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Old School POAS addicts - chat thread!

Dh would kill me if I brought out my thermometer! We are still not ttc! It's just around the corner though - I can feel it. I keep prepping the kids. Dropping hints & such. I had a nice long talk with my oldest. Although she will never be on board, I think she understands how I feel now. It felt really good to talk to her.
I'm glad you talked to her about it.

Sounds like dh is nearly on board anyway, so that's a plus!

I wasn't planning on temping but I decided to try it out to see how my cycles were going for when we officially started [we would like to casually sway for a boy, so timing is key] but I did it the one day and not again since :haha:
Temping sure can be a pain! I loved it. Actually it was a love/hate thing :haha:
Awww how lovely to read everyone's birth stories! Here are mine, I'll make them short and sweet.

Sophia- Waters burst, so I went into hospital. I wasn't contracting yet so they said I could either go home or stay the night to be induced the following morning. I decided to stay and started contracting at 11pm, was very full on, called the midwife who checked me and said I still had ages to go as I was only at 3cm. 30 minutes later I told dh to buzz because I needed to push, they wheeled me down to birth suite and when they checked between my legs they saw her head! One final push and she was out. Easy as pie.

Sienna- Waters burst so went to the hospital. The midwife tied me to a monitor and I started contracting pretty soon afterwards, I desperately needed to poo but she said I had to stay in bed because she didnt want be giving birth in the toilet. She did an ultrasound and said baby was head down. 30 minutes later I was in birth suite and a doctor came in and performed a vaginal exam. He said he could feel a foot and a hand through the cervix but no head and that I needed a c section asap because of risk of cord prolapse. I was 10cm and wanting to push but they said I couldn't. I wonder if the midwife had let me move around I would have given birth vaginally, instead baby flipped during labour. Ah well no point in dwelling on that now.
I had a bad day with the girls yesterday and this morning and it made me think I really couldn't handle another one. Sophia who I thought was doing really well with her potty training started peeing everywhere, and not only that but did this big floating aquaturd in the bath!!!! She's never done that before, granted she tried to get out and I told her to wait until I could come and help her. And Sienna is theething and fighting all her naps, she throws her head back and starts crying when I try to put her to sleep, but then she isnt happy being awake either because she is overtired.

BUT then I went to the park for this little girl's birthday and there was a mum there with 3 girls under 4 and she was managing really well. So well in fact she wants a 4th. So I'm back to wanting my 3rd now!
I'm glad you spoke to your daughter luv and that she can probably understand a bit more how you feel. At least she knows your reasons now. Hope DH doesn't keep you waiting too long to give you the go ahead.
I just wang to confirm O is happening. So that's why I'll be temping. Cp is getting softer again so who knows maybe O is on the way.
Ive discovered a site that talks about swaying called gender dreaming. Not sure how much faith I put in it, but I'm considering giving it a go. I think because I'm ok with 5 boys and was going to have another anyway I might as well try a gentle sway and see what happens.
added my chart to my siggy lol
dont want to get my hopes up but cervix is moving up and softening and I think opening too. I find it hard to tell how open and how soft counts as open/soft and what counts as medium lol
It sounds promising motherofboys!!! To sway for a girl you have to bd a few days before o, right? I'd quite like a 3rd girl, but I think it will be hard enough to convince hubby to bd without condoms, I can't be too fussy on the timing!
Timing has supposedly been proven to not really have a lot to do with it. Apparently you can trick your body into thinking that it is a time when one gender would stand a better chance of survival and so your body changes it's internal environment to give that gender sperm the edge to meet the egg. But it's only a slight change in odds really. And who is to say that the people it "worked" for wouldn't have got the opposite gender that time anyway. Which is why I'm not putting any faith in it really. Just thought it would be fun to see what happens. And something else to concentrate on other than stick peeing lol
Great birth stories steph!

So sorry you had a rough day with the girls! That's amazing that woman has 3 under 4 and wants another! :shock: Hats off though - that she has it all under control. This morning I woke up and really thought about the idea of having another baby in ~9 months [if I get a bfp] and it freaked me completely out :haha: But I know I will manage if it does happen and there are lots of perks to having a small age gap!

We want to sway too - I never knew the timing thing was just a myth, motherofboys! Good to know though. I know there is a diet that can help "sway" - sweet foods for a boy and more acidic foods for a girl. Not sure how much validity is in that though. :shrug:
The one I'm looking at doesn't really exclude any foods, it's low everything for girl and high everything for boy. So for me I'll be switching to lower fat versions of food, cutting out my constant snacking and eating less meat. I usually have the full fat everything. Snack all day. Eat loads of meat.
There's so much more to it. Some people do so much stuff, but because it's not something that will is the be all and end all for me, and I'm pretty sure that whatever I do I'll have another boy anyway, I'm not going to change my whole life for it. I might start walking with the pram as it's warming up outside, make the most of the nice weather, and that can be my exercise lol
Enjoyed your birth stories steph! I'm sorry your second birth wasn't what you had planned, but happy everyone is healthy.

I never tried to gender sway. Not because I don't agree/believe in it. My O is so erratic & I always just wanted to be pregnant I didn't have the patience. :haha:

I now have 50 Wondfo, 29 $ tree & 40 Wondfo opk. I'll buy some frer after I O if I have a chance.

Thanks for the pic lovn! You had to do that to be sure it was a good batch right?! :winkwink:
Enjoyed your birth stories steph! I'm sorry your second birth wasn't what you had planned, but happy everyone is healthy.

I never tried to gender sway. Not because I don't agree/believe in it. My O is so erratic & I always just wanted to be pregnant I didn't have the patience.

I now have 50 Wondfo, 29 $ tree & 40 Wondfo opk. I'll buy some frer after I O if I have a chance.

Thanks for the pic lovn! You had to do that to be sure it was a good batch right?! :winkwink:

Me too! I really wanted a second girl last time because I have a sister and wanted my lo to have a sister too. Now I think I want a 3rd because I worry a little boy would be left out with two older sisters. Although ultimately if I get a healthy baby at the end, I don't care too much. With dd2 I was given 1:20 odds that she had down syndrome (which at 27 was very high!) and had an amnio. We were given the all clear but then at the birth she was born with a lymphatic malformation (aka cystic hygroma) on her shoulder. She has undergone 2 treatments and it's nearly gone now, although she still needs 1 maybe 2 treatments to go. We were very lucky though as we have met other kids with the same condition who have it on their face/neck/brain where it causes lots of other issues and treatment isn't always easy.
Enjoyed your birth stories steph! I'm sorry your second birth wasn't what you had planned, but happy everyone is healthy.

I never tried to gender sway. Not because I don't agree/believe in it. My O is so erratic & I always just wanted to be pregnant I didn't have the patience.

I now have 50 Wondfo, 29 $ tree & 40 Wondfo opk. I'll buy some frer after I O if I have a chance.

Thanks for the pic lovn! You had to do that to be sure it was a good batch right?! :winkwink:

Me too! I really wanted a second girl last time because I have a sister and wanted my lo to have a sister too. Now I think I want a 3rd because I worry a little boy would be left out with two older sisters. Although ultimately if I get a healthy baby at the end, I don't care too much. With dd2 I was given 1:20 odds that she had down syndrome (which at 27 was very high!) and had an amnio. We were given the all clear but then at the birth she was born with a lymphatic malformation (aka cystic hygroma) on her shoulder. She has undergone 2 treatments and it's nearly gone now, although she still needs 1 maybe 2 treatments to go. We were very lucky though as we have met other kids with the same condition who have it on their face/neck/brain where it causes lots of other issues and treatment isn't always easy.

Anyone thought about names yet? I'm starting to obsess already as dd2 was born nameless despite knowing she was a definite girl at 16w.
My current list goes (although none sound 100% right)

Victoria (although not keen on Tori or Vicky so I guess I can't use it)

Girl names ive had in mind forever: Chelsea and Zoey
Boy names is a whole other issue. Landon (my lo) was easy because thats my dhs middle name. Other than that we cant come up or agree on any. I really like marcus...but dh hates the name. I also like benjamin because it has jamin in it...which is dhs name...but he doesn't like that either. He likes jabin...but I dont because it sounds waaay to close to his name and I dont want to reask a million times who people are talking about.
I have a feeling ill have all boys so im already frantically trying to come up with boy names...especially since were ntnp.
Lovely names -I really like Alyssa, steph.

I like Zoey Heather!

Ours are Ava Lynn or Ryder Austin [not set on the boy's middle name yet. Could be Scott or Sterling]
I've never tried swaying before as it's never mattered. I always wanted boys, I assumed I'd get a mix as I knew I wanted a bigger family, so I hoped I'd get at least 2 boys 'first'. I feel very lucky to have had 4 healthy boys and another would be a blessing.
I have another boys name already. Travis, ds4 was almost Travis and I really struggled between the 2 names.
I don't have a clue about girls names. We had the name Beth lined up for all of them, but never used it and now DS4 is called Seth and I'm not going to do rhyming names lol
Anyway last night and this morning I've had really strong bloating and O type pains, cp this morning was soft and open!
Hi ladies any space for another recovering poas aholic? :flower:

I've been around for about 6 years, have two lovely boys age 1 and almost 3.
Bit of a chequered history for pregnancy loss.

I've just started my fresh cycle after my 3rd mc this year, so we will be basically just bd whenever and hoping for the best!

I recognise a few names :)

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