October Pumpkins 2017

Anyone else got the horrible metal/ bloody taste in their mouth??
Wow, I haven't been on in a few days. I'm so glad to see so many new people! I think I have everyone added, please let me know if I have missed anyone.

It is so exciting to see all the appointments coming up in the next few weeks. My first appointment is February 20th, which is in 3 weeks. My brain knows in the grand scheme of things, 3 weeks is nothing, but it seems oh so long right now! I just want to get in and see the beautiful heartbeat and put my mind at ease.

Symptom wise for me...not too much yet, but I don't usually have many symptoms early on. I'm a bit tired and I have a weird dry scratchy throat, but that's about it. I have felt a few twinges on my left side which I'm hoping is just the baby snuggling in. TMI but I have a lot of creamy cm. I'm a little paranoid because I lost a baby just into my second tri in June due to undiagnosed (at the time) IC and it all started with red bleeding at 7 weeks. I'm trying to put those thoughts aside because I was diagnosed after my loss and had a major surgery (transabdominal cerclage) to prevent another IC loss. Due to my TAC, I will get bi weekly scans during my second tri to monitor cervical length so I'm happy I'll get to see the baby often during then!
Congrats hmcx!!!

My birthday is Oct 10 so if this baby is a sticky bean then I'll have one helluva birthday gift.

Pretty sure I had my first wave of nausea this morning. Hard to tell since I was partially asleep and it yanked me awake. Most of the morning my stomach was a bit unsettled but not really nauseous. I'm really hoping the nausea holds out a bit longer!
Lindsay: I'm really sorry for your loss. I can imagine how scary pregnancy is after something like that. It's good they will be doing extra scans to check on you and give reassurance! Your symptoms sound similar to mine. I have sore boobs (especially nipples) and I'm tired, but not much else. My right ovary twinges a lot, which I think is the corpus luteum growing. I have polycistic ovaries (especially my right, which is the side I tend to ovulate on) so I'm used to it twinging. I have a scan at 6 weeks and at 8 and 10 weeks as I have been at the recurrent miscarriage clinic, but in terms of appointments, I have to wait till 11 weeks. That's when you usually get your booking in appointment with midwife around here.

MEPride: that would be an amazing birthday gift!!

No metal taste here, but I hear that's a great sign. In all my hopeful cycles I would try to trick myself into thinking there was a funny taste in my mouth :haha:

Is anyone else going to be staying team yellow? We always said with this last baby we wouldn't find out (we found out with our last two). The only way I'd cave is if it happened to be twins, which is highly unlikely. They do run in my mum's line, but I doubt I'd get them. My brother just had twins, and even though there's no logic to why I think this, I doubt I would also have twins.
The online calculator says 10/10 for me, my first pre natal appointment will be on 2/16 so the date may change then.
Congrats and welcome to the new ones I've missed lol. I've had this scratchy dry sore throat as well mine has been antagonizing.
Hubby and I have decided that we are team yellow unless it's twins and in that case we will find out what we're having 😊
I neeeeeed to know what I'm having lol, I'm too impatient. I paid for a scan at 17 weeks with my son to find out what he was and I'll be doing the same again :haha:
I want to find out but as hubby says he wants a surprise I will go with that. I'm just soooooooo happy to be pregnant I don't mind what we have.. (although secretly I'm hoping for a girl 😍)

Looking forward to seeing everyone's scan photos on this thread!
I'm dying for a girl, my other half knows I am as well so no pressure lol.
I don't know what it is but I would probably cry if they said I was having another boy, I think it's because my dad died before I was born so it was just me and my mum and I want that closeness with a daughter as well.
We too are waiting to find out until the baby's born. So team yellow over here as well!! My symptoms aren't really showing up and I'm more than okay with that!! But I'm also 4w2d so I know there is plenty of time. I'm just keeping fingers crossed that nothing will show up down the road because my mother had 3 very easy, symptom-free pregnancies and I'm hoping to follow in tradition!!

The only one I am getting is a dull cramping in my uterus and occassionally off to my right side. Anyone else getting cramps? When I first found out I was pregnant I thought for sure AF was about to rear her ugly head but now I am starting to feel more relaxed towards them and remind myself it's my little pistachio settling in.
Oh ditto on the uterus cramps. Mine are quite as strong as AF Ines but I can feel that there is something going on. Which is a nice reminder of my little bean :thumbup:

It feels like a pull sometimes, sometimes to the left and then right. And I've had little shudder which feel very similar to the baby moving.
We would find out.
We did with our daughter (she's 6 now). Im too impatient to wait

I don't seem to have any symptoms, I've woken up with a horrible cold this morning so I just feel awful because of that.
We have a boy and a girl so it doesn't make a difference to me . But son is 6 he wants a brother lol hoping for a happy and healthy baby . I had an early scan with my daughter at 15 for the gender my son I found out at 20 weeks .
There's no way I could wait to find out the gender! LOL. With my daughter, we paid for an gender ultrasound while we were on vacation. With this little one, I will be 16/17 weeks in April so we will go to an ultrasound place again for an early gender and then confirm at my 20 week appointment.
That's what we did, we paid private for an early scan at 6 weeks, then another at 16 for gender

And then at my 20 week appointment at the hospital we asked the gender just to confirm! Luckily they said the same as the private clinic.

I'll probably do the same this time. It's seems so far away though!
Because of my previous history with ectopic I should be getting a scan at 7 weeks. Haven't heard from a midwife yet?( have given details to the doctor)

It feels like time is going slllloooooowwwwwwllllyyyyy!

I flicked through the thread with bump pics, and it made me want mine! This is my second child so hopefully I will show sooner!

My nipples are so sore today and I'm already thinking about going to bed! It's 17:30 here!

Any more symptoms from anyone?
Still not many symptoms on my end, but I'm definitely not complaining! I am more tired than usual and I'm really struggling with finding foods that I want to eat. I always seem to lose a bit of weight in the first tri, not due to morning sickness, but lack of appetite. My dreams seem to be ramping up a bit. Vivid dreams is one of my usual early symptoms.
Not an enormous amount of symptoms here either. I have had sore breasts (especially nipples) since around 5dpo. They went for a couple of days and are worse some days than others, but that's my biggest symptom. Today I've been tender in my uterus area - not quite like AF cramps, just swollen and tender feeling, which I hope is uterus stretching, not a sign of bad things happening. I've had some food aversions and I'm exhausted every single evening! It's only 6:20 here and I'm sitting in my daughter's room while she drifts off and I am seriously considering hopping into bed in a minute myself! The last thing is my resting heart rate is up to 74 and has been since last week (my usual is 60). So that's a comforting sign. I'm not testing till my early scan a week from today (as part of attending the recurrent miscarriage clinic, they give you regular reassurance scans), so little symptoms are really reassuring!

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