SPP.....if I could overnight it to you I would! Lol.

Sis......you had me cracking up! Hope you were able to get some sleep.

Katie....glad you had your beer! I never restricted myself, I ate what I wanted and drank what I wanted. So you do you and enjoy other stuff in life while you're waiting to get your BFP. :hugs:

Terri.....I hope you have normal cravings too. Don't post on here you prepared a dirt meal in your crock-pot!!!! Lol. I mean if you did by chance, you know we won't judge you or anything. Lol.

Well......we decided to tell the kids tomorrow! I put their gift bags together yesterday and attached personalized notes to each of them" from the baby". We're going to take them out to dinner ( just hope I can stomach the smell of all the food...lol) and then we're going to give them their bags. I am going to record their reactions. We decided to tell them a couple weeks earlier than we originally planned. I still have reservations about telling them, it's that damn fear that keeps popping it's head in that is getting to me.
Thanks to all the ladies who have righteous indignation for me over this doctor thing!!:gun: Guess what - got a call before 8 am this morning from the nurse telling me the referral was in there and I needed to call the referral department... :saywhat: I just talked to them yesterday and they said nothing was there... thinking the doctor slipped it in last night after my call... any hoo... I will be calling after my meetins this morning.. :trouble:

Yeehaw for Kfs and Terri for the cross hairs!! I was hoping I would get mine today but :nope: so thinking tomorrow...

we are truly the only ones that :wohoo::wohoo: for vomit!!! way to go Sis...

Terri- about my insurance - I have no options until my doctor refers me to someone... I even tried to do my own referral but the website said I didn't have the right permissions?? :haha:
and love me some crockpot meals... so easy when you get home and dinner is already done!!! yours sounds delish for tonight...

Argyle - I agree with Terri - I like Argyle better too - we kinda do what we want here... :thumbup: and ::dust::dust: for that girl!!!

Fezzle - I started Vitex this cycle - I O'd ridiculously early - I have no idea if that is because of the Vitex or not...:nope: only time will tell... Good luck with your next appointment- hoping you get a good one like Oldermom did!!

felicity - I don't think you are coming down with anything except a sticky bean!!! :hugs: and whoa on the elastic balls in the pocket!!! I have heard of that before though... :)

Katie - we ladies are born with all the eggs we are ever going to have... some say 300-400 but I don't know how accurate that is... but they are not fully developed - that happens to a couple eggs each month with our cycles...(one survives to maturity and the others die off) and I know you cannot technically increase your number however you can definitely increase the quality of the ones that are left... atleast that is how I understand it and I am hoping it is true because I don't have many left according to my low AMH... so I am taking supplements to make the most of what I have left...

In reality we know very little don't we?? God did some amazing designing when he designed reproduction - my husband said the other day its amazing anyone gets pregnant!!

AFM: temp is still rising - which is suprising because my sinus' are horrible right now due to this craptastic weather we continue to have - its making sleep difficult and mouth breathing a reality...UGH... but I am trying to manage - got the kleenex by the bed... I was hoping for cross hairs today but :nope: started my friend - progesterone cream today - so the temps will probably keep increasing... my chart is looking like Mt Everest...
Katie - Glad that you're feeling better! Enjoy that homebrew!! My husband and I are actually homebrewers as well! We have a saison and a winter red in our hall closet right now. :)

Smiles - That's so great!! Let us know how the reveal goes.

Wish - It definitely sounds like your doctor messed up is trying to cover up. temping is so frustrating. Hope you get your crosshairs soon!

So, I have my first appointment with my new doctor next week - just an annual. Two of my friends go to her and after talking to them about my past experiences, I was CONVINCED that I needed to change doctors. Question - is there any reason why I should avoid a pap during the TWW?

In the meantime, my old doctor just called to confirm an old appointment that I had made and I was too much of a baby to tell them that I was switching so I made up some lame excuse. I tend to avoid confrontation. :dohh:
terri- I know what you mean and that's how I feel too. Since my initial hormone blood test came back as 'normal' and my transvaginal u/s came back as 'normal', I don't mind if there's an issue to finally get on my records to show that things are not actually normal! I'm pretty sure it will show low progesterone and that I didn't ovulate since I didn't have a temperature shift, was already spotting and AF started the next day. So finally there will be something to 'fix' beside me going in and saying my period is too light and I'm not getting positive OPKs so I don't think I'm ovulating.

Smiles- looking forward to hearing what the kids say!
Good Morning Everyone, tried to catch up on past post and when I go back to the last page there were 4 new posts. I better just start posting. Lol

Terri- love my new name! I deprived myself this past weekend when my in laws came. They always go out and bring back alcohol for new drinks when they visit. They don't know we are trying, so my husband made a fake fuzzy navel with regular cherries. Everyone had fuzzy navels with moonshine cherries. I wanted a drink soo bad. I don't think I'll deprive myself anymore:wacko: Do you have any recipes for a whole chicken in the crockpot. I heard you have to crumble foil on the bottom to make the chicken stand up in the pot. My chicken in the oven keeps coming out dry.:dohh:

Sis-Congratulatuion!:happydance: sorry I was late still reading post. Sorry about the puking. I hope you don't mind me asking what does DS2 stand for, I loved the memory with the snow.

Fezzle- I'm glad the bleeding slowed down. I wish you a great lining!

SPP- Congratulations! Did you win and find out the sex of the baby.

Battyatty- Did you hear anymore about the interview? How are you doing with the tww?

Vjean- Congratulations!

Smiles- Congratulations!hope everything goes well at the doctor on Friday. Cool way to tell your kids.

Katie- I'm glad you are feeling better.

Wish- OMG I just read about the cleaners, I saw everyone's comments but I didn't understand. I finally get it. You made me laugh this morning even though I a little down.

Felicity- I'm not to good with tempting. What does it mean when your temp.

Oldermom -Your story really touched me. Thank you for sharing it helped me to be more open. How are you doing today?

Garfie- I related a lot to your story. Thank you so much. Where are you in your journey?

Kfs1- I'm sorry if I missed your post I'm still trying to catch up. Can you give me an update.

Radkat- Can you give me an update. I will try to keep up.

AFM- I'm 14 past trigger and 13 days past 1st iui and 12 days past 2nd iui. I tested this morning and I saw a barely there take a closer look line. I'm thinking it's a vapor line. My husband says he saw it but I'm not too convinced its the real thing. I'm going to check again maybe Friday. I want to test again tonight and tomorrow but I'm out of test. I'm trying to be positive but I'm so doubtful. I need to change my mood on my post.
Good luck, Argyle- hope that line gets darker!
Morning Ladies well I got a Lil sleep but not much since DH was Crying all nite about his side hurting!!! Why R men such Babies ???? :nope:

Also my ear was killing me all nite and still hurts this Am along w my Throat :( I feel a Cold coming on :nope:

Well I took my last Week estimator this Am thinking I was 6wks but it still says 2-3 wks so I'm a Lil worried hope it's no big deal!!

Wish glad u finally got that Referral I know how Tricare works it can be a Pain sometimes!! I would say the VITEX is boosting your P that's why UR temps are steadily getting higher!! ;)

Yay for CH Terri and KFS1!!!

Katie u crack me Up Tacos like Tacos :rofl: if Taco bell was open right now I would go no lie that's the only thing I feel Luke eating at he moment!! :shrug:

Happy HUMP day ladies!!!
Argyle DS2 is Dear Son 2 !!! :)

I have a DS1 also Dear son 1 he's 16 so he's my BIG!!

Try to stay Positive I thought for sure I was out and got a BFP at 9dpo 8dpiui!!
Argyle-This is my first crock pot meal, but maybe some of the others can help. I know that when you cook chicken/turkey in the oven, they suggest turning it breast side down so that all the juices fall into the breast, but I don't cook chickens/turkeys in the oven. I always go to other people's houses for big holidays. hee hee. You are too cute trying to catch up. As you can see, we are a bunch of chatty cathys. Your hubs was so nice to make a virgin drink for you. :)

Temping is when you use a thermometer to take your temperature every morning. If you see in our signature lines, there are charts. Those are our temperatures, and we take them every morning to see what's going on with our body. After ovulation, you get a significant rise, and if it stays high, you're preggers. Look at Sis', Smiles' chart and you can see the high temperatures. You can look at the rest of ours for par charts and my sub-par charts. At the end of your cycle, your temperature drops and our dear frenemy AF shows up. We all use Fertility Friend to track this stuff. If you want more info, just say the word. It's all hormone based. Google BBT temperature. Hopefully your line will be darker, and you don't have to worry about it anymore! Stay positive!!

Sis-Same to you...stay positive. Oh, why do you have to go back for another scan? I meant to ask you earlier, but I forgot.

kfs1-I'm glad you switched doctors. That's funny about you making up a lame excuse. I would've told the assistant that I was unpleased with the doctor's services and would be moving on. She probably wouldn't care, but at least you could tell someone why you left. I'm all about telling people why I'm breaking up with them or leaving or whatever. There is no questioning the things I do/don't do. HA!
Terri I go for my scan 3/4 it's my Original Scan I just went last week for an Emergency scan due to cramping!!

The scan next week will give me EDD and measure everything!! :)
Since I'll be over 6wks!!
Welcome Argyle and thanks for sharing your story. It was both heartbreaking and exciting. So glad you got your rainbow babies! Stay positive! That faint line is going to get darker!

Glad you found us, MO3Gs!

Oldermom- glad your appt went well…but holy cow! A month for test results? I’m curious as to what they tested for. I could hardly stand to wait 7 days, let alone 30!

Katie, sorry you had a hard time at gymnastics. But hopefully those tiny babies are contagious and you’ll come down with one soon! :haha:

Felicity45, Holy temp rise! =)

Wish, what the heck is going on with your chart? Still no crosshairs, but it looks like you ovulated based on temp. Yay for the referral! It’s about freakin’ time!

Terri, your first crock pot meal? Oh man- I swear by crock pot meals…it’s the only way my family gets feed some nights rushing from one sports practice to another! And I updated my chart link...hopefully that works.

Kfs1 – don’t feel bad about alcohol. I went thru phases. Some months I didn’t touch alcohol or caffeine, then other months I’d have plenty margaritas, wine and mt. dew. I don’t think it ever made a difference! (except maybe I was a much nicer person?)

Radkat- :happydance: Fabulous news!

Fezzle, hope you get some good news at your appointment tomorrow!

Smiles, good luck telling the kids. I’m still not sure how I’ll tell my Bigs. Only my DSs 17 and 14 are at home now, and I know they will be unimpressed. Maybe I should get them gifts from the baby? But everything they want is stinkin’ expensive!

Sis, men are babies and could never handle childbirth…they can’t even manage a little pain in their side! Don’t put too much thought into the weeks estimator… today you are pregnant! And next week you will see your little bean with her heart beating away!

Yummm! Red meat and taco bell!! Tomorrow is date night with my hubby. Now you guys have me thinking about where I want to go already!

AFM: my second beta was awesome! 274 at 15 dpo. 28.36 hours doubling time. Oh please stick baby stick! I go for my first u/s on 7 Mar. I’m a little worried because I’ll be a few days too early to see a heartbeat, but my RE wants to confirm that baby is in my uterus (vs tubes) due to my tubal reversal. So if I don’t see a heartbeat then I’ll get to go back for another u/s with him. Just trying to focus on that as a positive! He’ll keep me for a few more weeks before releasing me to a regular OBGYN.

I finally told FFoe that I am pg, so now I have my green line. It makes me happy. :flower:
Nothing else exciting happening here!
Great news Vjean!!!! :)

SPP have u done the ring test mine circles big time but I'm not holding my breath... It even worked on all my Pups 1male 2 Female!! :haha:

Eating Taco Bell now yes baby wants Tacos for breakfast ;)
Hi Ladies

Just a quick pop in I have been at work all day and I've still got this cold - it must really love me:haha:

Hope all you preggo mamas are doing well - I have read about all your numbers and they seem mighty fine to me:happydance:

Sis - You could always do the cabbage test :haha: (me and my tests):wacko: the dandelions have had a watering today(not me the rain) - so I will see if I can find some dry ones for tomorrow:haha:

Hoping - welcome hun this is lovely thread full of lots of supportive women and all of us have a different story to tell. - me I'm still trying I have had all the tests the NHS (UK) will give me as hubby refused a SA:cry: so I am just carrying on and hoping one day my miracle will happen - although time is running out:wacko:

I am so sorry to hear of your losses - all mine have been early losses (not that it makes it any easier) but I really feel for you losing your twins - and I am so pleased you got your rainbow:happydance: fingers crossed when you next test hun :hugs:

AFM - So am I finally in the TWW - what do you ladies think - or could it be another temp spike due to this rotten cold :shrug:


:haha: I'm afraid that test won't work since I'm on P supps I've read that Intellegender u can get A girl reading while on P!!!! :shrug:
VJean.....let me clarify. We did not get them gifts FROM the baby we got them gifts FOR the baby! Lol. Each child will get a baby item in their bag that we tried to tie to each of them when they were babies. For instance, my son took pacifiers so we put pacifiers in his bag and his note says " hi Kyle....mommy told me you use to take pacifiers when you were fussy as a baby, maybe I'll like them too. Can you hold onto these until I arrive? Love, your little brother or sister" and the other 3 got the same but with different items. I was not going down the road of getting them real gifts! Lol. Call me el cheapo! Lol

Sis....try not to worry about the weeks estimator test. I'm sure all is fine. I'm all excited for your scan. I was 6 wks 3 days when they saw and heard the heartbeat so there is a chance you'll see it at your appt as well.

Kfs....I'm the opposite, I don't avoid confrontation. Lol. I tell it like it is! Lol.

Terri....yeah for CH's. it's the little things. Lol
garfie-Ffoe will probably give you crosshairs tomorrow if you get another high temperature. This one is going to be a strange assessment I think.

VJean-Yeah! I can click on your chart now. Glad your numbers are great, and glad all is well. I hope my meal comes out ok today so I can start using it more regularly. Something has got to give. Your green line makes me happy too!

Sis-Oh ok on the scan. I didn't realize the last one was an emergency scan for cramping. Gotcha!

Smiles-I love the gift idea!!! My hubs is Kyle, so I especially liked your example! Do you think they'll understand?

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