
I am so sorry about the DH...I don't understand the selfishness of it.. my DH also has major issues when it comes to SA - I have only gotten one and I think that might be it... I had to rent a hotel room and all kinds of stuff just to accomplish the mission... UGH... maybe you could go

and slip some supplements in his food/drink... hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do

however - I have no issues picking up Terri in Baltimore and heading across the pond to kick some a$$!!!
I know today its raw... but I encourage you not to give up... and no matter what - if you can - stay with us... there have got to be more science experiments we can include you in
Vjean - Love the new pic!!! so
Terri - feeling sex starved myself - but this week has been rough for the hubby at work - so I am trying not to be toooooo demanding...

I am looking forward to hearing how your HSG. goes... FX everything looks great!!
Erose - funny you should mention feeling bad at O time... the last two cycles I have felt horrible on O day... I thought maybe I was making it up... crampy... ovaries giving me some pain - and just overall laying around cause I don't feel good... maybe for some of us - that is our O sign??? if I have a cycle next month - I hope I can time the

better... didn't do well as I should have this time around -
Smiles love the pic... thanks so much for sharing - I look forward to beanie growing before our eyes!!!
Atty - WOW!!! I hope your electricity comes back sooner than later - and I am glad your trip to get the kiddos was made safely... sound very scary over there!!!
Katie- write away !!! I need something to do at night whilst my husband watches the outdoor channel and surfs the internet for hunting equipment for our trip to Canada in October!!!
AFM - working... had a mentoring meeting from 9-1030... whew... glad that's over... more meetings this afternoon...
7 DPO - I feel like I should start testing or I am not officially part of our group!!!

and I have plenty of Wondfo's just feels demoralizing to see a BFN... but who knows I may wake up and decide

no symptons... just glad the P cream seems to be working...
EDIT - Just talked to the Dr office - Dr never sent the referral for OB/GYN (*!!!@&^#%@&^#%@&^#%@....