Oh goodness! I guess it's really difficult because one persons idea of being able to afford is different to another's and it just depends what your priorities are in life. My DH earns £38,000 and I am a stay at one mum to four ( soon to be five children) and always intended to stay home until they reached school. Things changed however when we realised there were serious issues with my son at school, he began self harming and attempted throwing himself from a moving car, we discovered him to be autistic, at school he was being ignored. This totally destroyed his self esteem and has taken us 2 years to build him back up. I am now home educating and a full time carer for him. i will be a sahm until they reach 16 after gcse now.We have always had our income topped up with tax credits, however now we get a small amount of help towards our rent & council tax plus DLA for my sons disability needs. I also get DLA has have severe mobility issues myself ( arthritis, ehlers danlos syndrom3 or hypermobility syndrome) we would sacrifice anything to house, feed, cloth our children if we didn't have the benefits and we haven't always, but they do help immensely. Although we could scrimp and afford the children before, now we've been able to take my son ( and the others of course) on trips that would otherwise have been too expensive, pay for equipment to help with his needs , a car and of course the odd treat, I'd be lying if I said we didn't. Living with an autistic child is difficult though, and there is no way I could ever put him back into a school he just wouldn't survive. Could we afford five children? To be honest, it's just the food bills that cripple us, so yes we'd survive without benefits if we were shrewd, but the benefits are a god send! The way I look at t I'm saving the state around £20 a week educating the children and getting some of DH's tax back plus all my offspring will be future tax payers, hopefully caring for myself and DH when we get old ( I hope).....work would be a far easier option believe me I hope this doesn't make me sound a bad person, but I'm extremely grateful of the benefit system and wouldn't change my decision to have the five little ones. X