My last shot was this time last year. Due to age & waiting list my doctor referred me to a fs, who we saw last month (may) she has sent us for every test possible. Me = blood, ultra sound, HSG etc and OH = Urine, ultra sound and sperm test etc. Anyway my point is at my appointment with FS, my first question was "is it or could it be the fact I had the depo???" Her answer was "NO, it's long gone out of your system, most of the time there is a under lying reason elsewhere, blocked tubes, pp, sperm mobility etc or the simple thing of patience"
So far all the tests are coming back normal, so fingers crossed for OH sperm test and my 21 day blood and ultra sound.
Oh and before I forget, if any of you ladies get sent for a HSG, don't worry about it, it's painless, yes you can feel it, but its the most amazing thing to see I was totally gob smacked and you can see for yourself there and then if there is any problems, love tests you get the same day (hate waiting).
Love and baby dust to all x