Thanks huggles

24 hours now as a mommy of two. Had a baby girl yesterday at 6:50am named chloe brenda. She's 3.15kg (1/2 an ounce shy of 7lbs) and 54cm long -to just as tall as her big sister was but exactly one pound lighter. She'll need physio for her legs being breech so long and needs to get her hips checked in about 6 weeks.
Super fast labour - woke up at 11:40 on thursday night (not having been home from newcastle very long even) with my first contraction, called mom a bit after midnight, got on the road by 1:15 and arrived at hospital at 4. Admission process took 20 minutes and I fully expected to be checked and sent away in early labour and we'd go find a hotel for the rest.of the night. Contractions only 7-10 mins apart. Half an hour on the trace and I only had 4 contractions, which barely showed up on the ctg (turns out she had the trace on baby's head which kept pushing it too high to pick up the contractions). Was told it was a good thing I was just in early labour as the consultant on was an automatic c section dr and he wasn't getting replaced til 8 but since I was in early labour they didn't have to tell him I was there.
checked by the registrar at 5:20 - 4cm dilated! Still expecting hours yet as the contractions weren't too intense we were advised to her some sleep. Mom brought sara up and Dh snuggled her to sleep as she'd been awake since 2am. Meanwhile I started having to vocalise through contractions that seemed to be coming on fast. Was up on my hands and knees moaning. After the third one I decided I was a.huge wuss this time and needed something but would try gas first so I paged the mw and she arrived in the middle of another contraction. Got the gas ready for me and asked if id felt pressure. I said not really but asked what would happen if I got pushy before the next dr came on at 8. She said he just wouldn't make it in time is all and assured me she had 22 years experience and the senior registrar was very comfortable with breech births.
Next contraction I tried the gas but really needed to vocalise and then announced that I was definitely feeling a bit of pressure. I remember that the registrar was suddenly there during the next contraction telling me that as soon as the contraction ended she'd like me to roll.over so I could be quickly checked. It didn't happen though cause suddenly I was pushing. Not sure if it was the same contraction or a different one but I announced I was pushing and there went my waters. 3 more contractions and she was out! No idea how two registrars and two midwives made it in time it was that quick. I remember Dh coming and whispering that we had a girl some.time before her head was out. He'd had to be told though cause her genitalia was so swollen he honestly couldn't tell.
I didn't get immediate skin to skin and they cut her cord immediately. Well Dh did at least get to cutit. He protested but she was stunned and needed fluid cleared out of her airway and oxygen. Nicu team did it in the room though and I could see her when I managed to roll over. As soon as she screamed they did pass her to me for skin to skin and I birthed the placenta while holding her. After 10-15 minutes the paed took her back (still in the room) to give her more oxygen.
I had one small perineum tear that they decided to check in an hour if it needed stitching and decided to leave it alone.
I did lose a lot of clots when they massaged my tummy though and they gave me the synto injection which I was fine with. Mw estimated blood loss at 500ml on top of 200ml at birth so they put me on a drip. For 4 hours?
Spent the entire day in the birth suite as there wasn't a bed on the ward and after a huge comedy of errors we finally got discharged to go home (against medical advice) at 8:45 and got home after midnight!