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ODD eating trend...Please say I'm not alone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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I feel the need to precursor this post by saying I'm a very active, very healthy Mom of 2 who eats super clean and works out almost every day, pregnant or not. Now, here's the thing: Today I am eating things I would not normally: I want sugar, a LOT of sugar (found some M&M's left from a party and am stuffing my face) and bread. Lots of bread. Whole wheat, granted, but I don't usually eat much or any processed food so this is odd.

I cannot, cannot, cannot out-think it either. The harder I try, the more I want it. Has anyone else experienced this? I went to the gym, but had to force myself through my workout, which is uncharacteristic.

I am giving this today, and tomorrow, it ends. I am going to pay for all this sugar, I know. I just REALLY can't help it! LOL!

(I know, this is a classic 1st World problem...)
I've been having wicked cravings, I OD'd on sugar with this sticky toffee pudding that we got for Christmas and it gave me heart palpitatons (I usually stay away from sugar!) Now I crave protein and milk products, salmon being the protein of choice.
I really don't want to gain more than 20 lbs this pregnancy and I know that giving into cravings, especially sugary ones won't help. Working out helps but it really sucks when you don't feel like it. I didn't feel like it Sunday so gave myself a break and went for a walk with OH instead.
You know how they say if you get a craving wait 20 minutes and distract yourself in the mean time? I might have to try this. Also get lots of bubbly water to suck back to fill the tummy. Hopefully your sweet tooth gets under control soon:pizza::ignore:
you're not alone.... I have some friends who are saying "omg I cant eat anything.. or keep anything down!!!" I'm like ohhh lol not me!!!! I'm eating EVERYTHING!!! hahah :D I'm so lucky not to have sickness, but I would trade the bleeding I'm having for sickness anyday ( baby is fine tho) but I don't know how I have ppl telling me they cant eat anything... I WANNA EAT EVERYTHING :D hehe, you're not alone mama!!! <3
I've been having wicked cravings, I OD'd on sugar with this sticky toffee pudding that we got for Christmas and it gave me heart palpitatons (I usually stay away from sugar!) Now I crave protein and milk products, salmon being the protein of choice.
I really don't want to gain more than 20 lbs this pregnancy and I know that giving into cravings, especially sugary ones won't help. Working out helps but it really sucks when you don't feel like it. I didn't feel like it Sunday so gave myself a break and went for a walk with OH instead.
You know how they say if you get a craving wait 20 minutes and distract yourself in the mean time? I might have to try this. Also get lots of bubbly water to suck back to fill the tummy. Hopefully your sweet tooth gets under control soon:pizza::ignore:

For sure. :) I gave my craving a freakin' hour. LOL! Still, I tossed all the goodies so I'm in the clear. We don't usually even have the stuff in our house, but we had a pot luck party and still have a lot of leftover garbage.

I know 1 day won't make a difference, so I am bowing out of this binge before I make myself sick, drinking lots of water and green tea to help flush my system, getting to bed early and setting my alarm to be up for a killer HIIT workout before I start the day. I'm not really worried about crushing the calories from today - as I said, one day isn't going to make or break an otherwise healthy lifestyle - but a solid workout will make me feel strong, empowered and better about myself. :) Let's hope that was the worst of it! (I'm sure I must have experienced this with my other 2 pregnancies...I've just chosen to forget it.)
you're not alone.... I have some friends who are saying "omg I cant eat anything.. or keep anything down!!!" I'm like ohhh lol not me!!!! I'm eating EVERYTHING!!! hahah :D I'm so lucky not to have sickness, but I would trade the bleeding I'm having for sickness anyday ( baby is fine tho) but I don't know how I have ppl telling me they cant eat anything... I WANNA EAT EVERYTHING :D hehe, you're not alone mama!!! <3

I have been having nausea, but these foods are the only things I can stomach the idea of eating today. However, it has really just been today, so I should probably not sweat it. :)

I would take sickness over bleeding too! Glad your sweet baby is OK though! Thanks for making me feel better. I don't like feeling like I'm doing something wrong. :(
Don't know if you've ever read anything about green tea in pregnancy but this has made me cut it out, and I love green tea:

The active antioxidant in green tea, epigallocathechin gallate (EGCG), is of concern for pregnant women. A study done by British and Spanish scientists and posted in the March 2005 issue of Cancer Research proves that EGCG can affect pregnancy. Though it provides many health benefits, EGCG inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which is responsible for the uptake of folic acid. Even before a pregnancy, women who are trying to conceive are advised to take folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida.

Don't know if you've ever read anything about green tea in pregnancy but this has made me cut it out, and I love green tea:

The active antioxidant in green tea, epigallocathechin gallate (EGCG), is of concern for pregnant women. A study done by British and Spanish scientists and posted in the March 2005 issue of Cancer Research proves that EGCG can affect pregnancy. Though it provides many health benefits, EGCG inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which is responsible for the uptake of folic acid. Even before a pregnancy, women who are trying to conceive are advised to take folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida.


Interesting! I had heard something about this, but didn't know what they were talking about exactly. When I asked my midwife, she said I shouldn't take any of my vitamins with tea or coffee since it flushes your system instead of absorbing the vitamins. Your article is much more specific, of course. I do drink a PILE of green tea.....hmmmmm...may want to consider replacing it with an alternative. God knows there are a lot of delicious herbal options!
you're not alone.... I have some friends who are saying "omg I cant eat anything.. or keep anything down!!!" I'm like ohhh lol not me!!!! I'm eating EVERYTHING!!! hahah :D I'm so lucky not to have sickness, but I would trade the bleeding I'm having for sickness anyday ( baby is fine tho) but I don't know how I have ppl telling me they cant eat anything... I WANNA EAT EVERYTHING :D hehe, you're not alone mama!!! <3

I have been having nausea, but these foods are the only things I can stomach the idea of eating today. However, it has really just been today, so I should probably not sweat it. :)

I would take sickness over bleeding too! Glad your sweet baby is OK though! Thanks for making me feel better. I don't like feeling like I'm doing something wrong. :(

hehe thank you :) and you are not. :) it is fine!!! :) I worry too bout what I eat but I've come to realize, it is better for me not to stress and worry so much over it and just try to slowly come off of the bad foods... lol :) how far along are you again? :hugs: I'm only a little over 7 weeks... I've known for a month and I feel like this is going by so slow!!! lol
Yep carbs all the way for me.. Sugar, bread, cakes, biscuits all very appealing! Veg on the other hand, can't eat half of what I normally do, its madness! I am craving fruit tho (sugar again!) and lettuce so hopefully I'll at least be getting some nutrients that way!
you're not alone.... I have some friends who are saying "omg I cant eat anything.. or keep anything down!!!" I'm like ohhh lol not me!!!! I'm eating EVERYTHING!!! hahah :D I'm so lucky not to have sickness, but I would trade the bleeding I'm having for sickness anyday ( baby is fine tho) but I don't know how I have ppl telling me they cant eat anything... I WANNA EAT EVERYTHING :D hehe, you're not alone mama!!! <3

I have been having nausea, but these foods are the only things I can stomach the idea of eating today. However, it has really just been today, so I should probably not sweat it. :)

I would take sickness over bleeding too! Glad your sweet baby is OK though! Thanks for making me feel better. I don't like feeling like I'm doing something wrong. :(

hehe thank you :) and you are not. :) it is fine!!! :) I worry too bout what I eat but I've come to realize, it is better for me not to stress and worry so much over it and just try to slowly come off of the bad foods... lol :) how far along are you again? :hugs: I'm only a little over 7 weeks... I've known for a month and I feel like this is going by so slow!!! lol

According to my dating ultrasound yesterday, I'm just 7 weeks 3 days today - so not that far along. I didn't even KNOW I was pregnant now with my first! LOL! This baby is kicking my butt!

I am feeling much more like myself today. I did a workout and didn't have to force myself like yesterday. I admit I didn't have my usual energy but I know I can't expect to perform at peak while pregnant. As long as I am doing something, right? :)

My eating is back to normal too. Perhaps it was just a fluke. Have had rye bread, cheese, salmon, sweet potato, and zucchini today. Spinach salad for dinner. This is much more like my usual eating. Yay!

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