Oh no not again!

Chunky's Wife

Feb 22, 2008
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Sorry to say that only a few days after finding this site I'm posting in this section.

I lost a baby at 7 weeks last summer and yesterday at 7 weeks started to spot, by yesterday evening I was cramping and bleeding properly.

We went to A & E and they have arranged a scan at our local EPAU for tomorrow.

I still have some 'cramping' pain and bleeding this morning.

We still have some hope, well you have to till you know for sure.

Obviously if this pregnancy isn't going to happen, we'll try again, and in the meantime I'll discuss with the doctor testing etc.. as this was my second pregnancy and my second m/c.

I'm trying to be very pragmatic (again) and hope that next time we have a different outcome.

*Just editing to ask has anyone had similar experiences and went on to have successful pregnancies from the 3rd/4th pregnancies**

Oh hun, I hope the cramping and bleeding stops..
You and your little one will be in my thoughts and prayers :hug:

Keep us updated
So sorry to hear about what you're going through.. I jst had a d&c last friday so i have been in a similar situation, unfortunately.

In answer to your question there are several women on here who have experienced several mc and had healthy pregnancies and hopefully someone will post here and help you a little.

Stay strong sweetie and im the meantime Im sending you lots of good vibes and prayers for the 3 of you!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Hunny i am so sorry to hear this.

I had a miscarriage earlier this month and one in December 07.

I dont have much advice for you but, i know it is hard, try to remain strong.

Thanks Omi,

I read your posts at the weekend - I was going to reply to you, but by the time I'd read them you had been in hospital. My 1st m/c was managed with medication so I had no experience of what you went through.

It's a poo time, I'm not as upset as I was 1st time round, maybe as I know what to expect, but also as we hadn't told people (except a couple of very good friends). Last time I was terribly upset for my parents & DH Mum because they were all so pleased in the first place.

As I said I'm quite pragmatic - it's what life has dealt us right now.

Last time I found the thought of 'trying again' too much for a couple of months as I didn't feel emotionally stong enough to maybe lose another baby, but now it's happened I'm strong enough to cope.

My biggest worry right now is whether there is a reason why I have had 2 m/c in succession - I don't even know who to start asking for test etc...but once we have the scan tomorrow I'll ask them.

I hope you are doing ok, and recover mentally and physically quickly, and next time works out for you.

By the way my 'real' name is Helen (and I'm 34 - jeez not something I usually admit - so I understand your concerns about age etc)

And another by the way - I'm a Mum to Boo a beautiful Ragdoll X (just noticed your avatar) x
:hugs:Hope things turn out ok for you tomorrow. I am on pregnancy number 13, I have 3 daughters and a son due in May and have had 9 miscs. Think there are unfortunately many ladies on here who have had 1/2 miscarriages. I t is a horrible time but each one made me stronger and more determined. Take care.
:hugs:Hope things turn out ok for you tomorrow. I am on pregnancy number 13, I have 3 daughters and a son due in May and have had 9 miscs. Think there are unfortunately many ladies on here who have had 1/2 miscarriages. I t is a horrible time but each one made me stronger and more determined. Take care.

Yes it does.

Just noticed your location - whereabouts in Lincs are you?

Were your m/c before you had a successful pregnancy?
I am south lincolnshire near grantham. I had 6 miscs, daughter, misc , daughter, misc, daughter,misc and now baby boy due in May. They found my hubby had some dodgy chromosomes in some of his sperm. If we got a 'good' sperm we were in with a chance. Found I conceived quite soon after each miscarriage. I am 41 so you are not too old!:hi:
i dont know if this helps at all but ive had a still birth and a mc and docs have said theres no reason why i wont conceive again, its something one in three pregnancys end in mc... fingers crossed for you..

I am south lincolnshire near grantham. I had 6 miscs, daughter, misc , daughter, misc, daughter,misc and now baby boy due in May. They found my hubby had some dodgy chromosomes in some of his sperm. If we got a 'good' sperm we were in with a chance. Found I conceived quite soon after each miscarriage. I am 41 so you are not too old!:hi:

Oh ok we're North of you - near Louth!

Did you have to ask help to see what was wrong - and if so is that done through your GP or the Consultant? I want to ask soon just to make sure!

Thanks and good luck to you, your family and the little man!
They started to 'investigate' us after the fourth miscarriage. We were referred by our gp to hospital consultant. Was actually easier to deal with once we had a diagnosis, we knew then we had a chance. Consultant said we had got over biggest hurdle and that was actually managing to get pregnant! What time is your scan?
It's at 11 at the EPAU in Grimsby.

I think you are right when you m/c you just want to know why it happened.

Once we can we'll try again whilst persuing 'anything untoward' with the GP
:hugs:I hope everything works out for you. . Keep faith:hugs:
I'm being investigated now after two m/c if you push they shold run some tests, i've also been trying for over 12 months so think that's why she agreed to the tests. sorry to hear your news
so sorry honey i have had 2 mc and now im 3 days late for af im praying that everything and bean is ok keep us posted wont u thinking of u xx
We had the scan today and sadly there was nothing there.

My bloods are now only 168, and I have to repeat a pregnancy test in a week.

I'll make an appt with the GP to discuss whether we can get any testing done, but for now it'll be back to the TTC for us (which make me smile as it reminds me of the Ticket and Transportation Centre at Disney's Magic Kingdom - always been a happy place for us), guess I'll see some of you there x
fingers crossed for u my aunt had about 7 miscarriages before she had 2 healthy children xxx

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