeling really sad.

plus I have this awful shortness of breath which apparently is normal after a c section especially for me because the blood was backing up into my abdomen from my Fallopian tubes. So overall I just feel like s*** and my nipples are on fire from breastfeeding and I can’t even lay comfortably because of the incision and my massive uterus which is taking forever to go down, when normally it’s back to normal on day 3 of my vaginal deliveries. Just feeling really sorry for myself, this postpartum experience sucks. And I know DH wants to put on a helping face but deep down he just wants me to do it by myself because he can’t function on no sleep. He made a fuss because of the Jammie’s I wanted put on her last night because they were too hard to put on and I feel terrible every time I have to wake him up for help. I ended up just taking her to the living room last night and sitting in a chair feeding and holding her for hours because the bed is just too much for my incision. I’ve pulled my staples and it hurts very bad. And on top of all this, I don’t even know who to talk to about it because the hospital Ob told me I’m her patient and I have to see her for my 6 week check up but the midwives are taking care of Meadow and coming to do home visits for her, and if want any attention for myself i have to go back to the ER. But I’m supposed to take my baby to the ER and wait there with her because she’s breastfed? Honestly I feel like just complete total FML. Not one thing has gone good in my life in the past 2 years. I am so good at birthing babies. It was the one thing I was sure I could do well and then this has to happen.

:hugs::hugs:That sounds like a lot of sucky things going on. I’m so sorry this was the experience in the end. I know what you mean by being disappointed, after the pregnancy you had definitely deserved an easy recovery. Hang in there I’m sure things will get better in time.
We are home and so thankful to be home… but my first night at home I way overdid it and now I’ve hurt my tummy and am feeling really sad.

plus I have this awful shortness of breath which apparently is normal after a c section especially for me because the blood was backing up into my abdomen from my Fallopian tubes. So overall I just feel like s*** and my nipples are on fire from breastfeeding and I can’t even lay comfortably because of the incision and my massive uterus which is taking forever to go down, when normally it’s back to normal on day 3 of my vaginal deliveries. Just feeling really sorry for myself, this postpartum experience sucks. And I know DH wants to put on a helping face but deep down he just wants me to do it by myself because he can’t function on no sleep. He made a fuss because of the Jammie’s I wanted put on her last night because they were too hard to put on and I feel terrible every time I have to wake him up for help. I ended up just taking her to the living room last night and sitting in a chair feeding and holding her for hours because the bed is just too much for my incision. I’ve pulled my staples and it hurts very bad. And on top of all this, I don’t even know who to talk to about it because the hospital Ob told me I’m her patient and I have to see her for my 6 week check up but the midwives are taking care of Meadow and coming to do home visits for her, and if want any attention for myself i have to go back to the ER. But I’m supposed to take my baby to the ER and wait there with her because she’s breastfed? Honestly I feel like just complete total FML. Not one thing has gone good in my life in the past 2 years. I am so good at birthing babies. It was the one thing I was sure I could do well and then this has to happen.

Oh hun please don't feel so bad. A c section is major surgery and it's bloody hard as you feel like you are expected to do everything still for baby but if you had had surgery on your bowel you would be expected to just rest.

I promise you it gets better very quickly.
Just hang in there a few more days and you will be able to move so much better.

I can't really help with advise for your care as its different in the UK but if you are worried about your incision send me a pic and I will have a look. (Nurse Hat on)
We are home and so thankful to be home… but my first night at home I way overdid it and now I’ve hurt my tummy and am feeling really sad.

plus I have this awful shortness of breath which apparently is normal after a c section especially for me because the blood was backing up into my abdomen from my Fallopian tubes. So overall I just feel like s*** and my nipples are on fire from breastfeeding and I can’t even lay comfortably because of the incision and my massive uterus which is taking forever to go down, when normally it’s back to normal on day 3 of my vaginal deliveries. Just feeling really sorry for myself, this postpartum experience sucks. And I know DH wants to put on a helping face but deep down he just wants me to do it by myself because he can’t function on no sleep. He made a fuss because of the Jammie’s I wanted put on her last night because they were too hard to put on and I feel terrible every time I have to wake him up for help. I ended up just taking her to the living room last night and sitting in a chair feeding and holding her for hours because the bed is just too much for my incision. I’ve pulled my staples and it hurts very bad. And on top of all this, I don’t even know who to talk to about it because the hospital Ob told me I’m her patient and I have to see her for my 6 week check up but the midwives are taking care of Meadow and coming to do home visits for her, and if want any attention for myself i have to go back to the ER. But I’m supposed to take my baby to the ER and wait there with her because she’s breastfed? Honestly I feel like just complete total FML. Not one thing has gone good in my life in the past 2 years. I am so good at birthing babies. It was the one thing I was sure I could do well and then this has to happen.
Sorry you're having such a hard time. I cant even imagine what you're going through. Feel free to vent here all you want, we're always listening
Thanks mamas for the kind words and encouragement. My midwife explained to me today that the difficulties are less to do with the c section and more to do with the Hemorrhage as well. I just kept wondering how all the c section mamas deal with this fresh hell!! Going into nighttime here and hoping milk comes in tonight so BF can turn a corner a bit.

Still cheering you pregnant mamas on… not long can’t wait to hear your news and really hope your births go well! It does make all the difference.

With my DD2 birth I was baking cookies with my toddler on day 3 PP and in jeans on day 5 Lol!! Today is day 4PP and managed a shower and change out of my mesh panties but still don’t have any clothes I can wear so a robe it is XD
OK just caught up.

Thanks for asking @Mummy2Corban and @penguin. Last night was so much better. He only got a little grizzly during his 2am feed but not major bad like Saturday night with the constant crying.
I think I know now what caused it. We have been using infacol b4 his feeds and we had ran out on Saturday afternoon. We both didn't think it was doing much but obviously it was. Because that was the worst night on Saturday night. He's not normally a very cryee baby so him being so inconsolable for 4 hours was really stressful and worrying.
Anyway DH went out and got more inficol yesterday morning and he was alot better last night. Still fussy but not the constant crying.
I feel much happier today.
Hated seeing my poor little baby in so much distress. Hopefully he will be much better from now on.

Oh hon don't beat ureself up its not ure fault I had to have surgery. Its so crap that after suffering so much during the pregnancy ure now dealing with all this. My neighbour has had 2 sections and is due to have her 3rd in December and she said it didn't take as long as she thought it wud to heal. Think she said she was up on her feet and walking around after a week. Don't put any pressure ureself hon.
U are doing amazingly well. Sending u big healing warm hugs.
I actually wrote this hours ago but had a phone call and then been busy with baby so just sending now.
Not long now hon hope baby comes soon.

About a week b4 my induction maybe 2 weeks I did start freeking. Like I was wondering how will I cope with a new born and a todler.
I had a propper freek out.
Thankfully it's been good. Thank fully my other children are alot older so it's been OK.
Our eldest son is 10 almost 11 now and our daughter is Netley 9 then we have Tommy who is 2.
I do have 2 other children from a previous relationship but there 18 and 15 so they just do there own thing.
I take my hat of to womon that have alot of kids close in age I think there amazing.
I wud love to have one more baby with DH but it feels crazy becuaee it wud be me and DH 5th but my 7th.
That's if it happened.
Still wanting to try for one more.
But want to enjoy harley first. Even tho I'm a old lady nearly 42 yikes:s20211026_011904.jpg 20211025_182320.jpg
2 photos i took of Harley can't believe he's 7 weeks now well over 7 weeks. 9lb 15oz little fatty hehe.

Took one of my Tommy to playing with the cat. He was really laughing at the cat when i took this. Made me giggle.

I feel really down and sad today. I been through so much I deserve to have some relieve. Nausea has just been constant today no matter what I do. I was kept up by period cramps last night, then couldn’t sleep properly during the day because of nausea, it’s now evening and the cramps are starting again. Why do I have to suffer constantly and how long do I have to go through this.

i feel like crap and really hate the head of obstetrics and he’s the one I have to see tomorrow. He’s an old white man who is going to be of no help to me, the whole appointment is a waste of time.
Had strong contractions lasting 50 secs 10 mins apart for the last 3 hours that have now tapered off into inconsistent mild pains. I think my body is trying to punish me for something by playing these stupid games

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