Well Ladies Verdicts In ....... I have Strep!!!!! :nope:

So of course I have to take these GIANT Horse pills I can barely swallow .... Hope I feel better soon cuz right now I feel like I'm on my last Leg!!! :(
Sis - wow strep!! ugh of course they give you horse pills to swallow when you have sore throat!!!!
Galvan - sorry for your losses :hugs: :-( those stories always tear me up when a couple like that passes close together...

Terri- wow on your temp jump!! Hoping that's a good sign of snuggled in bean!!!

AFM: ladies I am down n out today... Started cramping last night and spotting today... It feels like AF is coming... I have already cried twice today... And no cross hairs on ff - it's as confused as I am... I'm ready to chuck every supplement/vitamin in my possession... March will be here sat one month closer to 41 and more screwed up than ever.... 12 months of trying with not even a hint of BFP...
My dog chewed my wireless ear piece for my phone this morning, my work computer died again, and a few more incidents and I have the perfect country song... I'm.done.with.it
Sorry for the BFN, Argyle.

Fezzle - Congrats to OH on the new job. Very exciting.

Terri - Hooray for the temp jump. Funny about spraying your hands with alcohol. Then putting lots of lotion on? That would dry me out.

Wish - I'm sorry about your temps/chart. I hope your temps can sort themselves out and get you on track for next month. Hang in there, sweetie.

AFM - Got my next set of numbers and my hcg has slowed down again. Dr wants an ultrasound next Monday to check the "viability of the pregnancy". I looked up ranges for how far along I am and I am way below range. I guess we'll know more on Monday.
Hope it's nothing Radkat!!! :hugs: I go for my scan on Tue so we should both have news next week!! :)

Wish I know how ya feel we were trying for +2yrs and 1yr w fertility treatment!! Hopefully e referral is what u need to get things rolling !!
Also I've heard of VITEX messing u up the 1st cycle it usually takes 3mos to build up so hang In there LOVE!!! :hugs:

As far as the crappy day DH had the same 1st they shorted him on his Paycheck so he was yelling the whole time he took me to the Dr!!
Then he had to pay for parking twice cuz I think he didn't read how to do it but u know guys HE did it right!!! :thumbup:

We always need some crap thrown our way to get us to the GOOD stuff!!! :)
Sis.....feel better. :hugs:

Rad....big big :hugs: Hoping all goes well at your scan, sending you positive vibes!

Wish....hoping your day gets better.
RadkAt I hope your scan goes well and your numbers skyrocket!!!

Fezzle Congratulations on the new job. What does OH stand for. Sorry I'm a little slow at this.:dohh:

Sis feel better. Sorry about the horse pills.:nope:
Big :hugs: Radkat. I have a lot of hope for this little babe.

I am sorry you are having a bad day Wish. I don't know what else to say, just major :hugs:

Sorry about the BFN, Argyle.

I hope you feel better soon, Sis!
Rad hope mon goes well.
Sis sorry about the horse pills. I can't swallow anything. Dissolvable all the way.
argyle sorry about the bfn and for your losses. I recently lost twin boys at 14+5 wks. Xx
Fezzle-what day do you start opks? The reason I ask is my gp thought I wasn't oving after several cd21 tests but turned out it was because I oved cd9. I had clomid and it pushed it back to cd12. Hoping that it stays like that when my cycle kicks back in.
Katie-I wish we had some way of knowing that by a certain date we would have our bfp or baby then it would make waiting and going through all the crap a little easier. If only...
I can't remember who said about it but am def a drink til its pink girl. Been at this so long that a little bit of what you fancy does you good!
Hi to everyone that I've missed.
Afm feeling a bit more even keeled at the mo. Back to swimming today which was fab. Taking another week off work as monday is my birthday and can't face going back on that day. Yet another birthday without being pg. Trying to do a few bits to get myself out and about for it.
Nearly friday folks-thank crunchie! X
Glad u are feeling a Lil better Neesaw one step at a time Day by day!!! :hugs:

Smiles I forgot to answer u I am bidding on a Sonoline on eBay so don't take mine!! :haha:
They have a few that r still in the box w manuals but Barely used I figure Clean Em up and save some $$$ they range from 35-60 depending if it's new used ETC!! :)
Radkat-I'm glad your doctor is on top of things. Maybe you're baby is just a late bloomer. I hope you have good news to share with us on Monday. I'll say a special prayer for you.

I worked in the cleanroom today so we are gowned up from head to toe. We have to wear two pairs of gloves. The alcohol cools my hands even though it's going through two pairs of gloves. I went to work early today and left late. Grrr....hopefully tomorrow I can leave early because I went in early twice this week and stayed late once. I definitely take comp time when I can get it. I'm a STRICT 40 hour/workweek girl. My non-work life is too precious to me.

Argyle-OH is Other Half. DF is dear fiancé, DH/DS/DD-dear husband/son/daughter. BFP, WTF-HA!!HA!! Do I have to explain those? Just say the word!

Wish-Spotting already?? I think this cycle is seriously a fluke and if you do get AF, maybe Sis is right that the Vitex is trying to regulate everything and it just takes some time. I hope your referral comes through in a jiffy and I'm glad you have data to show the next doctor you see. Huge :hugs: Sorry for all the bad stuff you're going through today.

Oldermom-Hey!! Did you drive past Baltimore today? I wish I wasn't working so hard, or I would have waved on your way north! hee hee.

Sis-Strep throat!? Gah!!! I hope those horse pills start working mighty fast so you don't have to take them for long. The story about your hubs made me laugh. Of course he did it right! Those meter maids are ruthless!

nessaw-I hear you on enjoying life's little pleasures. Glad you're feeling better. I love swimming!! I don't do it because I don't belong to a gym or have a pool, but when I get the chance, I just LOVE it. Now that I don't have hair, it's even more fun for me. I used to wear a swimcap and always felt like I was in the Olympics. Now I just have my head, and I'm super fast! Just kidding. I'm really a poor swimmer, but I like being in the water.
Oldermom-Hey!! Did you drive past Baltimore today? I wish I wasn't working so hard, or I would have waved on your way north! hee hee.

We make our way north tomorrow, DH flies back to Doha and DD and I fly to Maine from DC. We will wave as we fly over Baltimore!!:haha:
I feel like I should stop my recurring apologies for not being able to keep up every time I post something. So just know that I'm sending my apologies to anyone I miss, every time I come on here. :)

Okay, that's settled…

Terri--I really hope you don't end up on "Strange Addictions." Those stories can be nasty! One of the grossest ones I ever watched, that shook me to my core, was about a woman who was addicted to eating her dead husband's ashes. Morbid, disturbing, and unbearable to watch! By the time the camera crew had made it to her, she'd already gobbled down half of her husband and she was worried that nothing would be left if she didn't get help! Oh, I couldn't finish watching it! Say, how are you doing right now in the TWW?

Kfs1--Yippee for being in the TWW now! Very cool that you guys are home brewers, too. My husband does all of the work and just asks me to hold things or check on temperatures from time to time. I basically get to enjoy the fruits of his labor. He just whipped up a batch of raspberry wheat beer for me. Did I mention, I married the right man?

Smiles--I can't wait to hear how your kids reacted to the news...Adorable gift ideas and what a happy story!

Wish--Ugh. I'm sorry you are having a time of it. And I know how you feel about wanting to throw out every supplement you're on because you feel like it's not working or having a negative effect on things. But honestly, sometimes we have wonky cycles, that aren't a cause of anything...so maybe you try the Vitex for another cycle or so, and see if you seem to have the same results. (Oh, and thank you for the explanation on the eggs.)

VJean--Superb news on those numbers. You have to be happy with that! Don't be thinking about babies in tubes right now, relish in the joy of those numbers!

Sis--More tacos, eh? I will leave it at that! I also got a 6 week scan and was able to see the heartbeat. But at the same time, don't freak out if they can't find it, because there is a reason why they usually don't take women in for the first scan until they are 8 weeks along.

SPP--Hope your little one had a wonderful birthday! And I always send celebratory wishes to the mommy as well, because you were the one who went through the labor and recovery for that little one, so you need to celebrate too! :)

Fezzle--Such good news for you! The ovulation thing is something that you can get help with, and it would explain why you haven't been able to conceive. Finding out the answer is more than half the battle. And wonderful news about OH getting the job. Seems like things are moving in such a positive direction for you. :)

Argyle--I'm so sorry, love. We all understand how devastating a BFN can be. I found that having a good cry and throwing the pregnancy test or tampon against the wall is very therapeutic. Stick around on this thread. The ladies here will see you through the roller coaster!

Radkat--Sending prayers up for everything to be okay. I know that doesn't help you from not worrying, just know you have support from everyone and we are hoping for the best for you and your little bean.

Nessaw--Drink till it's pink… Love that. Absolutely love it. And I'm so very sorry about your losses. Truly, truly sorry.

AFM--(As if anyone could make it thru my long post), I'm happy to report that my boobs hurt. I would shout, "MY BOOBIES FINALLY HURT AGAIN!!," from the front of my house... if there wasn't a police station just down the street and likely, several neighbors rushing outside in their nightclothes, clutching their pearls, wondering what is going on. So yeah. This is good news because it finally means AF is on her way!!!!
Oh, and I'm just going to add a little tidbit to my last post. (Side note: Any time I wane philosophical, just assume I have been drinking hubby's home-brews).

I've never been so excited to welcome AF in my life. Usually, us ladies are wishing her away, threatening her, and crying when she comes knocking. But here's a little Pop-culture reference that I often reflect on. (Side-note: Reflections are usually also a result of drinking hubby's home-brews.)

Here in the states, there was a show called "Roseanne" that was on in the 80s-90s. And on one of the episodes, the mother, Roseanne, was consoling her daughter who had just gotten her first period and was devastated. And her daughter asked, "Well, tell me one good thing about it?" And Roseanne said, "Okay, I'll actually tell you 3 good things about it...Becky, DJ and you." (Her kids)

And at the time, when that episode aired, I hadn't got my period yet, but it was coming around the corner, and I couldn't WAIT to get it… Not because I was thinking about the joys of having children, but because I was excited to be able to flaunt my maxipads to all the other girls in junior high and prove that I was soooo mature. (Anyone read "Are you there God, it's me Margaret," a million times? Well, you get the picture.)

But what I'm saying is that, in a way, AF isnt always a bad thing. Because her arrival means that we still have fertility. Of course there are so many other things that factor into getting pregnant, but sometimes I read other threads where ladies don't get periods but twice a year and are trying to conceive.

Maybe I'm not always happy to welcome her, and maybe her arrival causes a lot of disappointment, but maybe, I need to be grateful that she's even around still. Getting AF regularly every month, may seem like a downfall, but after going through the recent chemical and not knowing when she is going to show up, I will be ever so happy to greet her this time around!
Hi Ladies,

Just a quick drop in, busy week so will try and catch up over the weekend!! maybe lol

It was DS 19th Birthday yesterday so did a little party for him with all the family and OH has been of sick all week with Sciatica..poor man :wacko:

I don't think this is my month, I've scrapped the high temp, think I read it wong..two numbers come up and I think I read the wrong one? just not feeling it :shrug:

Have a good Friday
Katie u Crack me up w the Home Brews and they obviously make U chatty!!! :haha:

I Couldnt sleep my throat is killing me so I figured I would come lay on the coach and hopefully pass out watching a Movie :nope: No such Luck the Pibble is pushing me OFF the couch and making my Fever Worse she's a walking Furnace!! :haha:

Felicity sorry U r feeling down about this Cycle and I hope OH feels better soon it really is hard when u r not feeling well!!!! :hugs:
Fezzle That's great about the appointment, good luck with the GP hunt, I'd say between OH new job and the possibility of clomid, you could be having a wonderful summer! :happydance::happydance:

Smiles & Sis - I feel for you both, the nausea is awful, but FX crossed it will be over by 12 weeks and it is all for a very good cause! :hugs::hugs:

Terri Go for it girl, I would use a gym, but they are so far from home, it just isnt worth it, so I use what I have which is walking down my lanes, around my house...

Hoping I am so sorry :hugs::hugs::flower:

AFM I know I haven't been around for the last few days, I have been feeling very sorry for myself....
I have been stalking though....
I got myself into a right tizzy... I actually thought I might be in this month, convinced myself I could smell more and that this month my painful BBs weren't just because of my progesterone!
I was holding out to testing day, but by my chart you can see my temp dropped this morning so AF is due tomorrow :cry::cry:
Between the FC telling me they could do nothing until I have another mc and not getting the job. I am just feeling so sorry for myself....

Then this morning I put the TV on and there was one of those talk shows and a gent of 58 was on to get a DNA test, his friend with benefits was 46. Anyway the baby was his and the lady was saying she needed help as her other daughter was 25!
I sat there and cried because there is a couple who were not even trying and they had a baby and she was 46!

I actually feel like giving up, I am thinking what the hell am I doing at my age..... I just feel................... I just don't know..........Each month that passes is one less chance at this, one more chance gone forever. I am 48 this year, my mum and grandmother both started menopause around their early to mid 40's... It is a miracle I am still ovulating, but each time AF arrives I think, was that my last chance, my last cycle????...........Arghhhh!:cry::cry:

I'm sorry ladies I am just feeling angry, miserable and damn old this morning...... OK rant over
Aw Batty - I really feel for you hun - sorry you didn't get the job :hugs: and it really sucks that in the UK we have to wait until we have had 3 consecutive m/c (as if one is not devastating enough):growlmad:

I understand you on the giving up thing as well but then I look at the ladies on here who have made it - and somehow I find myself carrying on - taking temps, POAS, taking supplements, getting BFNs and then starting all over the next month:wacko:

I am trying a last ditch attempt now - a supplement called Ovaboost supposed to improve the quality of our diminishing eggies:happydance: and I am also about to have my 2nd lot of acupuncture - well it was either that or the gym (couldn't afford both:haha:) so I will let you know if it helps:flower:

I cannot remember if you said you had your FSH/LH tested or was it just the test to see if you were ovulating:wacko:

I keep trying to remain positive to and try and go by the laws of averages I must have at least one good egg left right and so have you hun - BIG :hugs: hope you feel better soon - and rant away that's what we are all here for.


atty- sorry about the job. It is a good sign that you're still ovulating! I hope things happen for you soon!

nessaw- I usually start at CD10, but they do get darker after then, just not positive. Then I switched to the CBFM, which goes from CD5, and just got 'high' for almost the whole month. It said it takes awhile to learn your body, so I'm hopeful it's still trying to figure me out! I don't think I'm ovulating early though as I've been temping too and haven't had a shift early.

AFM- still bleeding. I'm stopping the dong quai today as it's supposed to help the blood flow to your uterus, but it's helping too much!
Aw Batty - I really feel for you hun - sorry you didn't get the job :hugs: and it really sucks that in the UK we have to wait until we have had 3 consecutive m/c (as if one is not devastating enough):growlmad:

I understand you on the giving up thing as well but then I look at the ladies on here who have made it - and somehow I find myself carrying on - taking temps, POAS, taking supplements, getting BFNs and then starting all over the next month:wacko:

I am trying a last ditch attempt now - a supplement called Ovaboost supposed to improve the quality of our diminishing eggies:happydance: and I am also about to have my 2nd lot of acupuncture - well it was either that or the gym (couldn't afford both:haha:) so I will let you know if it helps:flower:

I cannot remember if you said you had your FSH/LH tested or was it just the test to see if you were ovulating:wacko:

I keep trying to remain positive to and try and go by the laws of averages I must have at least one good egg left right and so have you hun - BIG :hugs: hope you feel better soon - and rant away that's what we are all here for.



Garfie thanks honey, I know its just the idea of the witch flying in that has me down in the dumps... It just as you know every month we live in hope, then we start seeing symptoms and our hopes build. This month I was so determined to not symptom watch..... But then my sense of smell did get higher, my back started aching, that damn metallic tastes is still coming and going, then my boobs joined in with the fun!

I did get my bloods for day 3, they came back great (FSH 7.5 LH 3.2, I think I handed them into the FC, so trying to remember), but as each month passes I feel so lost.... I might call my friend who is a homeopath and see what she can suggest.....

Anyway good luck with the ovaboost, I have read good things about that supplement :flower:
Just popping in to say hey. I have to get some stuff to the labs but I'll be back later to comment more thoroughly.

Atty-So sorry you're feeling down. Sometimes it seems like the end of the world, but remember, you have your health AND you have your kids, a wonderful but indecisive DH and you still have eggs. So count your blessings. Sorry you didn't get the job. That sucks big time. Keep trying!! I think it's possible for you. You just can't give up. I totally understand where you're coming from, though. :hugs: :flow:

Sis-That Pibble! Knocking you off the couch and being so hot is NOT helping. HA!!HA!!

felcity-You're DPO 6. It's way too early for you to be saying you're out, so stop it! Happy birthday to your son. Wait..I think I'm 6DPO. Hmm..I'll have to go back and check, but I'm certainly not out yet, so neither are you!

Katie-I actually watched Roseanne the other day when i was getting my nails done. That show was hysterical back in the day. I am happy that you got AF too, and that you're enjoying your home brews and moving forward. I like raspberry wheat beer. Yum! I have never watched My Strange Addiction, but whatever channel it was on always had popups advertising those weirdos. I remember one lady liked eating Vaseline or Vick's Vapor Rub or something. I don't think the people are telling the truth and it's just to be on tv. :shrug:

AFM-Not a whole lot going on. My hubs came home with the sniffles yesterday, so now I'm worried that my body knows that I am getting sick before I know it. I don't know how he caught a cold. I hope I don't get a cold.We have vacation in three weeks!

I think I get to keep Roxy for another week. I thought I was to return her tomorrow, but the foster lady said that since she has a few more days of medicine, i should keep her. Um...ok! HA!!HA! I hope she doesn't change her mind even though Roxy doesn't even have a cold anymore. She's been running in the yard lately too, which is fantastic.

Fezzle-Yeah, your Chinese herbs may be a bit too strong for you. Hope AF stops for you soon.

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