

BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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...for my second 2 hr driving lesson at 3.30 *Yikes*

have fun wobbles, what are you learning about today???
Wobbles, I fear I may get a name as a sexist but..........

I Feel it is my duty to beg you not to carry on with the driving lessons!!

The roads have more women on the road everyday, and I seem to take longer and longer to get to work in a morning.................

Apparently the mirror in centre of the windscreen is for doing make-up and

The car is a beauty parlour rather than a mode of transportation, and

The M25 ...... well it;s still a carpark!

:p :p :p :p :p
Wobbles, I got an extra mirror in the front screen supposidly so i can see wot the kids are up to in the back but if you angle it right you can see wot ya hair looks like from the back!!!!!
Angels_Mummy said:
Wobbles, I got an extra mirror in the front screen supposidly so i can see wot the kids are up to in the back but if you angle it right you can see wot ya hair looks like from the back!!!!!


Sorry I am late......hope all went well babe!

Ignore happy Jack above............ If he didn't work so far away it wouldn't be a problem would it :wink: :lol:
LMAO ~ sorry, my fault... was stumped for a birthday present :lol:

I'm The Daddy said:
Wobbles, I fear I may get a name as a sexist but..........

I Feel it is my duty to beg you not to carry on with the driving lessons!!

The roads have more women on the road everyday, and I seem to take longer and longer to get to work in a morning.................

Apparently the mirror in centre of the windscreen is for doing make-up and

The car is a beauty parlour rather than a mode of transportation, and

The M25 ...... well it;s still a carpark!

:p :p :p :p :p
Well the only idiots I seen on the road today was the TWO men who pulled out directly infront of me from a side road!

But all went ok - I drove round an estate :happydance:
:lol: You TELL 'em HUN!!!!!!!

Well done babe, see not a bad as you first thought after all eh?! xx
Yes & no LOL

I did 3 left turns & stalled twice but second lesson so think I'm doing ok!
Not bad for a second lesson, my instructor wouldn't even let me sit in the driving seat until the second lesson.
He made me practice turning the steering wheel with a dinner plate :-s

Needless to say a few lessons later I found another instructor, 10 years later I've never looked back :D

Good Luck with the lessons, can't wait to see the pics of you with your little runaround.

Ohhh my instructer said about dinner plates LOL - Random & right over my head! He had me driving on my first lesson for an hr of a 2 hour lesson he was sneaky though made me think he was just running me through what I should do! Had no idea I was gonna move :rofl:

You poor thing!! :rofl:
Sounds like its going well!!
My driving instructor did that to me "you jump in the drivers seat and i'll show you where everything is" lol!!

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