I'm here! Just read pages and pages and I'm sorry I'll never be able to remember everything I want to comment on.
Smiles, your dreams crack me up!

Glad your hubby's test results came back good! Funny about your names- we will be using Daniel or Danielle as a middle name for our baby, after DHs dad.
Terri, nice temp jump!
Atty, I hope your appt goes great and you get some answers.
Sis, happy *late* birthday! Love the eggs!
Radkat, your numbers are rising! That's a good thing. Sometimes our babies do things on their own sweet time!
Wish, a dry cleaner?

Oldermom, glad you made it to the states safely....just reading your trip exhausts me!
I love hearing everyone's opinions/views on finding out the sex. I plan on getting the MaternaT21 or Panorama test at 10 weeks so we'll find out sex super early. We aren't going to tell anyone else thou.
I highly recommend the Sonoline B doppler. Love mine and can't wait to use it again.
AFM- had my first beta on Friday, 11 DPO. It came back at 26. My next one is tomorrow am, so I'll have results tomorrow afternoon. I did a CB digital w/ weeks estimator and got 2-3 weeks. Yay! If my HCG was doubling every 48 hours I'd expect tomorrow to be just over 100. But I think 2-3 weeks on the CB in a minimum of 200. I'm sure there is a margin of error, but I know for sure tomorrow. Doc also has me on progesterone. That's been.....interesting.
Work has been crazy, but I'll try and do better to keep up.