Ok to take break from bd tonight? cd10

Sorry Im so quiet ladies..AF is exteremly painful this cycle, infact its never been this painful and super clotted. Sorry for tmi. Kinda worrying me. :(

Hello babe! I was starting to wonder where you had got to!!! I dont mean to upset you, but the test you did the other day sounded like it was positive. Are you sure its not an early loss? Mine last cycle was very clotty, and then seemed to dry up within the space of minutes! Not like a normal AF, where it slows down gradually (sorry TMI). How are you feeling in yourself? I felt very tired and physically sick and headachey with my mc. Im not saying that that is what you are having, but it is a possibility.
It could of course be related to the depo too! Maybe your body has a lot of built up lining to shed. Please, please, please get to the docs if the bleeding doesnt tail off! You do not want to end up being ill like I was after depo, and I feel if I had of been to the docs earlier, it could have been sorted before it escalated!
Im sorry babe, Im not trying to scare you; I just want you to get yourself well! Take care and let me know how you get on xx
Its progressing like a normal Af..cramping on days 2&3 but its much more painful and bigger clots than usual. My first af in march was super heavy bleeding for 7 days. It went from crazy heavy to nothing, no tappering. I kinda pondered if that was actually a mc because we werent trying prior to march as i still hadnt had af. I like to think it wasnt but i think that was :(. As for this after that faint positive i got all bfns and af came 1-2 days early so it very well may have been a chemical :( They do say most people have mc and dont realize it because its much like af. If it doesnt lighten up by 2nd or 3rd i will go to the doctor. My normal af should only be heavy for 3 days max. Maybe my lining was too thick to implant??
If it was too thick, then maybe it is giving itself a good clear out with this heavy bleed. I hope you feel a little better soon and get AF out of the way, so that you can start afresh. Lets hope you get back to some sort of normality soon x
Sorry to hear about your early mc, babydreams! Those are horrible, aren't they?! Speaking of, Kerri did you say whether or not you took a preg test prior to getting AF? Painful and clots sounds like possible early mc/chemical or at least it was for me. As much as AF sucks, the hope of a new cycle is a bit of a silver lining.

Def feel post-o today...always feels like AF coming but milder. I feel pretty confident I am in TWW now, I hate this part!! AF due on or around May 10, although my cycles have ranged 18-35 days since my mc so who knows?! Hopefully I can wait til the 10th at least to test! I am a closet POAS addict haha
Sorry to hear about your early mc, babydreams! Those are horrible, aren't they?! Speaking of, Kerri did you say whether or not you took a preg test prior to getting AF? Painful and clots sounds like possible early mc/chemical or at least it was for me. As much as AF sucks, the hope of a new cycle is a bit of a silver lining.

Def feel post-o today...always feels like AF coming but milder. I feel pretty confident I am in TWW now, I hate this part!! AF due on or around May 10, although my cycles have ranged 18-35 days since my mc so who knows?! Hopefully I can wait til the 10th at least to test! I am a closet POAS addict haha

Me too lol! I am 8DPO today and a bundle of nerves! Im on CD 44 no (OMG!) Its been the longest cycle EVER!!!!! I have managed to refrain from testing, thus far, but I have a horrid feeling that I may cave in at around 10DPO! I have a couple of digi HPTs and like 30 ICs in my wardrobe, the temptation is killing me!
Not feeling confident as I already have those niggly AF around the corner feelings. Im super bloated, with sore nips and getting odd twinges in my ovaries (all perfectly indicative of AF coming for me!)
How long have you been trying for? (forgive me if youve already told us that, its 6am here and I have my morning head on :wacko:)
Hope youre feeling a bit better Kerri. I have a feeling I will be joining you in a new cycle soon. This has turned into quite a nice little thread, lets all stick it out together! xx
We started trying in December, got pregnant second cycle and mc, and trying ever since. Since my last three cycles have varied so much, I think we just keep missing the fertile window. DH and I are BDing all month long this time around just to be safe haha Last cycle, AF finally came nine days later than normal for me, and I hadnt confirmed ovulation so I didn't know that I would be late....9 days was a long time think you missed your period and keep getting bfns! Hence all the opks and temping this cycle to figure out what my body is doing, but I feel more stressed about it so not sure if I will continue past this month. How long have you been trying?
7 months (feels more like 7 years!) Im sorry to hear you went through that babe, Ive had two mcs now, and they dont get any easier! It is one of the most awful things a woman can go through, but hats off to you for keeping your chin up and trying again!
This site really is a godsend for all us TTCers x
Sorry to hear that! I guess at least we know we can conceive, hopefully we will get one to stick very soon!! :) how long are you planning to wait to test this cycle? You must be getting kind of anxious!
I certainly am!!! I dont want to test too early though. Last cycle has taught me that even a BFP isnt necessarily a sticky one, so the later the better really. Yeah right, who am I kidding, Ill probably cave in soon lol! x
Yes, early testing isn't always a good thing! Sometimes I think it would be nice if the test wasn't as sensitive, so we couldn't find out until a little further along like it used to be before tests became so sensitive... Let me know how it goes when you do decide to test :)
Thanks hum I definitely will! Im not too confident though if im honest. :nope:Im supposed to be studying today (well I kind of am and BnBing at the same time!) and sitting in my chair I keep getting this weird pulsing pain just near my pubic bone. Its very odd, but this cycle has been a strange one for me! I keep wondering if AF is getting impatient and going to show up early this cycle? Hows your cycle going? x

Hey to Kerri too! Hows it going babe? Are you feeling better now? x
Lets hope that's implantation! :) last cycle I found out AF was coming before it actually did because I was feeling my cp and had blood on my finger about a day before it actually started....of course now I do that constantly and get excited when that doesn't happen lol! But maybe you could try that? When is AF due for you?

My cycle is going well. Temping is not working at all, graph is all over the place. I'm just going on other signs of when I ovulated and believe myself to be around 3-4 dpo! Getting more creamy cm again but trying not to read into every little sign. I was convinced I wasn't preggo right before I got a bfp because I didn't notice any signs, and now I think I notice everything and convince myself I am and get let down....ignorance is bliss! Haha
What are you studying for? If you can sit and study without obsessing over tww symptoms you are a stronger woman than I ;). I'm almost glad to go to work during the day so I'm forced to think of something else, although when I'm preggo and uncomfortable I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune! :)
I know what you mean about noticing every little sign nowadays!! When I was TTC my DD, I never kept an eye on ANYTHING! I didnt even know the exact day AF was due. This time I am going stir crazy about the whole TTC thing! Knowledge is power, but it also turns you into an obsessional, control freak!! You are right the ignorance was bliss before! I just went to sleep, dreamed I had a daughter, a lightbulb went 'ding' , I tested and the rest is history lol!
I too do the obsessional CP checking! Im not due on til Sunday or Monday, and there are no physical (blood) signs yet so who knows? On a normal cycle, I would be tempted to dare to imagine it could be implantation, but this cycle has been so odd, with all sorts of twinges and pains, I just wouldnt dare to get my hopes up at this stage!
Im studying a BSC hons in Social Sciences with Psychological Studies. Im doing it as a part time degree to fit in around my LO, and to tell you the truth these TWWs are really starting to cut into my study time! It is just soooooooo hard to concentrate!
What are your cycles normally like then? Have they always been long? I used to think it was a blessing, but it really cuts down your chances each year when TTC. Im going to give soy a try next cycle to try to bump up my O day x
No, mine are typically 22-26 days long. My 18 and 35 day cycles recently were both bizarre. I also have no clue how long my lp is, but currently am on cd19, so may 10 (AF due date) will put me at 26 days. And I think I ovulated cd 15/16, but going off temps there is a chance it was as early as cd6! I'm not putting much stalk into that, though because my spike temp was also the first temp with a new thermometer...I had ordered it online and I had to use a regular non bbt one for a few days until it came in the mail. Suffice it to say, I'm not real hooked on bbt at this point, it confuses me more than anything!

I hear you on the twinges, I've been getting them since last night as well! Sometimes I think mc creates new and odd symptoms that weren't normal before :/
Yes I definitely think it tips the hormone balance out a bit. I had hormonal symptoms before I ovulated this month! Im guessing the HCG was still in my system, hence the really late O. I try to steer clear of the TWW boards as much as I can as some people on there can convince you you are pregnant over the most silly symptoms that couldnt possibly be related to pregnancy. I find those boards OK, but can see how they could be a breeding ground for disappointment. I dont know about you, but after having faced a mc, I would rather not expose myself to too much false hope at the minute.
Gosh, I havent managed much of my study today! Its not long now till I have to pick up my DD from pre-school. Thursday is supposed to be my knuckle down and study day. Oh well, at least next Thursday I will be out of the TWW one way or another and should be able to concentrate again!
What are you up to? x
Yes I have a love hate relationship with twoweekwait.com also haha! I just got done working (it's 530p here) and don't work Fridays, so TGIH to me :). Going to spend tomorrow attempting not to google my tww symptoms to death lol. Can't wait to hear if you get AF or not (hopefully not!), but I completely understand you not wanting to cling to false hope right now. this whole ttc thing is such a rollercoaster!
Youre right! What DPO are you now? I hope you have a lovely weekend off and let me know how things are progressing for you. Its day 10 for me now and Im getting less and less confident each day. I keep checking to see if AF has arrived early as I kind of expect that after such a long cycle. At least she hasnt shown up yet so theres still a little hope x
Sorry I didn't write back sooner, we had a busy weekend! I though I O'd around the 30th based on cp and cm, but Fertility Friend is saying it was on the 2nd based on my temps (which are very up and down, so I'm not real sure how accurate it is). Going off of FF I am now 3dpo so I'm in for another 30+ day cycle :/. Do you use fertility friend? So far I really like it, this is my first month using it so we will see! I've been having a lot of light cramping and low back pain for about 4-5 days now, trying not to read too much into it lol

How are you feeling?! You must be about 12dpo now, have you taken a test yet?? :).
Hey babe! Hows the TWW going? I had a rather unpleasant visitor yesterday (AF) and TBH Im gutted after a whopping 50day cycle!! Im starting soy this cycle to see if I can O on a more reasonable CD like a normal person!
Spent the weekend decoupaging to take my mind off of things, but Im peed off to be on another new cycle!
Hope all is going well for you! Ill let you know how I get on with the soy! xxxx

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