As I was saying, my water started to leak 10:15am. I put on liner which filled very quickly. So I showered and put on a pad, called the hospital and they told me to come for a check. Got to hospital about 11am. I was having tightenings but nothing stronger than what I been having all along. After trace and confirmation it was waters they sent me home to watch out for labour. Was told regardless of progress to come back 4am and if no progress will be put on drip. Got back home about 2pm.
I just hung around with my grandmother. Girls got home about 4, I had another shower and went to play in backyard with DD2. Got real strong contractions about 5:30. They were 10 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds or less. Since I had sleepless night before I thought best I get a nap in but first called the hospital to ask if ok for me to take Panadeine forte. Had a contraction on phone so she told me to come in, this was 6pm.
I got annoyed and sat on sitting room, still got contractions 10 minutes apart but started to feel longer so 6:20ish got DP and headed to hospital.
First ops - 6:35
honestly just as we got to car park contractions literally became 2 minutes apart, they had to meet me halfway with wheelchair. Got to room and they were back to back, needed a Covid screen but soon as she got close to me I vomited, after vomiting I said I got pressure, got on knees against bed and 4 contractions later baby was born at 7pm.
made it to hospital with only 25 minutes left. He definitely did not disappoint. I never did get my panadeine forte. He latched on super quick, we made it home by midnight.