'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Well I'm still here and no signs of anything happening anytime soon. So fed up my hip hurts when I sleep and wakes me up so I have more naps than a good nights sleep. Really want little one to come but then I think perhaps I shouldn't be so impatient that it would be better if she arrives after DS has finished his GCSE's. Only one more week to go!

We went to a garden centre today what a waste of time, we didn't really want anything just something to do I guess!. Anyway, I walked round for half an hour and then had to sit down. Felt like a right idiot can't believe I got tired so quickly my back and hip were throbbing. Someone told me that good long walk can naturally induce labour. How long is a good long walk, 10, 15,20 mins or more??? I'm not sure I can manage anything more than 15mins!

Time to move onto a good hot spicy curry me thinks........
haha i tried EVERYTHING that they say will kick start labour and i still ended up with an induction :dohh: i really think that a baby will come when he/she is ready, unless he/she is medically evicted like my LO :haha:

Thanks everyone. Wishing that I had finished these damn reports before I left but was doing all of the other stuff and feeling exhausted in the evenings so not getting very far! Am trudging through them now and really hoping bubs doesn't arrive before I have finished them!

Truman. I feel for you.. sounds like you have so much going on at home with your son's GCSE's and your daughters BF. I think you are right about him not being right for her but hopefully she will realise that soon. Good luck with the eviction procedings! I think once I hit 37 weeks (Weds) and have this school work finished I will be willing her to come out! Think DH already is... it would be great for him for his paternity leave to coincide with the World Cup!!! Keep us updated.

Oh, I am not going back to work until January.. (can't remember who asked) and then will only be doing 3 days a week as my DH works in London and is out 7.30am til at the earliest 7.30pm. Teaching is not a job that I could do with a 6 month old and virtually being a single parent! Both of our families live over 100 miles away so we can't rely on anyone else. To be honest, I am looking forward to the time off and really hope that when I go back I don't have planning, reports, assessments etc to do out of school hours!

Anyway, back to reports ~ I seem to be faffing around today. Can't get comfortable enough to write them!

Take care all of you!
good luck with the reports shining star! its great u can go back 2 work part time. we cant here so its full time or nothing. i will be off work til january 2, maybe a bit more if finances can stretch!
Oh well.... still here saw the MW Monday, she wouldn't do a sweep or make me anymore appointments?!?!?

She said when I see the Obstetrician next week she will do one (if bubs is not here). No rush then lol!!!!

I'm going back to work in April I have managed to save this years holidays and accrue some for next year those plus stat hols has meant I can have 8 weeks more time off with lil one that I originally hoped for.

Hope everyone is ok. I'm so uncomfortable and bit fed up now!
thinking of you truman! hope it happens soon!!!

shining star - how r the reports?

had owen weighed today. he's exactly a month old and weighed in at 11lbs 5oz!!! fatty!!!
thinking of you truman! hope it happens soon!!!

shining star - how r the reports?

had owen weighed today. he's exactly a month old and weighed in at 11lbs 5oz!!! fatty!!!

Orrr.... little cutey you will have to post an updated photo. Are you on Face Book??

I have finished my nursery yey!. Thought I would post a couple of pics. Now all I need is a baby.


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lovely nursery truman! am not on facebook at mo as i deactivated my account. will let u know if i get back on there in the future. will post some photos here when i dont have a baby attached to my boob! :haha:
Hi everyone,

Yey!!! Reports finished and given in last Friday! I have had a busy weekend... had our last NCT class on Saturday which was nice. My DH travelled up North for his brothers stag do on Saturday afternoon and my parents came to stay Saturday night and were a great help - it was lovely to see them. I don't get to see them very much as they live over 100 miles away.

Truman... any news? I think I commented on your nursery in a 3rd tri thread.. I loved the chest of drawers! It's gorgeous... lets hope your LO won't be long!

Maybebaby3 ... 11lb 5oz! Wow! He is doing so well! I second the request for an updated photo!

Well... it's 1.15am and I am having such bad sleep... think I will try to go to bed now. Am shattered. Night...:sleep:
Hi, still here. I feel like I have wasted 3 weeks of my maternity leave already. Got appointment with Obstetrician tomorrow so hoping she will do something. I get so tired so quickly feel like a waste of space. Helped OH in garden yesterday and had to keep sitting down!!

Glad you got the reports done Shining Star now you can relax, I know how you feel about sleep. I go to bed at 10.30ish wake up with the pain in my hip around 4am so I have to get up. I have also developed pins and needles in my arms and hands. MW said it could be Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and should disappear when lil one gets here......

Hope everyone else is ok. Will keep you updated.
hi all!

shining star - thank goodness you managed to finish the reports before baby put in an appearance :yipee::dance::happydance:

truman - i felt like i had wasted my maternity leave too! hopefully things will either start soon or they will induce you.

here are some pics i took with the webcam just now. i will upload some others later when i sort out my camera.


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Thanks ladies, I am also glad about the reports!!

Truman, I hope you have a good appointment with the OB and that your LO makes an appearance before long.

I had another midwife appointment today (38 ish week). She said that she thinks that baby has grown 4 cm in the last 2 weeks. Also, at my 36 wk appointment the head had started to engage and now it is free again.

She has referred me to hospital so I have an appointment on Weds to see if they want to do another scan and then they will take it from there and decide whether they want to induce. I'm not good with medical stuff, the whole havng to be in and out of the doctors is a big deal to me - let alone being referred for something abnormal.

I am hoping that it is wrong, at my last appointment it was a student measuring me - the mw didn't even watch, she just write down what the student said!

Oh well, hopefully we will know more and feel better about it by Weds evening. Things would be easier if we didn't have DH's brother and his fiance comng to stay tomorrow until Thursday but never mind. They have come back to England to get married so wantto come and see us (they haven't seen our house as we moved since they were last here).

Good luck Truman!!!
Maybebaby... your little one is gorgeous!!!
Maybe, Owen is gorgeous. I can't believe how much he has changed in such a short space of time. He looks so much like your daughter who does she look like you or hubby??

Shining Star at my 39 week appointment a student measured me she said I was 44cm!!! I nearly fell off the table and asked the MW if that could be right. She measured me and said 42 which is what she wrote in my notes. Last week I was 40 weeks and she measured me at 41 when I said that was less than the week before she just said it is very difficult to get an accurate measurement.... You're telling me everytime they measure depending on who does it they put the tape in a different place! I wasn't happy because I've already been told by the Obstetrician (scans also put her at the top of the scale) she will be a big baby, I don't like it when the mess about with things.

I am sure everthing will be fine I hope you get another scan though I would love to see lil bubs again even if it was just on a monitor for piece of mind. It seems so long ago since the 20 week scan.

Well I will update you when I get back this afternoon, appointment isn't till 2.30pm so I've got a bit of a wait and you never know.......yeah right lol!!!
thanks girls! i do think owen is gorgeous but then i'm biased. all the kids seem to have my mouth and DH nose so i guess they are a real mix!

truman - hope your appointment went well yesterday!

shining star - hope that your appointment goes well today!

owen is in his swing and erin is trying to forcefeed him his dummy :dohh: i'd best go and do some housework as am supposed to be going out to meet some friends at 11.30!
Lovely nursery Truman. We're still working on ours.
I hope everyone's appointments are going well.
We had a weight check today because Gabriel's was lower than they liked last week. They had us supplement with formula for the past week and he put on almost a whole pound. He's now 9.5 lbs!
Owen is a cutie. Definitely growing bigger, more baby look and less newborn.
Here's one of him sleeping in a position that just doesn't look comfy.
Seity, he is gorgeous!! I love the last pic.

Thanks for your support ladies... the appointment was fine (although I fell over when leaving the hospital and have very grazed knees!).

The consultant measured baby as 43cm which seems huge but she said that they are all notoriously bad at itand didn't think it was a cause for concern. She said that she wouldn't want to induce as babies head isn't engaged at the minute so it would probably end in a csection. I have another appointment booked with her but it is for 2 weeks and I am hoping lo will be here by then as I will be overdue.
Truman, how did you get on? I hope it went well. x
truman - i am wondering if we hear the pitter patter of tiny feet as u havent been on in a while!

shining star - glad all was ok at your appointment.

seity - great pic! it's funny how babies can sleep in the most contorted positions :haha: the only way erin would go 2 sleep in her buggy when she was old enough to sit up was with her head on the buggy tray in front of her! :rofl:
Hi everybody, hope you are all ok. Sorry its been a while but everything went a bit pear shaped at my appointnent with consultant on Tuesday........

To cut a long story short the consultant did the sweep and then said she thought she felt a bum! I was sent for an immediate scan which confirmed our bubs was a footling breech (a bit of a shock as she was 2/3 5ths engaged the week before.... she had 1 foot down in my pelvis and the other was up against her chest - kinda like she was doing the splits!).

Anyway, whilst I as waiting to see the consultant for results of the scan and discuss my options I started bleeding quite a bit and had fluid loss. The consultant said that footling babies can't be turned and she was concerned that I would go into labour overnight, which would be bad. So.... she decided to send me straight to hospital.

I was monitored all night and had a C section on Wednesday the 23 June 2010.

Scarlett Isobel Martin was born at 14.10pm weighing in at a whopping.......... 7lbs 8oz. :cloud9:

(I can't believe how far out they were with the measurements & what they said she would weigh).

She is gorgeous, so tiny, everything I hoped for and more.:happydance:

Very tired and a bit sore but worth it even if I am surviving on 2.5 hours sleep a day lol.

(Ignore the date - the batteries were flat in the camera!)


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