heres one more so you all can see better I couldn't figure out how to get a pic but I learned I HAVE A ZOOM BUTTON lol on my IPHONE!
so how does temping work exactly? When should you do it? I just took my temp and for some strange reason it's 99.2 and I'm not even sick....well I have a slightly congested nose but nothing major....I feel a high temp significant when trying to get pregnant or already pregnant?
It would be freakin awesome if it was twins.....I've always wanted twins....I keep daydreaming about being pregnant and presenting my husband with a positive test or ultrasound for our anniversary next month...or even xmas or his bday since it's only 5 days after xmas....
I wish I could test! But I don't have any....and my IC's I ordered last Wed still havent arrived yet
Maybe you can take a look at my thread and all my updates and tell me what you think.....I can only wish and pray I was pregnant....and I pray for you as well!! Does your OH not like you testing all the time? My husband gets annoyed but he can get over
Shouldn't my IC's be here by now??! Gooooosh!