October Pumpkins 2017

KitteyKat that's so exciting! Sounds like your LO will be here sooner rather than later :happydance:

PSamuel awesome! Sounds like you are also getting really close now!

MrsReed hope they will do it before 40 weeks, sorry you are suffering so badly :hugs:

Jumik Good luck! Hoping for the best outcome for you!

Mrs B. Hope you have some progress ASAP!

As for me I had my 38 week appointment today and I'm 5 cm now! He asked if I wanted to be induced but considering I'm already effaced and 5 cm she will come on her own when she gets ready. I really don't want to be induced if I can avoid it. I doubt I'll even make it to my due date at this rate, any day now!

How is everyone else getting along? I hope all of you who are suffering feel some relief ASAP, our babies will be here soon!
Well appointment with consultant didn’t quite go as I had hoped. Due to my previous c-section he doesn’t want to induce before 40+12..! So I’m waiting for spontaneous labour. The risks go up if induced...

So I’ll be pregnant for a bit longer! On the plus side I did loose more plug today ( thought it had all come out last Fri!)
Wow a lot of us are in the same boat. I lost the first signs of my plug last Sunday (1 week ago) and a lot on Monday . On wed at my OB appt I was 2 cm dilated so she did a sweep. I felt some contractions this morning and a lot of tightening all over today so I'm hoping she comes soon!!!

So exciting to see who's next! Good luck to you all and here's hoping for quick labours
Hey all! I didn't even realize you guys were still posting in this thread! I am excited to read about everyone's progress!

My little Aurora Grace entered the world early on September 8. She was super breech and I had gone in for an ECV. Standard protocol is to get an ultrasound prior to the ECV. Well... the ultrasound showed I had oligoamnios, or low amniotic fluid, and a lack of spontaneous breathing from my girl. The OB who was to perform the ECV was concerned about the potential of cord compression so we instead were admitted and I had a cesarean within an hour of the ultrasound. She was born at 6 lbs and at 19 inches long. Her head was SO misshapen from being breech for so long.

She is now 3 weeks and 2 days old and is my heart and soul. She is gaining weight like a champ! Her head is now 'almost' normal, hahaha!

I hope you are all well! I'll be checking in on you ladies now that I know you're still here!
Congrats MePride!! Glad to hear your little Princess is here and everything is well! How far along we're you when you had the ECV?
Congrats MePride!! Glad to hear your little Princess is here and everything is well! How far along we're you when you had the ECV?

37+1. My mw wanted to wait until I was considered full term in case the need arose for a c-section.
Hey all. My little girl was delivered by c-section on Sunday 1st October at 5:24pm. We're home recovering now and doing great.

I'm still (im)patiently waiting on my little girl. 8 more days if she wants to go on her due date, but I'm hoping it'll be closer. I've been having prodromal labour almost every night for over 2 weeks now. At my OB appointment on Tuesday my OB couldn't quite get through my cervix for a sweep, but said I'm thinning out nicely and baby's head is right there up against it, so hopefully it'll be any time now! Lost part of my mucus plug yesterday after constant minor spotting since the cervical check, but prodromal labour actually gave me a break last night so now I'm really anxious! :haha:
Congrats Jumik!!

My little girl arrived quickly yesterday 4th October at 4:39 PM weighing 5 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long, such a dainty thing. We're both doing great, she's still learning to eat but all in all perfectly healthy. So in love :cloud9:

congrats ladies, so excited to see these babies coming! I can't believe it.

I am due on Saturday so we will see if he decides to come early (like everyone thinks) or lat like his sister. I had my 39 week appointment yesterday, she still mentioned I am completely effaced and completely thinned out. She mentioned I am definitely more than 3.5 cm dilated, but because I'm not having "regular" contractions just to go home, get some rest and see what happens! :)

This morning I woke up super early, and lost a huge glob of my mucus plug and it was tinged with blood (called midwives to update them, since I'm close with all of them) they said I will probably have him in my arms by Sunday! <3 Today I have been having regular contractions, but not strong ones yet as well as...losing more and more mucus plug (literally every single time I go pee!) DH decided to stay home today to get some rest since we are all getting over colds.

Bring on the night and the weekend, we will see what happens! <3
Due October 14th (9 more days). No contractions or signs of labor as of right now.

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