Ok to take break from bd tonight? cd10

Come on now, we all know that is next to impossible during the TWW lol! I personally try to steer clear of the SS boards, although sometimes I have a quick look when no-ones looking!! Gosh, why cant we be like men and A) not stress about these things and B) know exactly what our body is doing at all times!
Having said that it has been such a long wait this cycle my OH is even starting to worry about whether were putting enough effort in etc! I think well :sex:for the next couple of days. Then that will have to be it or I wont be able to walk!!! x
I think we are just going to have to grin and bear it. If we get pregnant, great, if not then we try again. I dont think the depo is still affecting me because i have had 2 cycles now and i have ovulated. If I have to try again then i will implement some new tatics. So many mixed ideas going through my head. Sore bbs, wet cm again..cant stop eatting. Wait bbs not sore this minute ( do I have secret on and off switch somewhere?)more energy than usual. Its like 70% af usual stuff, 30% not typical af.

We could try some reverse psychology..I cant wait for af to arrive! :haha:
He He, thats the spirit!
I think you are right about the depo. If you are ovulating again, then surely it must be all out of your system. It is bloody evil stuff and I think it should be banned!! Anyway, its gone now, and you never have to go back there again!
I think my egg has finally put in an appearance today! Have had pinchy pains this morning and am still getting a positive OPK and EWCM. I am hoping the OPK will turn negative this afternoon and the EWCM will dry up. I dont temp so that is the only way I will know O is over! My poor OH has started to refer to himself as the 'man-whore' as I had to put money into his account this morning. He says I was paying him for the booty-call lol!
Hope AF doesnt show up for you, I really do! I am on the brink of my TWW. I really hate TWWs and am not sure how I am going to cope with this one following last cycles mc. Somebody hide the HPTs for goodness sakes! I really hope I manage to refrain from testing til the time is right! I have wasted do much money and heartache staring at BFNs. Why do we do this to ourselves???
Oh well, I really should be getting on with my essay, instead of scouring BnB. I sear I am addicted to this site! I feel like I will get pregnant quicker if I am armed with every bit of info I can find! (dumb I know, but I bet Im not the only one!) xxx
That is hilarious what your oh thinks! Poor guy! Well i told mine that he just gives it to me a lot then when im preg and not feeling well he will get a break. Seems to work! Im keeping my tests out of site out of mind plus dh hiding them every day helps. Think i had some tinted cm today but no af symptoms! Ive had alot of energy lately which is unheard of!

We are gonna get pregnant, you and I, together! Hahah!

I have classes starting again Monday. What are you taking?
Im doing a BSC hons in social science with psychological studies. How about you?
I just noticed youre 10dpo today. Goodness me, the suspense must be killing you!!!! The last few days are always the worst for me. Its like you are on the brink of knowing your fate and it really does feel like all or nothing! What day do you intend on testing? I really really hope its good news! Colored CM could be a good sign, so lets hope!
I really dont think it will be my month! My stomach is incredibly bloated (not usual for me) and I have quite bad pains still! My mum thinks my little egg baskets were spilling over after such a long wait, hence why it has been quite painful. My mum always has the best way of describing things lol! To be honest, I will be devastated, but I am so happy to be laying my eggs after such a long wait. I really was starting to wonder if something was wrong! Have been having major palpitations for the last few days, which I read can be due to a rush of hormones.
Let me know how you get on! I sent you a friend request if you ever fancy PMing! Speak soon xxx
I'm finishing up BA in Criminal Justice. About 30 credits left. I was doubling majors in Psychology but switched to a Social Services because the work was way to much for me to comprehend in psych 300 and up. Frustrating. Criminal Justice is a piece of cake for me because I already work in the field and its my passion. My family is mostly made up of Law enforcement in different fields. Stressful but what a rush to have intuitions like I do.
I tested last night as I never get results with fmu. Very very faint line but nothing this morning. Still early. Just hope my eyes werent screwing with me! I wont test again till this weekend, i hope. My ovulation pain felt like something needed to explode in my hip. My ov pains were always like that before depo and before my mc. Its like come on already burst through!

I havent used a forum forever and forgot about the pm thing! I see it now under cp.user.
Oh my goodness! Have you got a pic? All my BFPs have also been with pm urine. I bet you could explode lol!
I will keep literally everything crossed for you babe. I really hope this is it for you; you sound like you deserve it after a long wait!!!!!
Your course sounds really interesting. I love anything that looks at human behaviors. Im supposed to be studying at the min but it is sooooo hard to concentrate when all you can focus on is what may or may not be going on in your body!
Keep me posted!!! x
I tried getting a clear pic but it was hard. After about twenty mins and it dried up it faded away. Im assuming thats a really good thing because the opposite would have been a evap or negative. But this had a touch of pink that stayed. Just dont cross your tubes, you need them open! Im excitced my text books for this semester came in last night because I need a distraction from this tww. I have a relative that lives in a somewhat good area of there town, but has a neighbor with quite a bit of interesting activity going on. So ssometimes Ill go over and just sit and watch, take notees, descriptions, tags and turn the notes over to a cop I know in that town. Its so much fun! I live for this stuff!
OMG you crack me up! Now I have this picture in my head of you lurking about in the shadows like some sort of a spy!!
I totally agree with you. If it was an evap it would have shown up outside of the testing time limit and remember evaps dont usually have colour. They are normally grey or white, they shouldnt have any sort of pink in them. Sounds like a BFP to me! Have you got a digital test you can do? I always find seeing the words much more satisfying than trying to interpret lines! I really hope this is it for you. Youre right, I have to keep everything except my tubes crossed lol!
Im feeling pessimistic about myself TBH. I just dont see how after such a long wait to O, and then all the weird stomach aches it could be good news this cycle. Oh well, its only 3DPO so I have a long wait ahead anyway!
Let me know how you get on over the weekend. Other peoples success stories make things seem more possible for me!
Good luck x
Im still doubtful because lastnights test was faulty with a big pink horizontal streak across the test, and smu today showed nothing much. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks? Then again I have had no af symptoms at all and i usually bloat like a balloon and get a migraine and turn into a monster. I was ddiagnosed with PMDD because my pms is much more severe then what it should be. I was put on strong benzos like xanax and klonopin but I didnt like the idea of staying on such habit forming drugs which led me to going on evil Depo! Ugh..should have just stayed on the drugs atleast they dont mess up Ttc! If i dont get pregnant I dont know what Iam gonna do about my pmdd as nothing helped but those 3 things and I certainly cant be on any of that and ttc. For everyones sake it is best that I get a bfp asap! Maybe this cycle will even you up and get you to ovulate normal and make things more predictable and less confusing. We wont think about that because af is faraway!
Hey babe. Havent been on over the weekend, but just noticed your ticker is saying you are CD1. Am I to take it that the witch showed her ugly face? Im so sorry to hear that if its true. I know I dont even know you, but I was really excited to think you might have had success as it gave me a little hope for myself! Pregnancy tests are so freaking cruel! I always though that it was a simple yes no thing, but there is so much interpretation involved! Why cant it be simple?
Im now about half way through the dreaded TWW, and I am kind of resigned to the fact that this wont be my month. I think I get this attitude at this stage of the TWW every time as a defense mechanism. I mean, if I expect the worst, then I cant be too disappointed!
Hope you are OK x
Stupid AF showed a day early even! So pissed..but oh well. Think we will just ntnp and dtd every other day through the cycle and if it happens it happens. I think the stress of trying is keeping it from happening. Or maybe depo ruined me...

Dont give up hope yet! Maybe you will just be surprised!?
On the brightside atleast i was finally able to take some sudafed for stuffy head lol.
When are you testing? My fingers are so crossed for you!
Stupid AF showed a day early even! So pissed..but oh well. Think we will just ntnp and dtd every other day through the cycle and if it happens it happens. I think the stress of trying is keeping it from happening. Or maybe depo ruined me...

Dont give up hope yet! Maybe you will just be surprised!?
On the brightside atleast i was finally able to take some sudafed for stuffy head lol.
When are you testing? My fingers are so crossed for you!

I really am sorry to hear that. I really hoped that it had worked for you after all the waiting you have had to do! I am trying to not test till I am late as I cant handle more disappointment at the min. If I expect the witch to show up, then I cant be peed off when she does!
As for depo, you know what I think of that. However, remember my dear little girl was conceived after a particularly nasty reaction to coming off that evil jab! It may take time, but it is possible!
I think your NTNP is a good idea. I wish I had the strength to stick to that, but I am now obsessed with knowing what is going on inside me!!
Lets hope you have a nice quick O this cycle, and we are both celebrating pretty soon!!! x
Been reading the convo between you ladies while I try not to obsess about my own ovulation, and I was so bummed to hear af came for you Kerri! :( hope you have great luck on this cycle! I am currently ovulating/just ovulated (just started temping this cycle but chart is all over the place so I doubt I'm getting consistent readings). Got a near positive opk this morning (darkest I've ever had), but always seems to miss my window! I know I ovulate, as I had an early mc in January, but my cycles have been kind of crazy since then so it's hard to tell when I O now....dh and I are just bd-ing daily or close to it all cycle just in case! lol baby dust to both of you!!
Been reading the convo between you ladies while I try not to obsess about my own ovulation, and I was so bummed to hear af came for you Kerri! :( hope you have great luck on this cycle! I am currently ovulating/just ovulated (just started temping this cycle but chart is all over the place so I doubt I'm getting consistent readings). Got a near positive opk this morning (darkest I've ever had), but always seems to miss my window! I know I ovulate, as I had an early mc in January, but my cycles have been kind of crazy since then so it's hard to tell when I O now....dh and I are just bd-ing daily or close to it all cycle just in case! lol baby dust to both of you!!

Hi MrsMarty! Just beware with those blooming OPKs! They never quite go to what would be considered positive for me! When mine look dark(ish) I always test with the CBD OPKs and they come up with a smiley face! I think the ones with the lines react differently for everyone! I dont bother with temping, as my OH thinks its too clinical, plus I find that the OPK, along with CP and CM give me an accurate reference of when I O.
Good luck xx
Good to know! I have used different brands of OPK's in the past few months and still never gotten a true positive! Last night my test line on the OPK was much lighter than it was yesterday morning, so maybe I got the end of the surge... You don't think a digital OPK would be affective now if that's the case, do you? I will probably try those next cycle if I do not become become pregnant this time! Thanks! :)
Forgot to add, I'm pretty confident that was a positive for me yesterday morning on the OPK, because I have had wet or ewcm for several days now, and been a bit crampy since yesterday. My cp Seems to be all over the place, so I'm not even focusing on that anymore to save myself the stress!
Good to know! I have used different brands of OPK's in the past few months and still never gotten a true positive! Last night my test line on the OPK was much lighter than it was yesterday morning, so maybe I got the end of the surge... You don't think a digital OPK would be affective now if that's the case, do you? I will probably try those next cycle if I do not become become pregnant this time! Thanks! :)

Youre welcome! I defo think those digi OPKs are a good investment. The cheaper tests are difficult to interpret, so at least you get a definitive answer with those! Dont worry that you arent ovulating because of not getting a true positive; I was beginning to wonder if I wasnt actually ovulating, but I must be or I wouldnt have had a emc last cycle!
I think you are right. you probably caught your surge on its way back down. Good luck, hope you caught it in time x
Forgot to add, I'm pretty confident that was a positive for me yesterday morning on the OPK, because I have had wet or ewcm for several days now, and been a bit crampy since yesterday. My cp Seems to be all over the place, so I'm not even focusing on that anymore to save myself the stress!

That sounds like a definite Ov to me!!! Welcome to the dreaded TWW :happydance::wacko:
Sorry Im so quiet ladies..AF is exteremly painful this cycle, infact its never been this painful and super clotted. Sorry for tmi. Kinda worrying me. :(

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