Hi Scootie,
My periods returned around one year after stopping the depo. Before they returned I went to see my gyn, who basically said that everything was fine and it can take up to two years to fall pregnant. I was so upset at hearing this as I was always advised that it would take 12 months to fall pregnant at the most. In the year after my period started, I used clearblue opk, and appeared to be ovulating each month. I also had my day 21 bloods done at my GP surgery each month which indicates if you have infact ovulated and if it was a healthy ovulation. Each month my progesterone was around 70 (anything 30 or above indicates ovulation) however was still not falling pregnant.
Went back to my gyn who referred me for HSG which looks at the fallopian tubes, mine were both clear. I couldn't understand why if I was ovulating was I not falling pregnant, and was feeling so low at times. My husband had a semen analysis carried out also, again no problems identified.
I have a 8 year old daughter who I fell pregnant with no issues at all so was beginning to get very concerned.
I attended a private reproductive health clinic in Glasgow for advice, and was basically told that I just had to wait it out, they also done an ultrasound of my ovaries, which showed follicles and a dominating follicle which was about to be released at ovulation. The advice I got was keep using OPK and keep trying.
I didn't do temps or anything like that as per advice from the consultant.
I looked for EWCM along with my OPK, and knew exactly when I was fertile.
I was so surprise when I got a positive pregnancy test, I am now five weeks so still early I know so trying not to get too excited.
How long were u on depo? How long have you been off?
Don't let my story worry you tho, the docs did say that I was highly sensitive to the effects of depo. My best friend stopped her depo at the same time as me and was pregnant six months later, and now has a gorgeous little boy!
I hope you don't have too long to wait, but keep trying and stay positive because it WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU

I am a practice nurse, and I make sure I fully inform all my patients of the serious effects of depo, so that nobody else gets the shock I did when I came off to TTC.
Good luck, anything else just ask xx