Thanks Again ladies I keep having BAD dreams and Insomia which is strange I was always tired w the Boys!! :shrug:

Hope fully I'll be able to relax after my U/S!!! ;)

Wish the VITEX will boost your LH so u might get a Longer surge or stronger so it's detected earlier!!! GL
It usually takes a few months to build up in the body how much are u taking pr day??

Happy Monday Everyone!!
kfs1-Yeah, I hear you on having to remind your husband about the fertile window. Why??? Why?? They are always gung-ho at the wrong times. HA!!HA!! Thanks for noticing my temp. jump.

Watch...my hubs will be all gung-ho today after completely snoozing all day yesterday from being hungover. All I can do is shake my head.
Yes, love the temp jump terri! :thumbup: You got me rollin': "I was like, 'um..I need some work done. I have a butcher block counter.' HA!!HA!!" :rofl:

Sis I'm having insomnia and intense dreams too. Well, I always have intense dreams but still :haha: . I keep falling asleep earlier than I would like but then I randomly wake up and I'm all :xmas22: . Eventually I fall back asleep :shrug: . I had a pretty kick-butt apocalypse/post apocalypse dream last night :p .
Terri - see I told you temp jump today... :happydance: it is frustrating when our bodies don't do what we WANT them to do WHEN we want them to do it!!!! :growlmad:

Sis - I am taking 400mg of VITEX twice a day - with planning on stopping the second dose after O is confirmed... I have no idea what is going on - OPK was very positive this morning too... do you think I am taking too much? I took fertilaid my last two cycles and it has VITEX in it - but I don't know how much... Here's hoping your bad dreams go away... tell em to hit the road!!! :haha:

kfs1 - my temps have been crazy too - I actually had 2 days of Post O temps during my 4 day AF - but I figured I was doing something wrong... :shrug:
I hear you about explaining things to the DH - when I told him my OPK was positive he was upset that we should've waited - I had to explain I had no idea it would be positive so early and that it wasn't a bad thing to :sex: the night before it turns positive... :dohh:

AFM - temp went up a little this morning... got the hubby :sex: last night... not sure if we go again tonight or take a night off and do more tomorrow... im just not good at guessing at these things...

:hi: everyone Happy Monday
Sis.....you're like Martha Stewart and what not! Love those egg announcements, I'm so not creative! Lol.

SPP....I googled that Doppler, looks niiiiiiice. I'm using a very low tech one I borrowed from my gf but I'm tempted to get that one! Lol. It's funny when I listen on the Doppler I swear I hear 2 different beats. Both still fast but one seems a tad slower than the other. They are close together but not in the same spot. Who knows maybe it's an echo I'm hearing. But I never heard that when I used Dopplers to listen to the other two.

Terri....:happydance: on the temp jump.

Today I have my 4 week check up appt. They won't do much, I think weight and listen to the heartbeat on their Doppler but Friday I have the genetic counseling appt and ultrasound that looks for certain things- what these things are exactly I don't know but anytime I go for an u/s or test I get nervous. :cry:
Wish I think u r good at That dose that's what I did 400X2 b4 O 400X1 after O and currently!!
I would get 4-5 days of +++++ OPKs sometimes but I still got my BFP it's just boosting that LH maybe it was low b4 !!!! GL

Terri glad u got that Jump Party Hardy Lady!!! ;)

SPP so weird I'm usually hard to wake in the AM sometimes well not anymore I'm up w the Sun :haha: Its strange but I'll take the extra Energy over Tired any day!! :haha:

Smiles it might be your heart u r hearing IDK never used a Doppler but I might have to get that one SPP is talking about EBay here I come!!
Also I'm sure your Apt will go well it's always nerve racking every Lil test but It's for the best and B4 u know it u will have a Sweet Baby!!! :hugs:
Sis - if you had 4-5 days of + OPK's - how did you know when you O'd??? was it after the + started to fade or during those days? or just watch your temps? I am sure I won't get the DH to :sex: 5 days in a row :shock:
and maybe that little one in the belly is a morning baby??? I have heard you take on the personality of the little one while preg...

I think I would like to have a doppler at home... :) to be able to hear the little hearbeat everyday would be cool...

Smiles - Good luck at your appointment - I am sure all is fine :thumbup:
I would just go by temps usually my temp would jump around the 2nd day of ++++s!!!

We also did a few days after o too just to be safe if DHs count and morph is low u might want to try every other day to give those guys time to reboot!!! :)
Smiles-Wishing you the best at your appointment today. Ask about the two heartbeats. Maybe one is yours! That still sounds so neat to me. Is Friday the day you hear about your hubs' results?

SPP-Glad I made you laugh this morning. I was sitting in bed looking at the man on the video, thinking that. HA!!HA!! I really do have the dreaded butcher block countertop, though.

Wish-You know you'll ovulated by your temperature jump. Same as before. And because you have 4 or 5 positive OPKs doesn't mean you have to do it every day. Some say every other day is best to get better swimmers, but it's all a mystery. I wouldn't wear your hubs out with this stuff. I am going to swing by the store this afternoon and get some Fertilaid. Hopefully that will help me regulate things.

Sis-Another big jump this morning. Go get 'em girl!

Felcity-Your temp is back up today too..I'm feeling good about this cycle for you.
Sis and Terri - thanks for the words of advice and encouragement :hugs:- it is so silly to get stressed out :wacko: over the timing of :sex: but with the hubbies 0%morph (he has plenty of misshaped swimmers - over 260 mil at his SA) I don't want to do too much... of course I am hoping his daily fertiliaid is helping with the 0% - I mean I will take 1% at this rate!! :haha:

My temp was in Post O range this morning... but we will have to see if that holds for another two mornings... so weird - the temp has just kept going up this cycle... another hmmmmm

I am missing of few of our regulars - Vjean, Erose, Oldermom... hope all is well with you ladies!!! :hugs::hugs:
Terri and Sis.....First thing I did was check to see if the other heartbeat was mine. Lol. Mine is slower, I heard the pulse of that on the Doppler too. If there is something else to be heard they should pick it up today if not the extensive u/s on Friday will catch it. Lol

Terri...my husband's results may be there today when I go, if not then Wednesday I think since it takes 7 days for blood results to come back. So we shall see.

Oh and SPP and Sis....weird dreams are an understatement! I don't even watch zombie stuff but I had a dream about killing them and running from them. Then another night I had a dream I got into a fight with Betty White of all people because I was trying to take food off of her plate and apparently she got pissed about it!!! Lmao. I LOVE Betty White too so there is no way I could ever fight that sweet old lady! Lol.
I've had multiple zombie dreams but I also do watch the walking dead and I love zombie movies so it's my own fault. I also have a recurring dream where I'm in school and it's the end of the year or semester and I just realize that I've completely forgotten about a class that i was registered in. I then freak out, debating on whether or not to try going. (Many of my friends have also had this dream.) A new one to add to the list this week though - a bad parenting dream. I had a baby and was carrying him/her around in a carrier but kept leaving him/her places and kept dropping him/her! What is THAT about?
Smiles - You are cracking me up with your Betty White dream - hey that is a tough ole bird...she might take you!!! :jo:

kfs1 - i always had dreams of showing up to school with no shoes or that my teeth were falling out...like crumbling... weird....

AFM: I had a dream last night - I ran into a building with my car again... yeah I actually did that for real last year... ran into a dry cleaner... it was chaos with all the little foreign ladies running around speaking crazy - glass everywhere... I am in my uniform... yeah I have never been back... but they have beautiful new windows.... :haha::xmas13:
Smiles - Good luck at your appt. US are fun and a little nerve wracking.

Wish - Hooray for +OPKs. I think every other day is fine. My DH always needed a break when we would BD for 3 days in a row. So did I!

Terri - Nice jump!

Re: Dreams... The "forgot to go to class and now it's finals" dream is a super common anxiety dream. As is the teeth crumbling. Weird that that would be common but I guess it is. I had a baby dream where I had a little baby in a wrap and my LO wanted the baby to poop in the potty. Funny.

Not much going on here. Busy weekend. Weird how I'm questioning normal food things again - Like is the cheese in the pupusas at the farmers market pasteurized? Crap can't get the kombucha, it's raw. Asking the honey guys if their honey is pasteurized (it isn't, back to brown sugar in the oatmeal).
Dreams are weird things! :rofl:

Here is one that weirded me out though. Last January I had a dream I had a baby boy and we named him Daniel. He had grey eyes and was the cutest little kid. For some reason I was carrying him around in one of those reusable cloth shopping bags and then he just dissolved in water and the next thing I know I had a kitten with grey eyes. Now if that's not weird enough, a few months later I went to see this medium and during the session she stopped and listened to whoever was talking to her at the time ( I believe it was my niece at that point) and said to me " who is Daniel?" I damn near fell off my chair! I told her I had a dream about a baby boy named Daniel a few months back and she said my grandfather, grandmother and niece all want me to have Daniel. But when she did the card she said " we'll Daniel might be Daniella actually". Lol. Man was I blown away!
Smiles-That Betty White dream got me good. HA!!HA!! The only time I have vivid dreams/remember my dreams is when I take Theraflu or Nyquil. The Nyquil usually involves murder, and the Theraflu dreams involve being naked in public. Every now and again I welcome a cold so I can have funny/interesting dreams. The rest of the year, I don't have vivid dreams at all.

EDIT-Ooh Smiles. Mark this post. Daniel or Daniella???Are you going to find out what your baby's gender is? Would you name her Daniella or Danielle? This is freaking me out with excitement!!

Radkat-Sorry you have to think about food so much. That makes me nervous. I usually eat anything and everything. Want to trade places??? hee hee. Just kidding. Are you going to put a baby ticker in your signature? I like looking at them almost as much as FFoe charts.

Wish-you can't leave us hanging. How in the world did you run into a dry cleaners? Were you texting/driving. ooooohhhhhh....this site may be used against you in a court of law. HA!HA!!

kfs1-I'm scared of zombies. My coworker told me to watch Walking Dead, but I'm a little nervous because it sounds scary, and I don't like scary.
Terri.....I like names that start with K, but I would use Daniel as a middle name if it's a boy and maybe Daniella or another name that starts with a D for a middle name if it's a girl. I don't want to know the sex but my husband does. And as I told him....he needs me there to find out and he needs me to tell him at what appt they can tell us. Lol. I may just " forget" to let him know when that appt is.

Still at the Dr's. She checked for the heartbeat and it's strafe where she checked which is higher than where I check she was able to hear the heartbeat. I'm gonna try higher when I get home. Lol. Heartrate is in the 160's.
My hubs likes K names. I'm ambivalent. I told him that our first girl is Kamille. hee hee. He thinks I'm joking. It's pseudo French and feminine. I also like Karrie (Car-ee). I knew a girl growing up named Karin (cuh-rin), and I kind of like that too but everyone will say Karen, and that would be annoying.

If I were you, I would forget to tell him because you know he's going to slip at some point, and I'm sure you'll be around when he does! HA!!HA!!

What is strafe? I'm sure it's a typo, but I can't even figure out what it's supposed to be. I get that you need to check higher. hee hee. I assume 160 is good. :shrug:

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