October Pumpkins 2017

Congrats on your bundles Jumik and Angel!!!!

Update for me:
I had an OB appointment on Wednesday (oct 3rd) at 38+6 and got a second sweep done. I was still only 2 cm's 🙁. Baby was still high . My water broke at 3:30 am, I got the epidural at 6:30 am and our Princess was born at 11:07 am with only one push ! 👍


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Congrats to those who have had their babies!

I have just been diagnosed with gestational hypertension. Same as what happened with my daughter. I was able to delay induction with her until 39+2, but now the guidelines have changed and I could be induced any day...I have another office visit tomorrow and the plan will depend on what my blood pressure is doing. I'd love to wait until next week, but it may be out of my hands! I'm 3cm dilated so hopefully induction wouldn't be too terrible.
Congratulations on all these beautiful babies! I'm still pregnant and fed up! Induction in 10 days if nothing progresses :dohh:
Congrats, Med! Gorgeous baby girl and you look lovely!

Good luck, Drjo!

Fingers crossed baby will decide to arrive really soon, MrsR!

So many babies already making their arrival! I'm still waiting for something to happen, although I am waddling more now so I'm hoping that's a good sign. It's lovely to see the baby pics, keep 'em coming :baby:
Congrats Med. All the best to all the waiting mamas

Introducing my 3 day old, Kalia Zuri


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Wow what a scary weekend!!

My waters broke on Friday night.. but we’re thick with meconium.

I was in a total panic! Went to the hospital, only 2cm. Baby heart rate dipping constantly. Contractions were consistent but my body was failing me.

C-section happened at 13:21 on 7/10/2017 and our beautiful boy Rio entered the world weighing 8lb 1/4oz! So in love
Medi huge congrats and gorgeous girl!

Jumik congrats, she's so beautiful!

MrsReed Congrats! Such a scary experience but I'm so glad you and baby are ok!

I hope things progress for the rest of you still awaiting your babies, looking forward to seeing more announcements soon!
Congratulations to all you ladies who have had their babies - it's so exciting to see this thread filling up with little baby photos :cloud9:

I am of course very jealous because I'm 3 days overdue with no signs of labour starting, but so happy for you all!

Had a sweep this morning (ouch!), with another booked in for Wednesday, so I'm hopeful for the end of the week... a large part of me still can't believe it's going to happen at all though, and that's keeping my impatience under control.

Hoping no new is good news from you Kittey? Best of luck for labour if he hasn't arrived already!
I'm still pregnant! My due date came and left. I have an appointment tomorrow morning to see what the next step is, I'm thinking about possibly setting up an induction for either Thursday or Friday morning, but we will see what she says :) I got induced with my son but when I went in for that induction I was only 2 cm, and it was a 5 hour labor for me, this time around I will most likely be at 4-5 cm and quick short labor as well. So I'm not too worried, but we still have the whole week so we will see what happens. My parents anniversary is on Wednesday so it would be a little bittersweet to have him on that day! <3 I know they would really enjoy it.

My cousin who is a first time mom, and had a due date the same as me. Had her baby @ 12:15 am yesterday morning. 9 lbs, 3 oz and 22 inch long. Her labor was about 30 hours long! Yikes.
Hope all is well. Wanted to let everyone know baby Connor was born yesterday at 8:58 am.
Day 4 of being over due lol. Had a sweep yesterday at my midwife appointment she said she could feel baby's head and cervix was very favourable, ended up being sent to hospital after her appointment because of protein in my sample and high blood pressure, after 4 hours of tests and monitoring they're satisfied I haven't got preeclampsia.
Had a few contractions last night, but was so tired I went to bed and all has died down for now, bet baby is holding out to be born on Friday the 13th ;)
Late update here for me, things have been pretty much full of babies in my world.

Autumn Elizabeth came into my world on October 10th at 7:40 am, 14 hours after my water broke unexpectedly. I'll post a full story in my journal soon!
So lovely to see all the new babies! Congratulations mammas!!

Late update from me... Olivia Grace George was born at 3:40am on October 5th. I had a 24 hour labor, but ended up with a C section since she was facing forward and not toward my spine. Post birth she lost a lot of weight due to lack of supply from me. I've been supplementing with formula for her to gain back her weight and in parallel working on my supply by pumping. Good thing is she has a good latch and that helps with getting my supply back up again. Won't lie, the first 4 days of being a new mom was a nightmare! I don't think I was prepared well enough for it!

Anyway, just like that, Olivia is a week old and we are sooooo in love with her!

Good luck to those of you waiting to hold your newborns!


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Congrats, Kittey!

Fingers crossed for Fri 13th, Saraaa! :D

Congrats, MissYogi!

Congrats, PS! Beautiful little girl <3

Wow, lots of baby updates today! So exciting to hear about and see all the new little ones arriving. I'm 39w5d today and still hanging on. Had my 40w MW appt today and bump measured much smaller than last time so got sent to day assessment... after a couple of scans all is fine thankfully and baby is where he's supposed to be size-wise. Currently measuring 7lb14 give or take 20% (followed by the sonographer saying that she didn't think he'd be any smaller than the estimate and likely bigger!). o_O Let's hope he decides to arrive sooner rather than later!
Here's my birth story:

I got my membranes sweeped Tuesday morning, and I was around 4 cm dilated, completely effaced and thinned out.

I started having really bad contractions (about 2-3 minutes apart) around 8-8:30 pm Tuesday night, so we decided to go in and of course I was still at a 4 cm...they had me walk around for a good hour in a half...still no change but the continued to have contractions every 2-3 minutes, so of course, they had to send me home since I had no change in my cervix, they gave me a little pill that made me tired so I could sleep and see what happens.

Well about 4:00-4:30 am comes around (Wednesday morning) and remember Wednesday was my parent's wedding anniversary...and I was having contractions every 1-2 minutes apart, I could barely walk...it was really bad. We decided to go in, and they checked me I was at 7 cm...

After they checked me, they hurried and got my epidural ordered up (I contracted for a good hour at the hospital before the epidural went in)...once I got that, DH and I decided to "try" and get some rest...I, of course got sick from the epidural, threw up about 4 times...

After the epidural kicked in, my contractions slowed down...they were coming every 10 minutes instead of every minute, so they gave me some pitocin (not as much as they normally would, but something to just speed things up a little bit)...and at that time I was 8 cm.

I got checked around 8 am, and I was at 9 cm; than I was on my phone and suddenly a gush came out and my waters had broken, she checked me after that...a huge 10 CM...I had to push so bad that she had to hurry and get ready, and get her gloves on; the head was right there.

At 8:36 am; I began pushing and at 8:58 am; baby Connor was born. He was 7 lbs, 7 oz; and 20 3/4".


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Well I'm still pregnant due date come yesterday and left with no baby or sign she was going to come any time soon, woke this morning with headache :( got midwife on Tuesday praying she might give me a sweep

Congratulations to all you lovely ladies who have had their beautiful babies &#55357;&#56438;
My little girl arrived at 9:21pm on October 11th (2 days before her due date) after starting the show a whopping 39 hours earlier with a "slow leak" water breakage at 6:20am on the 10th. We went to the hospital after a nap, a long walk, and a grocery shop to get things going only to hurry up and wait :haha: After making no progress in terms of dilation labouring up on the OB floor over night, I was put on an Oxycontin drip at around 7am on the 11th after being assigned to a delivery room and asked to walk the halls for an hour. Unfortunately my body was too stressed from the long day and night of labouring already, so while the drip did a marvelous job of making my contractions longer and more intense (gee thanks), I did not begin to dilate until I was given an epidural at around noon. I fell asleep instantly! DH and I got a much needed hour-ish nap before I began feeling the pressure of increasing contractions. Just like that, I was 4cm and moving along well! Then I started showing signed of infection from having ruptured my membranes so long ago. The only vital sign they were monitoring that wasn't elevated was my blood pressure, and I quickly became stalled at 7cm. I was given antibiotics and additional fluids through my IV and encouraged to relax as much as possible. By 7pm I was starting to feel the urge to push, but I was still at 7cm, so my nurse kept getting on my case whenever my breathing through a contraction sounded more like I was bearing down. I couldn't help it! My body was taking over. I sat upright and began rocking and swaying through the contractions in hopes I could interrupt the spontaneous pushing, and wouldn't you know it, by the time the OB team was called to check me out just after 8:15pm, I was fully dilated! After 61 minutes of pushing, at 39 hours and 1 minute from the time my water broke, my daughter was born!

Introducing Dorothy May Nancy, born 19.5 inches (49.5cm) long and weighing 7 lbs 5.5 oz at 39+5 weeks.

We got home from the hospital on Saturday (3 days post partum) and have been settling into our new life as a family of 3. She sleeps beside our bed in the raised bassinet surface of her playpen, and ever since we threw in the towel sometime past midnight on our first night home and offered formula to supplement breast feeding, she grants us 2-3 hour naps until about 7am.


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Congrats, Orglethorp! Beautiful little girl <3

Gorgeous pic, Kittey!

I'm 40+3 today and still waiting. Little concerned he's managed to unengage himself, but I guess we'll see what happens. Got a MW appt on Thurs at 40+5. Who else is still waiting?

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