Got hubby's blood results back...he's negative for hemoglobin abnormalities and sickle cell. :happydance: The dr rambled something about making sure I still get te genetic counseling on Friday and I have to take my paperwork and his. He said I actually have the sickle cell trait as well I think. Again...weird! I swore I was told I never had the trait. :dohh: I'll know more on Friday for sure.
GL with your test, Smiles. Good news about your DH's!
Glad all is clear with your DH Smiles and keep us updated! Yay for the 160's <3 . Your Betty White dream made me :rofl: . Very cool reading you had! That will be fabulous if she's spot on about a Daniella :) . Oh, and like Sis I'm working the EBay angle with the doppler :haha: . They've got some really nice Sonoline B's for waaaaay cheaper than a lot of places.

It's probably some sort of requirement to have bad parenting dreams kfs1 :haha: .

Yeah Wish, how'd you run into a dry cleaners!

Radkat, won't the honey in the oatmeal be fine if you just put it in while the pot is still boiling?

Damn terri! Murder or nekkid?! :rofl: I really dig Kamilla, very cute :cloud9: .

On u/s's, with our boys we didn't want to know until they were born. For this pregnancy I want to know and DH doesn't. I'll probably win :haha: .
Don't we always Win SPP!!!! :haha:

I want to Know and I'm getting the Materna21 so I'll know way in advance I might just get the results and bring them home so I can find out at Home!!! ;)

FYI this baby Loves Taco Bell I've never been a fan but Baby is Obviously I've been craving it for almost 3wks now!!! :shrug:
I'm here! Just read pages and pages and I'm sorry I'll never be able to remember everything I want to comment on.

Smiles, your dreams crack me up!:rofl: Glad your hubby's test results came back good! Funny about your names- we will be using Daniel or Danielle as a middle name for our baby, after DHs dad.

Terri, nice temp jump!

Atty, I hope your appt goes great and you get some answers.

Sis, happy *late* birthday! Love the eggs!

Radkat, your numbers are rising! That's a good thing. Sometimes our babies do things on their own sweet time!

Wish, a dry cleaner? :saywhat::haha:

Oldermom, glad you made it to the states safely....just reading your trip exhausts me!

I love hearing everyone's opinions/views on finding out the sex. I plan on getting the MaternaT21 or Panorama test at 10 weeks so we'll find out sex super early. We aren't going to tell anyone else thou.

I highly recommend the Sonoline B doppler. Love mine and can't wait to use it again.

AFM- had my first beta on Friday, 11 DPO. It came back at 26. My next one is tomorrow am, so I'll have results tomorrow afternoon. I did a CB digital w/ weeks estimator and got 2-3 weeks. Yay! If my HCG was doubling every 48 hours I'd expect tomorrow to be just over 100. But I think 2-3 weeks on the CB in a minimum of 200. I'm sure there is a margin of error, but I know for sure tomorrow. Doc also has me on progesterone. That's been.....interesting. :wacko:

Work has been crazy, but I'll try and do better to keep up. :thumbup:
Sorry ladies, been busy the past few days since the weathers been so beautiful here in Nashville and I've been out and about enjoying it!

I've had fun catching up on all of your posts but no way I can respond to all of them. Heck, I don't even know which ones were from the testing thread and which ones were from here! I've mainly been stalking the testing thread, as I'm still not sure what's going on with my cycle and I was taking a Feb break anyhoo.

So much that I'd love to respond to but not enough time. I just want to send out positive vibes for all of our preggers... I'm very glad to see that everyone is doing great! <3
Dreams are weird things! :rofl:

Here is one that weirded me out though. Last January I had a dream I had a baby boy and we named him Daniel. He had grey eyes and was the cutest little kid. For some reason I was carrying him around in one of those reusable cloth shopping bags and then he just dissolved in water and the next thing I know I had a kitten with grey eyes. Now if that's not weird enough, a few months later I went to see this medium and during the session she stopped and listened to whoever was talking to her at the time ( I believe it was my niece at that point) and said to me " who is Daniel?" I damn near fell off my chair! I told her I had a dream about a baby boy named Daniel a few months back and she said my grandfather, grandmother and niece all want me to have Daniel. But when she did the card she said " we'll Daniel might be Daniella actually". Lol. Man was I blown away!

That is so interesting. I had a dream a little over a month ago that I gave birth on November 1st, but was actually due a little later than that date. Did not know the gender in the dream though. It would be nice if that dream ends up having any meaning, but I'm not holding my breath. Probably just a result of having getting pg on my mind. :haha:
Re Dreams, many years ago, well 20 actually. I used to work in my mums shop as a florist... Anyway I came into work one day and told her I had the worst, scariest dream the night before, and that I woke crying..... she looked at me and said, are you pregnant? I asked why, she said because when she found out she was expecting she had horrible dreams beforehand! I went to the chemist and got a test, sure enough I was! Funny thing was when I told her later that afternoon she just went pure white and dropped straight down onto the floor saying, I'm too young to be a granny!!!! She was 50!
Anyway the dream thing happened with each of my pregnancy, around the 4 week mark......

Anyway ladies I have to away, I have a job interview this morning and must get myself ready! :thumbup:
Good luck with your interview, atty! My OH has a job interview this morning too!

VJean- glad to hear everything is still going well! Good luck with your next beta numbers!

I've been having really weird dreams the last few night. Mostly involving ex-boyfriends! Then last night I dreamt I was having triplet girls, but they were being born one at a time with months in between them.
Batty - Good luck with your interview hun - is it for anything interesting?

AFM - I have well and truly confused FF this month :haha: - I have a few missing temps (due to cold/fever) but if I put in just one missing temp it has me at 7DPO - so is it time to pee on dandelions yet:haha:

Love to all the wonderful ladies


Batty - Good luck with your interview hun - is it for anything interesting?

AFM - I have well and truly confused FF this month :haha: - I have a few missing temps (due to cold/fever) but if I put in just one missing temp it has me at 7DPO - so is it time to pee on dandelions yet:haha:

Love to all the wonderful ladies



Not sure if you call it exciting or not lol, Its for a graphic designer at my local council offices! At the moment I am working freelance but due to world recession, work is few and far between......

Anyway its never too early to pee on dandelions! FF did the same to me, there I was expecting to be Oing and FF put me @ 7DPO!!! I am 10 today and trying to hold out till at least 14, I have no symptoms this month, not even phantoms ones lol!
Right I shouldn't be here, interview in just over an hour and I am not even dressed! :dohh:
Good luck with your interview, atty! My OH has a job interview this morning too!

Oh good luck to your OH too! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I'm back all ready, wow quick interview and as it was only 20 mins down the road, it seemed super quick! Will find out by Thursday, FX
Atty-Well, it seems they liked you if they got everything they needed in 20 minutes! Hope it went well. The story about your mom makes me laugh. Especially when she fell to the ground. I could imagine my mom doing something like that. So dramatic!

Vjean-Glad all is well. Let us know what gender your baby is as soon as you know, please! It seems there is a broken link in your chart. I can't click on it. It takes me to the main FF page. Check your signature link and see if you're missing and end link /] (something like that). Waaahhh..Thanks for checking in. We missed you. Now, if ERose would stop by I can quit worrying.

garfie-Sucks about your missing temps. Sometimes I think that I want to not take a temp one day but then I am so obsessed that I think every temp is crucial, so I keep doing it. Psycho much? I'm definitely in the TWW now, so I'm chillin'

SPP-Those crazy dreams of mine give me a little excitement, but they sure are bizarre. I love watching the ID channel, so maybe it's some inner something in me that is curious about all that stuff. I'm not crazy though, so it's never going to happen, but maybe murder/being naked are just on my mind when I'm sleeping. HA!!HA!!

Sis-I love Taco Bell as much as the next girl, but baby craving it is just beyond me. I heart those newish cantina burritos. So much food and so cheap. My second fave are the double deckers (more beans, less meat) and I always finish with a caramel apple empanada. They remind me of the old McD's apple pies.

Katie-Hey chica!

Smiles-Glad all your testing came out great. Phew!! I'm so relieved for you.
Morning everyone.

LOVE reading about everyone's dreams. Smiles - that's so interesting about Daniel/Daniela!!! I've always wanted to go to a psychic but I'm afraid they're going to be like "your life will be short and miserable" or something terrible. Haha - I'm so positive.

So, I'm not sure if I o'd or not this month. O-time was much easier to distinguish the month where I had my blighted ovum. See attached. What do you girls think?


  • chart.jpg
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Looks like you O'd to me, kfs1. There is a distinct rise and it's continuing to go up. When you don't o, your chart is jagged and there are no consistent "high" temperatures. Look at a few of my wayward charts for examples. :wacko:
Thanks, Terri. I'm worried because according to FF, I ovulated on CD9, which can sometimes mean low-quality eggs. In all honesty, though, I could have O'd on CD12 if you look at it. This is the first cycle that I'm charting since my BO so I'm seriously freaking out. I need to get off of google I think!!!
:hugs: Vjean so glad u are Aye OK I was worried as I'm a worried Preggo!! :haha:
It's good that u already got a 2-3wks I would say u have another Girl baking u Lucky Dog!! ;)
I'm also getting the Materna21 so I'll update when I know of course!!!

Smiles glad DH came back good I'm sure u r good butnitnwill be nice to be told that by the DR!!

Terri your temps are looking good Chica ;) I've been craving Sour cream I think that's why I want Taco bell it's crazy I know maybe cuz I can't have Milk I'm allergic but it has calcium that I need !!! :shrug:

KFS1 I would say u Od I see the upward climb!! :)

I'm guessing my Neices have been spilling the beans to everyone I have their friends texting me asking questions!!! :haha:

Happy Tuesday lovely ladies!!!
GL on the next betas VJean! :dust:

Hi Katie! :wave:

atty that's too funny about your mom :haha: . I hope your interview went well and you get a callback! :dust:

Indeed, it's never too early to pee on dandelions garfie no matter what Foe says :haha: .
GL to your DH as well Fezzle! :dust:

Sis and terri you guys have me :xmas22: on the Taco Bell, blech! If I'm gettin' down with some fast food it's Zaxby's FTW :haha: .

kfs1, hmm, it does look like you O'd. B/c you don't have many temps before CD9, your fertility monitor gave you a + on CD10, you had ewcf on CD12, and your temp went up more than 2/10's of a degree CD's 13 and 14, I'll tentatively throw out that you O'd CD12. I see why Foe is confused but time will tell it for sure! :ninja: Try not to freak out too, too much :hugs: .

I'm calling O for you terri! :dance:

Sis generally cow's milk and I don't tend to get along but when pg with my boys it was pizza, ice-cream, mac and cheese, waffles with loads of buttahhhh :haha: , no problems; heaven! How are you energy and m/s-wise? I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting to feel like garbage as that really will make me feel so much better :haha: :wacko: .
I am too SPP I generally feel pretty good in the Am!!! :shrug:

If I get yucky it's usually at Nite around 6-7Pm I'm Not quite 6wks yet so hopefully I'll get some more symptoms soon!! ;)

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