ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Yes I'm excited just got digital confirmation too.. Pic below... It feels better to read the words.. Bt I'm really worried about this time as well and won't feel at rest until I get past the 3 month mark...!! This time is high risk too and I'm waiting to see heartbeat too.. I have already started taking aspirin to avoid blood clots like before as per my doc... H said to make an appointment in two weeks time he says that makes me six weeks but I don't think so..

My last period was on the 7 th of march but it varies.. It goes between 32 and 35 day cycles so I'm really not sure where I stand now.. Of course it's only been a month today..

I'm reall hoping its a sticky bean for the both of us and that we can do this together...

If all goes well then that means a December baby for us...x

Ny I'm praying and hoping you get pregnant real soon too... Fx'd

I'm a bit sceptic of waiting two weeks just to see the doc.. I want to go for bloods but he aid it was too early for bloods ?
yay babyhopes, that's really great! Those are very definite positive lines!

It's never too early for bloods. If the hpt can pick it up then a blood test will. The levels will just be much higher if you wait, but even if you go early they can see, you just might get a really low reading. But anything above 5 (or is it 7?) means you're pregnant, and as long as the number doubles (or more) every 2 days then it's a really good sign.
Thanks huggles that is right.. Although all I am worried now is about having pcos and being pregnant as it poses a hig risk for mc.. Just want to see the doc about progesterone supplements and metmorfin to help with it.. X
I didnt' know pcos held a high risk for miscarriage. Thought it only caused problems in getting pg.
My sil has it - struggled for 5 years to fall pg then finally did (with clomid and stuff). She's now had 2 kids and no mc's so hopefully yours will also be a sticky bean and a healthy (and hopefully full term!) pregnancy.
I hope so too that is very reassuring to hear xxx I hope it's the same for me!
yeah my friend had no problems once she was pregnant. regardless its a worry....im worried as mine are 40 yr old eggs with 30% chance of MC. but if its meant to be it will be, Im going on progesterone too. will post my beta results when I get them, preethi its not too early wonder why they said that? my last period was around march 8 so we are so close, wonder if we ovulated near the same time, I think mine was april 22 ish xxx
It must've been.. The calculators for due dates online say I conceived on march 21 st... So I'm around 4 weeks now.. I could get bloods done.. My doc is more of a high risk screening ultrasound guy.. He used to see patients at his hospital only around 8 weeks.. He started his own place and now asked me to come in two weeks from now.. I will go then but don't think I can hold off on getting bloods done before just for personal satisfaction.
It's because of the ultrasound from what I understand then. I think at 8 weeks can see heartbeat on ultrasound?
yeah I think they can from 6.5 weeks, I had mine at 7 weeks and saw a heartbeat, but the earlier it is the chance is its just too early and you could get worried for nothing. here in canada most people dont get bloods and wait till 12 weeks for ultrasound, I only get bloods/early ultrasound as im with a FS. Preethi definitely get them for your peace of mind if you have to wait 4 weeks.
Yay preethi! double great news!

Sticky dust for you both!
Hi ladies, Sarah got hold of me on FB so thought I would catch up on all the news!

Delighted to see it's not just Sarah with a BFP result! Congrats Preethi!! :dance: :dance:

So chuffed for you both. Sarah, it's odd how the body works but completely normal for you to fall pregnant easily second time round. What an amazing thing to happen! This little one clearly wanted to be part of your family! :D

All is good here, soon to be launching my website and can start promoting my business. Girls are good, growing up quickly. Just keeping me very very busy. Found out that we got our first choice for school this September. Lottie starts school this year, 9am to 3pm... not sure what I'm going to do with myself. Actually might be able to get special activities done with Lizzie.

No plans for a 3rd here, though we did have a scare (even though I'm on the coil) .. long story but it was an early miscarriage, the coil prevented implantation.

Hope you're all okay and Natalie, can't wait to see gorgeous squishy newborn pics in the near future! :D
Congrats to both of yoU! Great job!

Sarah thats crazy that you were just about to start FET and this happened, wow! Your body is so surprising. lol.

Hope both of you have sticky beans.

Mummycat congrats on getting into the school! preschool I take it? Is it a highly sought one or do you have to be on an waiting list for all of them over there?

Not much here, still TTC but looking like my Ovulation is just messed up:( I am nearing CD 20 and still no O. Last 2 cycles it was like CD 23 which makes my TTC cycles LONG. I am losing hope, especially since I can't really take anything since breast feeding. I am sure I won't have another one but thats probably just the way it is then. Kian is keeping me busy and we are having so much fun. He is beginning to talk now! its nuts
I know it sucks that your cycles are long but when Kristin was conceived I O'd on CD21 every single cycle. :hugs:
Ny I remember you saying the exact same thing right before getting pregnant with kian, so I have lots of hope for you. how many months did it take with kian?

Im just waiting for my ultrasound next thursday :coffee: :dohh: my betas were good...920 and 2170 so we will see. Im trying not to overthink it as what will be with be. if this one ends up not going the distance I have 7 frosties so its all good. sorry if that sounds negative but the 30% chance of MC stats for age 40 just have me realistic.

preethi has an ultrasound on sunday so hoping she sees a heartbeat then :hugs::kiss:
Oh guys, this is all just awesome!!!! I don't get on here any more really, I got a bit over being so different to so many people so just stopped coming, but I kept meaning to pop in to this thread! I'm soooooooo happy for both Preethi and Sarah! So exciting and scary all at once!! I hope it is sticky for you both, how amazing would that be!! I love how you both were looking ahead to fertility help and got pregnant naturally just before!! Heh.

We are doing great, I love love love being a mum. I have no plans to go back to work, possibly ever, as we are doing well on one income and hubby just got a promotion and pay rise so we are rejoicing that! I will pick up dog grooming at home a bit over the years, but no more working for other people for meeeeeee. Lol. I also want to home school so need to be home for that of course too. I am now also training to become a la leche league leader which is exciting. :-)

Caleb is fucking awesome. Lol. I just love him. He's fun and cheeky, he has such an awesome sense of humour coming out now. Talks all day long, plays silly games, just heaps of fun. Hard work at times, but mostly just lots of fun. He's still breastfeeding too, and we still bedshare as well. I still don't have my period back (woooooot!) And I do NOT want to get pregnant yet as I want an age gap much closer to 3 years than 2... So my plans are to start TTC after he turns 2 on Halloween and see how we go there. So I'm very happy to still not have my period back yet! Lol!

I don't have a computer any more, only a tablet, so can't post pics as easily but I think you're all Facebook friends and see him there anyway. Lol!

Sending sticky vibes! I will try check in here a bit more to keep up to date!!!

Mummycat congrats on getting into the school! preschool I take it? Is it a highly sought one or do you have to be on an waiting list for all of them over there?

Not much here, still TTC but looking like my Ovulation is just messed up:( I am nearing CD 20 and still no O. Last 2 cycles it was like CD 23 which makes my TTC cycles LONG. I am losing hope, especially since I can't really take anything since breast feeding. I am sure I won't have another one but thats probably just the way it is then. Kian is keeping me busy and we are having so much fun. He is beginning to talk now! its nuts

Fingers crossed it all fall into place honey! *hugs*

So we had to have her on a waiting list for nursery (preschool) where she is now, so we got into that no problem. They get placed into nursery the September after they are 3. Then go into Reception the September after they are 4 and then Year 1 starts the September after they are 5. This is the school we just got placement for... Lottie is due to start Reception in September. This can be either a primary or infant school. Basically depending on where you are in the UK (some towns have both) you either get primary and high schools, or infant, junior and high schools. You are assigned a certain school as your 'catchment' school. that is dependant on your physical address.. obviously that is like a postcode lottery. The school may be great or it may be absolute crap. We have a closing date to apply for schools and you have to list your top 3, in order of preference. My friend has an AWFUL catchment and she listed all 3 outside of the catchment and thank heavens she got her 1st choice. We got our 1st choice (same school as my friend) which was also luckily our catchment school (so we would have got a place before my friend as we rank higher up the list as we fall into the catchment area). It has outstanding Ofsted reports, which is the highest grade awarded a school by an independent commission.

Once a child is in a school, siblings get preference over catchment so we shouldn't have an issue getting Lizzie in there in a few years, even if we move house, which we plan to... to get into a better catchment for a good high school. Does ANY of that make sense? LOL

Ny I remember you saying the exact same thing right before getting pregnant with kian, so I have lots of hope for you. how many months did it take with kian?

Im just waiting for my ultrasound next thursday :coffee: :dohh: my betas were good...920 and 2170 so we will see. Im trying not to overthink it as what will be with be. if this one ends up not going the distance I have 7 frosties so its all good. sorry if that sounds negative but the 30% chance of MC stats for age 40 just have me realistic.

preethi has an ultrasound on sunday so hoping she sees a heartbeat then :hugs::kiss:

Oh wow... scans so soon... can't wait to see little sticky bean ultrasounds of your beautiful babies!!!! :cloud9:

Oh guys, this is all just awesome!!!! I don't get on here any more really, I got a bit over being so different to so many people so just stopped coming, but I kept meaning to pop in to this thread! I'm soooooooo happy for both Preethi and Sarah! So exciting and scary all at once!! I hope it is sticky for you both, how amazing would that be!! I love how you both were looking ahead to fertility help and got pregnant naturally just before!! Heh.

We are doing great, I love love love being a mum. I have no plans to go back to work, possibly ever, as we are doing well on one income and hubby just got a promotion and pay rise so we are rejoicing that! I will pick up dog grooming at home a bit over the years, but no more working for other people for meeeeeee. Lol. I also want to home school so need to be home for that of course too. I am now also training to become a la leche league leader which is exciting. :-)

Caleb is fucking awesome. Lol. I just love him. He's fun and cheeky, he has such an awesome sense of humour coming out now. Talks all day long, plays silly games, just heaps of fun. Hard work at times, but mostly just lots of fun. He's still breastfeeding too, and we still bedshare as well. I still don't have my period back (woooooot!) And I do NOT want to get pregnant yet as I want an age gap much closer to 3 years than 2... So my plans are to start TTC after he turns 2 on Halloween and see how we go there. So I'm very happy to still not have my period back yet! Lol!

I don't have a computer any more, only a tablet, so can't post pics as easily but I think you're all Facebook friends and see him there anyway. Lol!

Sending sticky vibes! I will try check in here a bit more to keep up to date!!!


LOL... you do make me laugh. Congrats to hubby on his promotion and how exciting about your new venture!!! By the way, we had a 2yr 7 month age gap and at the time I think I would have preferred a 3 year age gap. Those extra few months make a huge difference. Now we're through it, it's fine and the girls play so well together.

Charlotte made me laugh today. I was helping her lace up her shoes as we were preparing to leave the house to go to gymnastics class and she says:

L: Mummy, I just keep on growing.
M: Yeah, you do... you don't stop growing!!!
So she looks a little worried...
M: what's the matter love?
L: If I keep growing, how am I going to fit through the front door??????

:rofl: we had a good laugh together.... my child is nuts!!!!
Lol, I totally remember having that exact conversation with my dad as a kid!!!! So funny.

And yeah, if I start trying AFTER he turns 2, then the closest they'll be is 2y 9m, but that's only if we get prey first try!! And we all know that while that may well happen, it's more likely to take longer!!! :-)
Lol, I totally remember having that exact conversation with my dad as a kid!!!! So funny.

And yeah, if I start trying AFTER he turns 2, then the closest they'll be is 2y 9m, but that's only if we get prey first try!! And we all know that while that may well happen, it's more likely to take longer!!! :-)

It really wont be long before you're TTCing then hun. How exciting! :dance:
you guys are worrying me...if this beany makes it mine will be 14 months apart :dohh::haha:

its ok I can handle it, hubby has one week off every month and works 4 days a week.

ive thrown my back out and going to chiro 3x a week right now, she says its due to pregnancy hormones relaxing everything then carrying car seat must have thrown me off. i didnt have a heavy baby and car seat last time. its been sooooo painful and I feel like such an old mum. when its fixed im so determind to exercise and go regularly for chiro and massage to keep it from happening again.

one week till ultrasound :coffee:

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