Ok to take break from bd tonight? cd10

Im so tired of guessing! Ive decided I ovulated on the 14th and that is final! Call me mad but I cant go on like this anymore. Im about 100% sure the signals my body sent is that i did so Im goin with it. Hell im gonna end up with a uti if I keep testong like this..not drinking then holding my pee forever day in and day out. I took the girls to the park today for some normalcy after dealing with yesterdays bombing so I had to drink water from running around and well i certainly wasnt going to drive my self into dehydration just because a cheap piece of crap test wont give me a clear positive. Ugh i just want to know now.

Phew i feel a bit better now!
I def think its ok to day off! It actually may help his sperm to replenish.
Yes, I expect a bit of normalcy is just what the doctor ordered! It must be a stressful time in America following that awful bombing!
I know exactly how you are feeling re O! Im currently on CD30 (I think??!!) and have just done a test and , you guessed it, -!!!! I am sooooooooo fed up and feel like chucking the OPKs in the bin right now. I wish I could do that TBH, but being the POAS nut that I appear to be becoming, I just cant quite seem to do it. I just wish AF would show up at least, so I could start a fresh cycle, rather than this whole will I, wont I O guessing game that I seem to have caught myself in!
Im getting lots of hormonal symptoms too. Feel like snapping at everyone over the tiniest of things, sore BBs, tearful etc. Just wish I knew what was going on in there!
How are you feeling now? Hope you are feeling a bit more positive than I am at the min xxx
Lifes extremely stressful here in America. Not sure if you heard about the Sandyhook School shooting ( i know the Queen sent her regards which is appreciated), but we lost 20 young children to a mad man a week before christmas. Sandyhook is my home town, I now live 40 mins from there. We now lost another child in the boston bombing. With all these young lives being taken, I dont understand why we all have to struggle to conceive. The world is breaking my heart.

On a brightside I said screw it and tested again early evening and got a freakin Positive! I lost all hope and it happened! So we :sex: like rabbits. I just want to bring some joy into the world. I really hope maybe you missed your positive and all your bding will pay off. Baby dust!
Hooray!! Im glad one of us got a + at last!!!! Lets hope you have caught it in time! Im feeling pretty crappy as I just dont think I am going to O this cycle!
You are right about so many young lives being lost all the time, it is so sad. Yes I do remember that shooting, how terrifying to have something like that just on your doorstep! It must make your little ones seem even more precious. I dont think I would want to let mine out of my sight with all that going on! I often think that my quiet little town is boring, but I suppose we are blessed with the safety that goes along with it.
Im glad youve had the BDing to take your mind off things! Bet youll be scouring the TWW boards now!!! I hope to see you there soon lol! Please let me know how you get on! Success stories are like my drug of choice at the minute!!! xxx
Sandyhook was a very small quiet town, its ashame. My girls were huddled in a corner on lock down for hours that day. They canceled school everywhere the next day. Im really dreading the tww as I swore last time I had every symptom possible! Now i have to convince myself notnto poas, on any sticks for atleast 9 days. That alone will drive me insane! I have a huge supply of hpts screaming my name. I even didnsome while using the opks just to see, ya know! Hah..oh we are silly!
were all guilty of double dipping with our hpts and opks babe lol!!!
ive just been reading about ladies who dont o till five or six weeks post mc, so i might still be in with a shot!!
hope the next few days fly by for you xx
were all guilty of double dipping with our hpts and opks babe lol!!!
ive just been reading about ladies who dont o till five or six weeks post mc, so i might still be in with a shot!!
hope the next few days fly by for you xx

You should O by the end of April then? If Im this estatic about Oving then what am i going to be like with a bfp?? Im a total nut today!
Im exactly the same every time I ovulate you would think Id won the lottery lol! When I got a + CBD pregnancy test last cycle you cant imagine how daft I went! I was literally shaking for about three hours and my legs were like jelly!!! I just did an OPK this morning with smu and the line is finally starting to darken again!!! After a few stark white tests over the last few days, I thought that might be me out. Now I have a second line again (although it isnt positive) I feel like my hormone levels must be creeping back up again! At least my body is trying to do what it is supposed to!!!
How long til you can take a test now babe? Im dying to know how you get on x
Your body is def trying to gear up and o!! AF is due the 29th so I shouldnt probably test till atleast the 22 lol. Who knows maybe a stick will magically appear in my hand earlier than that. :haha:

All that holding pee and not drinking alot is catching up I think. My kidney hurt this morning upon waking. They need hydration now big time!
I know what you mean!! It cant be good for us, holding in pee all the time etc!!! Lots of water for you!! Im still waiting for that elusive positive!!! I just keep telling myself it will happen soon! (sorry if tmi) but I have been starting to get a teeny bit of EWCM, so that can only be a good sign, right?
Not too long to go for you now! xx
I only had ewcm a few days leading up to my fertile time so its def a good sign! Im freaking out worried that we havent :sex: enough! My egg must have just burst today because that unmistakenable oving pain increased today like it use to, where it felt like something needed to explode in my left side. I forgot how much it hurts for me. Do you think we bd'ed enough leading up to yesterday and today? 13,14,15, and 16th? Im worried i havent stored enough swimmers, lol!! Seriously though would tonight help in any way cause the egg lives for so many hours??
I only had ewcm a few days leading up to my fertile time so its def a good sign! Im freaking out worried that we havent :sex: enough! My egg must have just burst today because that unmistakenable oving pain increased today like it use to, where it felt like something needed to explode in my left side. I forgot how much it hurts for me. Do you think we bd'ed enough leading up to yesterday and today? 13,14,15, and 16th? Im worried i havent stored enough swimmers, lol!! Seriously though would tonight help in any way cause the egg lives for so many hours??

Honestly, I wouldnt worry babe (easier said than done lol!) Im sure you already know this, but you are highest chance of conceiving if you time BDing for the couple of days before O, so it sounds like you have done as much as you can!!! You must be blooming sore by now, so take a well deserved rest!!!!! I think the best thing you can do now is try to relax and let nature take its course. I think if you are chilled out then your womb will be a lovely calm environment for your little eggy to implant lol!
I hope you get the results you are after, it sounds like you have put a really good effort in xxx
Last night :sex: hurt! Everything was super squeezy and tight oww! :blush: Its hard not being able to know what is going on inside my own body. I mean for petes sake I am trying to grow another human being inside me! Sometimes I am so blown away by the fact another person could be in my body again. Its weird! But im just gonna have to relax and hope it is happening as I write this. Oh i should mention this...Dh refered to my tubes as "those curly flower things, like ram horns?" Seriously!!??? Is he trying to say my uterus looks like the devil?? :haha:

Any progress on the opks??
Last night :sex: hurt! Everything was super squeezy and tight oww! :blush: Its hard not being able to know what is going on inside my own body. I mean for petes sake I am trying to grow another human being inside me! Sometimes I am so blown away by the fact another person could be in my body again. Its weird! But im just gonna have to relax and hope it is happening as I write this. Oh i should mention this...Dh refered to my tubes as "those curly flower things, like ram horns?" Seriously!!??? Is he trying to say my uterus looks like the devil?? :haha:

Any progress on the opks??

Men!!! They have the most interesting way of putting things!!!
I know what you mean with regards to being blown away by what our bodies are capable of! I find it hard to believe that I could have done something that amazing the first time, let alone be capable of doing it again! I just cant imagine ever doing the whole pregnancy thing again, and it has been such a long time, I think I have forgotten what it is really like.
As for the OPKs... Nothing happening booooo! My darkening line has now faded again and the EWCM has dried up! :blush:It feels like I am never going to ovulate!! I would even be happy to see AF. At least then I could count as though I am on a fresh cycle. CD1 sounds so much better than CD32 (with no O).
Glad to hear all the drama in America has been taken care of. They showed a picture of the boy who was killed seconds before it happened on the news this morning, and it really gave me goosebumps, so I was happy to hear they got the B***ards responsible for it!!!
Oh well, weve just got back from ballet practice, so the housework is now calling (joy!). Hope your TWW isnt dragging too much xx
It was really great not to bd last night. If af shows I will need this break to recharge! The average cycles are 28-32 days so you are getting close hopefully! Has it ever been this long before?

Big celebration when Boston and our military got #2 suspect! At around 10pm we had an unexplained sonic boom rattle most of our state, only possible explaination is all the fighter jets heading to Boston. Only 3 hours from me. I feel as though we will always be on such high alert. :frown:

Im rather hungry and nauseus at the moment which happened last cycle, but i think is due to progestorone drop?
It was really great not to bd last night. If af shows I will need this break to recharge! The average cycles are 28-32 days so you are getting close hopefully! Has it ever been this long before?

Big celebration when Boston and our military got #2 suspect! At around 10pm we had an unexplained sonic boom rattle most of our state, only possible explaination is all the fighter jets heading to Boston. Only 3 hours from me. I feel as though we will always be on such high alert. :frown:

Im rather hungry and nauseus at the moment which happened last cycle, but i think is due to progestorone drop?

To be honest with you, I have been nauseous every cycle except for the one I was pregnant, but of course everyone is different. I know a lot of ladies on here wouldnt like me saying this, but I really dont think that any 'symptoms' are really to do with pregnancy at such an early stage! Our bodies are really weird in the TWW (especially when we are so concious of them at this time) and for all those ladies who are convinced they are pregnant and turn out to be, there are probably just as many who turn out not to be.
I think you can relax (easier said than done) knowing you have a very good chance of being pregnant! You know exactly when you Ovulated, and you have BD as much as possible (your poor bits must be in need of some TLC of a different kind lol). But I always try to remember that even with everything timed correctly there is only a 1in4 chance of conception. This way it will be a pleasant surprise if your are pregnant, rather than quite such a blow if you arent (again, easier said than done lol!)
I really do have everything crossed for you and hope you are rewarded for your, ahem, 'efforts!':blush:
As for me.... I got my + OPK (IC and digi) :happydance: CD34 so should O by CD36! Its not usually quite so long for me (although I do O notoriously late, usually between 21-26). I think my body must have taken a while to adjust to the MC. Infact, the last MC I had was a missed one and it took ages for the hormones to leave my system so I think maybe my body just hold onto those hormones once it has them, hence the late O. Thats my story and Im sticking to it anyway!
I cant tell you how relieved I feel!!!!!
That sounds pretty scary, what you guys have been through lately! You sound like some good news is just what the doctor ordered!
Just noticed youre 6 days away from testing! How exiting!!!! xxx
Oh yay!!! You got a positive! I knew you would around cd36! I think that everything you feel in the tww is just pms, abd my bbs and nips are killing me :( really think that just means af will arrive on the 29th. This sucks because i thought if i dont feel anything then id get a bfp.

Get to :sex:!!! Good luck!!
Dont count yourself out yet!! Its still far too early to tell! When I was briefly pregnant last cycle I felt nothing but I did get AF cramps which started then vanished, so either way, anything is possible! Like they say, 'it aint over till the fat lady sings' (or makes life a misery for a few days!)
Try not to get too disheartened, theres still every chance!! xx
I think I need to start igboring my body for a few days. Maybe then I will be surprised. Hah.. that would be amazing.

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