hi everyone
I passed my GD test

stupid 1hr screening, next pregnancy I will go straight and do the long one. I felt absolutely terrible during and after, but they let me go lie down in my car inbetween the blood draws.
I was waiting for the results to reply to your replies!
huggles I do listen to the CD everynight and fall asleep within 5 mins. so thats good to hear that you also fell asleep but still managed to gain from it. My instructor said that it will go into your subconscious but to try and do it without falling asleep too, so I wasnt sure how much I was hearing it as I always fall asleep. Im glad to hear the labour was 'bearable'. The breathing down technique I cant seem to 'get', and she said its hard to practice it until the time. She said to practice on bowel movements but I just dont get it - it doesnt seem to breath anything down. hubby has been doing it and said it works

Did you find the breathing down technique made more sense once in the moment?
reason I was thinking we werent practicing enough was because the book and course were full of all these different techniques to get into a relaxed state and we havent been practicing them apart from in class. This weekend we are going to take some time to practice. but its good to know even the cd and breathing could be enough
ndh 'rewarding hurt' does sound manageable. I love the code word idea. Hubby loved the HB course and is now convinced I can do a natural birth

I dont want him to be dissappointed if I end up having pain relief so I will talk to him about a code word. My MW said that 90% of people who want a natural birth end up getting medication, so that didnt help my scepticism. But perhaps the 10% were doing hypnobirthing!! she said that when someone wanting a natrual ask for an epidural she waits and tries other things, but if they ask a 2nd time she knows they need it.
flying I liked your description of the pain too

I do have some affimations I like that I will concentrate on, and they usually focus on how my body is designed to do this. I do think I will be able to relax, as her saying that labour can take much longer when you tense up is ingrained in my head. Im nervous about getting to the pushing stage and feeling like Ive had enough, but so many people say that stage is better as you have such an urge to actually do something. My MW said that if I needed it she would do everything she can to get me an epidural, even if Im almost at 10cm (she said the staff dont like it but she always gets it if thats what the patient wants).
I talked to my acupuncturist today (who is also my chiro, Ive been going weekly to avoid my sciatica pain and to keep things mobile in there which will hopefully result in bub getting into the right positions etc.) and at 40 weeks if nothing is happening Im going to do some acupuncture to get things started. I want to avoid getting pitocin as Ive read contractions are so much more intense with that.
oh sorry if TMI but I had a nasty hemorrhoid this week

hubbies family came over for a bbq so I spent most of saturday and sunday on my feet getting ready and tidying the house, my feet were killing me then I got the hemorrhoid. It was large and very very sore! my chiro said its because everything is pushing on the pelvic floor and being on my feet made it worse. So Ive been sitting/lying down since then and it seems to be going back up
I cant wait till the end of next week as Im 30 weeks

whoda thunk it!!!!