So I just found out I'm having a girl! yay!!!! That was what I was hoping for. At my 12-week ultrasound, the tech said that she thought she saw a penis and believed it was a boy. So I was happy she was wrong.
Here are some old wives tales and how accurate they were for me:
Old wives tale #1: Rumor has it that if you are carrying your baby high, it's a girl. -- Accurate for me. My belly is definitely high.
Old wives tale #2: Dry hands and cold feet are signs of a boy. Acne is sign of a girl. -- I did not have dry hands or cold feet. I did have some acne, but not for too long. But this one seems accurate again for me.
Old wives tale #3: Heartbeat, If your little one's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a little boy. If it's over, get ready for your little girl! -- Accurate for me. Baby's heartbeat was consistently around 155.
Old wives tale #4: Sweet or sour; According to some, craving sweets means your going to have a little girl. Salty and sour cravings indicate a boy. -- Accurate again! I have been craving sweets a lot! Not really salty things.
Old wives tale #5: Chinese gender chart; This one is tricky as there are two kinds. One uses your actual age and month of conception (this one said boy for me). Another uses your lunar age and lunar month of conception (this one said girl for me). So the lunar age and lunar month were was accurate but not the other.
Old wives tale #6: Morning sickness; If you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester, think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with nary an upset stomach, it's blue all the way. -- Not accurate for me. I never threw up. I had one week where I didn't feel well but it was mostly just being tired. Didn't really get nauseas.
So most were actually true!
Here are some old wives tales and how accurate they were for me:
Old wives tale #1: Rumor has it that if you are carrying your baby high, it's a girl. -- Accurate for me. My belly is definitely high.
Old wives tale #2: Dry hands and cold feet are signs of a boy. Acne is sign of a girl. -- I did not have dry hands or cold feet. I did have some acne, but not for too long. But this one seems accurate again for me.
Old wives tale #3: Heartbeat, If your little one's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a little boy. If it's over, get ready for your little girl! -- Accurate for me. Baby's heartbeat was consistently around 155.
Old wives tale #4: Sweet or sour; According to some, craving sweets means your going to have a little girl. Salty and sour cravings indicate a boy. -- Accurate again! I have been craving sweets a lot! Not really salty things.
Old wives tale #5: Chinese gender chart; This one is tricky as there are two kinds. One uses your actual age and month of conception (this one said boy for me). Another uses your lunar age and lunar month of conception (this one said girl for me). So the lunar age and lunar month were was accurate but not the other.
Old wives tale #6: Morning sickness; If you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester, think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with nary an upset stomach, it's blue all the way. -- Not accurate for me. I never threw up. I had one week where I didn't feel well but it was mostly just being tired. Didn't really get nauseas.
So most were actually true!