October Pumpkins 2017

Ivy was finally born 10 days overdue on the 18/10 :)
My waters went on the Monday after going for a really long walk down the seafront on the Sunday but no contractions so was induced on Tuesday morning with the pessary.
Contractions started a couple hours later and she was born at 5:35am Wednesday.
Her big brother is obsessed with her! 😊
Congratulations, Saraaa! Beautiful little girl <3

Anyone else still around and waiting? I'm 41+1 today... had a sweep on Thursday and it set off prodromal labour so I've had mostly regular, sometimes painful, contractions since but just when they seem to progress, they stop. I'm scheduled for another sweep tomorrow but not sure it's a good idea... no point setting things going if they don't progress.
Congratulations on all the gorgeous babies.

Baby Archie was born 2 weeks ago on my due date 8/10/17 weighing 9lbs10oz, I tried for a VBAC and had a lovely labour with just gas and air but I tried pushing for over an hour but he wouldn’t come out so ended in emergency c section. I had quite a few problems, lost 2 litres of blood, had to come home with a catheter as couldn’t pee, lucky it’s been taken out a week later and I could pee. I’ve had problems with my bowles and a womb infection. But we are so in love with our new addition.


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Congrats CrazyBird! Glad you're doing okay and baby too! My eyes are watering at baby's size though o_O.
Well, we got there in the end... at 41+3, on Tuesday 24th October 2.56am, baby Logan was born weighing 8lbs 4oz. After over 3 hours of pushing and being threatened with an episiotomy and forceps with the local anaesthetics only partially effective, he made it out! Hope everyone else and babies are doing well and those of you still waiting don't have much longer to go.


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Congratulations Mrs B. 3 hours of pushing. Oh god the pushing part is the worst &#55357;&#56873;
Congratulations Mrs B. 3 hours of pushing. Oh god the pushing part is the worst &#65533;&#65533;

Thank you :) You can say that again... the pushing was not fun in the slightest! I kept hoping the midwife would say one more push and he'll be here but it just kept going :nope:
How is everyone doing postpartum?

I&#8217;m trying my best to stay sane. My LO is fussy, gassy, has acid reflux, and doesn&#8217;t want to be put down... ever!!! I&#8217;m so sleep deprived. I need to get a sling so that I could get things done. My first was such an easy baby. But I love her all the same. She has such character already.

On the weight front I am about 7lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy weight. I never managed to get back my pre pregnancy weight with my first so I&#8217;m happy for that this time.
How is everyone doing postpartum?

I’m trying my best to stay sane. My LO is fussy, gassy, has acid reflux, and doesn’t want to be put down... ever!!! I’m so sleep deprived. I need to get a sling so that I could get things done. My first was such an easy baby. But I love her all the same. She has such character already.

On the weight front I am about 7lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy weight. I never managed to get back my pre pregnancy weight with my first so I’m happy for that this time.

We’re doing ok now, the first 2 weeks were awful for me as I had so many things wrong. But lo has been great. Our first was such a hard baby compared to this one. He’s fussy between 10pm and 1pm most nights.
Hope things get a bit easier with your lo. My first had colic and it was horrendous. It’s horrible to see them in so much pain.
Can’t quite believe that Rio will be 5 weeks old on Sat!!! We have already sorted through his clothes and had to buy more as he is growing so quickly!

I am exclusively breast feeding which is going so well! He is also sleeping through the night which I didn’t expect to happen so quickly!

Healing well from my c-section and pretty much back to normal now. How is everyone else doing?
I'm jealous! lol. Dorothy doesn't sleep through the night yet. Most nights we do get nice 3-4 hour naps, but other nights she literally doesn't go down until 5am. She's a sleepy angel in the mornings, though, so at least I get naps in then. Poor DH doesn't!

I'd love to be exclusively breast feeding, but Dorothy won't do it. Can latch. Refuses. So I'm pumping and bottle feeding, but since a pump will never be as efficient as a baby and since I refuse to sacrifice even more sleep to pump at night, I don't quite have enough for her and we're giving formula 1-2 times in a 24 hour period; usually mornings because she goes through all the pumped milk overnight while I'm not pumping. But at least DH can feed her half the time, right? :haha:

She's 4 weeks today and goes for her 1 month "well baby" checkup with the family doctor next Tuesday. Can't wait to hear what her official length and weight are then! I can see a lot of difference in her lately. She's growing like a weed!
There is a lot of pressure to breast feed. I figure if it works for you, then great, if it doesn't then that's great too! As long as baby is happy and healthy :baby:

Yes we are lucky with sleep, especially for a breast fed baby!:happydance:

He is now 5 weeks.. I need to update my ticker lol! Getting him weighed on Tues.

Keep me posted on Dorothy's progress :hugs:
I hope Logan's sleeping through the night at 5 weeks! He generally feeds every 2 hours, and I seem to get one 3 hour gap at night. He's also really noisy at night and takes a while to settle... not something he has an issue with during the day! Didn't get on very well with breastfeeding so he's on formula now. Feel really guilty about it, but he's doing well and gaining weight (8lb4oz at birth, 8lb1oz at 5 days, then 8lb11oz at 10 days)! We'll find out on Tues his 3 week weight. We tried breastfeeding but it was really painful (despite a good latch) and he only stayed on a few minutes before he came off screaming for more milk. My milk never fully came in so I barely got anything pumping. Considering he takes about 4oz every 2 hours, I could never have kept up with demand! :( On the plus side, he's given us a few nice proper smiles, which makes the lack of sleep totally worth it! Glad you're doing well, MrsR and Orglethorp! How's everyone else doing?
Ivy was weighed 2 weeks ago at 7lbs 11oz by the health visitor, my step dad got his fish weighing scales out and we put her in them yesterday and it said she's 8lbs 13oz now &#128584; (he has an new net that hadn't been used before :haha:)
We're breastfeeding too, she has a bottle of formula before bed because I'm completely drained by then and don't have anything left to give her, she wakes once between 2am and 3am and by then my boobs are crying to feed her lol.
How is everyone? I'm loving the smiles we get now.. Rio is 9 weeks old!! Slow down time please?!
I know! Time is going so fast. Dorothy reached 9 weeks on Monday. She smiles like crazy, especially when we change her diaper, and this week she's starting to laugh a bit too! She's also starting to sleep better at night. She doesn't go down nearly as early as we'd like, but she's sleeping 4-5 hours instead of 2-3 and it's really easy to put her back down after a diaper and bottle in the early morning.

She's 23 inches long and 10 lbs 14oz as of Monday :) Our doctor says she's doing great, hitting all the milestones so far, and bonus, she thinks she'll end up with my brown eyes and not her Dad's blue :haha: The in-laws are convinced she'll be blue because all the Rideout kids across all the cousins are blue eyed. Probably not this one!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!!!
My little Princess is almost 12 weeks! I can&#8217;t believe how fast the time is going!
I&#8217;m EBF and it is going well with a few rough days along the way. She had been sleeping 7-8 hours at night the past couple of weeks but the last 3 days she&#8217;s up every 3 hours again. Urgh. It&#8217;s so worth it though. I&#8217;m completely smitten with her and can&#8217;t believe I got my little girl!
Merry belated Christmas to all and all the best in 2018!
Happy new year!

Rio turns 14 weeks in a few days and is smiling/laughing all the time..I love it! I hear you on the EBF.. he used to sleep for a good period at night and now it's 2 hourly, I put it down to a growth spurt?

Is anyone on Instagram? Add me if so! The_reedfamily my pic is myself, hubby and Rio
Hi all! Hope you&#8217;re all doing well and a belated Happy New Year! Logan&#8217;s now 14 weeks old and doing wonderfully. <3

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