'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Hey Maybe congratulations. Glad everything went ok. Your children look so chuffed and Owen is lovely.

Hi Heaven and welcome. Hope you are ok how is everything going?

I finish work tomorrow thank goodness. My Manager seems to have taken a dislike to me over the last 6/8 works and has made my life a misery now he doesn't even speak to me it is as though I don't exist!!

Will be nice to chill out for a while till little one show up lol!!!
glad u have finished work truman, sounds stressful! enjoy your leave and pamjper yourself before baby comes!
Hi Truman thanks for the welcome :) I'm only just starting to enjoy this pregnancy, it's been rotten until now but thankfully it's getting easier and baby is really making him or herslef known with all the big movements lol.

Enjoy your time off work before baby arrives, pamper yourself like maybebaby3 has said, put your feet up and chill out :)
Good morning. How is everyone today? Yesterday was terrible. I slipped on the wet path whilst getting the dog out of the kennel, felt like I did the splits. The pain in my groin is killing me. Seems like one thing after another at the moment. I can hardly walk and have difficulty get in and out of bed/off the sofa. Just took paracetamol hoping it takes the edge off.

Maybe how is Owen doing? I can't believe it's been two weeks already!! How are you getting on are you getting enough sleep? Is he a quiet baby or screaming the house down? My son is praying lil one is going to be quiet, he is in the middle of this GCSE's and exams don't finish till end of June!!!

Heaven, sorry to hear your pregnancy has been great till now. Hope things are getting better and you can start enjoying the rest of it. I have spent a lot of time worrying about this little one, and now she's nearly cooked I have a new worry the labour lol!!

How old is Sofia? She looks very sweet in the picture.

My daughter came home from university for the weekend yesterday (well that's what i thought anyway). She is talking about moving in with her boyfriend....... not so sure thats such a good idea. They are still so young and he seems a little possessive. She is currently at Uni in Manchester but he wants her to move to Doncaster because that is where he lives with his parents, the commute will be a nightmare for her everyday.

She has her own place and independance now and I just want her to be happy and enjoy herself. I try not to interfer but when we discuss it she gets very defensive. It seems he is not prepared to leave his family and friends behind but thinks that as she has already left home it will be easier for her to move again! He doesn't even make the commute to Manchester to see her she has to travel to Doncaster every weekend!

Sorry to rant, didn't mean to. But she is all packed up and going to see him now. She has been here for less than 24hours and will be spending the whole of next week at his house so I don't understand the rush. I can't believe how little time we get to spend together these days. Even when she is here he is ringing and texting her. The battery went dead on her phone yesterday afternoon and when she didn't answer sent me a txt asking where she was and if she was with me I don't check my phone that often so he rang me as well!!. Makes me so sad!
heaven - glad u r starting 2 enjoy your pregnancy more now!

truman - hopefully your daughter will make the right decision. i remember when i moved in with my bf (now my hubby) many moons ago my parents were not amused. it must be toug having teenagers, i'm dreading my kids growing in2 teenagers! my cousin says she'd rather baby sleepless nights than the sleepless nights she has now with her 18yr old son going out all the time.

owen is quite a chilled baby which is good as erin was awful and screamed the place down non stop 4 the 1st 3 months. still working on nighttime sleep tho but it is early days i guess. he is also very sicky after feeds as i have loads of milk and he eats loads!!! he weighed 9lbs 4oz on thursday when he was just 10 days old!!! that's over 5oz more than his birthweight!
Wow, glad to hear Owen has put on weight and is doing great. I'm hoping to breast feed I didn't feed Nikki but I did feed Daniel for 11 weeks before I went back to work. I honestly can't remember when Nikki or Daniel slept through, although I did go back to work full time (I had no choice) when they were both 12 weeks old, so they must have been in some kind of routine. When are you planning on going back to work? How are Erin & Dylan with Owen?

I am sure Nikki will be fine it's just that she always picks the wrong BF so far they have been either depressives, bullies, controlling or very needy/possessive (much of a muchness I guess). The last one was the worse everytime he got bored he would dump her have a fling and then ring her up and she would go running (he made her very insecure and nothing I could do or say seemed to help). The only reason it ended despite all the rows was because she got a place at Bolton Uni and moved to Manchester. He didn't have a job and neither did she in the begining so she couldn't come over to see him and he never made the effort (so lazy, still hasn't got a job as I understand it, although a couple of weeks ago she did tell me that he had got his new 15 year old girlfriend pregnant...... he is 20).

Anyway, on principal I paid bought her a bus pass that could only be used in Lancs to get her to and from work (I sacrificed her visits home to help her make the break) and sent her Asda vouchers, in the end I guessed that if they really were in love they would find a way. But thank god it fizzled out.

Anyway, so far (touch wood) Daniel is ok. He has a good heart and hasn't been any trouble so far, but I guess there is time yet......

Gosh typing this can't believe I'm having another girl........ think I best start looking at convents ...:rofl::rofl:
i'm sure that things will turn out ok in the end truman!

i'm hoping to stay off work til at least january. i would love to stay off til may but it depends what our finances are like as my OH is currently looking for a new job.

dylan and erin are fine, thanks for asking! they have taken really well to owen and are not jealous of him at all. they are giving me a bit of grief at bed time but i guess they dont understand why they have to go to bed and owen stays here napping in his pram.

off to get an indian takeaway. speak soon xxx
Hi everyone. I am so fed up now the pain in my hips and groin are getting worse by the day. Obs said she could sent me for physio but by the time I get an appointment lil bubs should be here (I do hope so). I could cope with the sleepless nights it's the waking up in pain and getting in and out of bed that is getting me down.

Not long now, so I will stop whining lol!

Hope everyone is ok?

OMG.... just realised I'm into single figures... only 9 days to go!
Congrats on Owen Maybebaby3.
Truman you're almost there. I never made it to single digits; hopefully, you'll be seeing your baby soon.
Well it's 5am. Breakfast just keeps getting earlier.....

On positive note the crib mattress arrived yesterday and I pick up the nursery curtains on Monday so everthing is just about sorted. Just need to find some flat sheets for the cot and crib, when you want them all you can find are fitted sheets and vice-versa.

Come on bubs it's time to say hi and to the rest of the family!
Hi ladies,

I don't get on here that often but have just found this thread (yay for us older birds!)
I'm 37 and after years of TTC and failed infertility, I fell pregnant with my lovely fella (who is now my hubby after a 'shotgun wedding' last month ;)
I was in a blind panic for the first few months and barely moved for fear of causing any harm but after my 2nd scan, I have finally relaxed and absolutely love being pregnant.
Our little boy is due on 20th September and I can't wait to meet him :)
I'm in the same position as u guys - my friends had their kids years ago and I've told them off for not telling me that my boobs would look like a picture of the London Underground map! - Hubby doesn't seem to mind though as I've gone from having the chest of a paperboy to having big udders that rest on my belly ;)
Take care all
I just turned 36 and am expecting my third. I have a daughter 15, a son 11 and my OH has a daughter 4 that we have custody of. This is our first child together.
Welcome Mace and Divasatanica. Good to hear from you. I will be 41 in 19 days!

Mace congratulations on you wedding and lil bubs.

Diva do you know what you are having? I'm expecting a girl, well I hope so the sonographer was 75% sure and now we are so close I'm hoping she was right otherwise lil bubs is going to look lovely in pink!
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I was last on here...sorry! Congrats on your new baby Maybe!

Truman, it won't be long now for you!

I have just had my 36 week midwife appointment today and after the hospital loosing my booking bloods etc I finally had all results! Thank goodness everything came back negative as it's a bit late for most of it anyway! It was a huge relief. Everything seems to be on track.. bubs is starting to engage (which might be why I feel like she's sooooo low!) and is in the right position. Just hoping that she doesn't come too early as although I started maternity leave from school today I have 30 reports to write and loads of other school stuff that I have been asked to do while I am at home! I want to get it all finished and then have a bit of time to relax before she arrives!

Hope you are all well - and welcome to all the new 'older mums!'
Hi shining star good to hear from you. Glad all the tests came back negative. If I were you I would use the word maternity leave loosely as you still seem to have a lot of work to do. How many weeks will you be taking off in total. I think your leave should start when you FINISH working unless you are getting paid for more than just the statutory weeks lol! I get 6 weeks at 90% of my salary and then 32 weeks at stat maternity pay £123.

Speak to you guys soon. I seem to spend most of my time hear now wishing my time away!!!

I am at the MW tomorrow here's hoping something is happening in there. Last week bubs was still 5/5 and free so I am hoping she knows which way is out!!! They keep telling me that when it is a 2nd/3rd pregnancy the head sometimes doesn't engage until labour starts.......
shining star - i had to leave all my reports ready before i went on maternity leave. good luck with that, i know what a pain they are!!!

welcome diva and mace!

truman - hope that things start happening soon! how's your daughter doing?

well am off to dr today as erin started crying yesterday afternoon that her ear hurt, and she never complains about things. last time she had bad tonsillitis she never complained either and i took her to dr coz she had a cough and it turned out she had tonsilitis. poor thing.

owen seems to sleep his best stretch from 6 or 7am til 9 or 10am but that is no good to me as i have to get dylan ready for school and erin is up at the break of day anyway, even if they go to bed at midnight my kids never have a lie-in!!!
Welcome Mace and Divasatanica.

Diva do you know what you are having? I'm expecting a girl, well I hope so the sonographer was 75% sure and now we are so close I'm hoping she was right otherwise lil bubs is going to look lovely in pink!

Thanks for the welcome! No, this time I'm team yellow.....lol. My OH wants it to be a surprise so I said ok to that. Congrats on your Team Pink status!!!!
Morning. Maybebaby they start sleeping in when they get older.... my son doesn't get up till about lunchtime on weekends these days. I keep telling him it's a waste of a day but he says he needs his sleep and everytime he stands up he seems to have grown so perhaps he is right! I hope Erin's ear gets better I hate my kids being ill make me feel useless when I can't help.

Daniel got an ear infection a couple of weeks ago I told him it was because he wears he Ipod ear phones all the time he didn't believe me but when the doctor asked him about it he seemed to believe him and has only been wearing the big ones not the ones that go inside the ear!!!

As for Nikki, well..... she is definately moving in with the BF it's all over their Face Book pages lol!. She is looking at getting a transfer from Bolton to Sheffield uni and a transfer of her part-time job at Macdonalds to Doncaster. Which annoys me really she is giving up so much including all her friends and he does nothing. He is only at college 3 days a week (if that) and doesn't even have a part time job.

His parents will end up paying his share of the bills on the house and Nikki will be no better off and that just annoys me even more. She says if she can't get a transfer she will commute to uni (what?!?! Doncaster to Bolton 5 days a week, I can see that lasting!!!!!!)

And to top it all she came to see me Friday after an exam and because it was her birthday (method in her madness me thinks!) anyway, she arrived at 6 and said she was meeting BF at 9 to go to his for the weekend. I was quite upset because I thought we could all go out for dinner and watch a film together as a family. In the end I said it was her choice and left her to it. Anyway she rang BF to tell him she was staying here with us and all I could hear was her apologising because she was spending time with us and as a result he refused to go to her friends BBQ on the Saturday and she ended up crying!!! I ask you what is she doing with him! I told her to go see him to save rowing but she wanted to stay, so she did but spent most of the night texting. I felt sorry for her and wanted to give him a piece of my mind, which I would never do of course but......

I keep telling myself she will see sense and/or stand up to him otherwise when they move in together he will rule her life. Here's hoping!

Sorry didn't mean to rant it just upsets me. Someone once said to me that when bubs is born she won't even know her big sister and I'm begining to think they are right. I am lucky if I see her once a month now!
aww truman i'm sorry that your daughter's BF is being such an idiot. it must have you fuming seeing her upset and not being able to do much about it. it does seem that she is bending over a lot to keep him happy. i hope things work out for them with the move. it must be tough transferring uni's. my friend was at kingston uni and transferred to bath in her final year (i was studying there so it was ok for her as we were on the same course and we got a house together with some of my friends). anyways i'd best get off and get on with some stuff as the flat looks like a bomb site with toys everywhere. sometimes i just want to scoop them up and throw them away as the kids dont even use half of them and when they do it's for 2 mins and they just end up decorating the floors!

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