lying in bed at 2am unable to sleep, i remembered you were worried about the hypnobirthing not working because you don't believe in it 100%.
I have major issues with losing control of myself, and as a result am completely and utterly against hypnosis. The thing that swayed me towards hypnobirthing is that i would be in control of myself at all times, it wasn't someone else making me relax or telling me to do stuff. I never did any of the relaxation exercises during class, where the practitioner talks you into a relaxed state etc - i tensed up enormously with all of them and constantly told myself not to relax, stay in control etc. So in that regard i never participated 100% in the classes etc, yet it still worked for me.
I never managed to do the relaxation exercises at home - i tried some of them once or twice - just didn't really do much for me. Although in saying that, after i had given birth i had a dentist app where i was totally freaking out. Managed to talk myself into focusing on my breathing and 'zoning out' like i did during labour and it worked fantastically.
I was also always open to the option of using gas and air.
I was very against epidurals because i'm really scared of them - goes back to the not being in control of myself thing. I've had a terrible experience with partial anaesthetics before (conscious sedation) and am terrified of something similar happening, so would rather be knocked out completely if i needed an emergency c-section. So was adament i didn't want epidural, but was open to other pain relief options if necessary. But when the time came i never really felt i needed them.
So basically what i'm saying is that it can work, even if you only listen to the cd while going to sleep, and even if you're not 100% sure you believe it completely.
Also, re pain etc - i honestly found the cramps i got with my first proper period after jarrod far worse than the worst contractions i had during labour with logan.
Re pushing vs breathing down - when jarrod was born, the first words out my mouth were 'omg, if that was a small one there's no ways i'm doing a full size'

3 days later i was totally ready to do it again (meaning birth without drugs).
But with logan and focusing on the breathing and bearing down like that, i felt disappointed every time a contraction ended because i really wanted to push more (mentally - physically the urge was gone). It was totally empowering and exciting and generally an amazing feeling.
And as someone else mentioned - the pain/discomfort is only there during the contraction (which lasts maybe 1 min?). Once that stops the pain/discomfort is gone again. Focus on breathing during that minute, don't focus on the discomfort.