Sis, I'm trying to contain my excitement over here....
Garfie, that is so interesting about the NHS. I definitely think there are good and bad parts to each system.
Wish, I'm sorry you can't get fertility help covered under insurance. Hopefully we get to a point where those services are available to everyone! I know here in San Antonio our large military hospital (SAAMC - wilford hall and BAMC merged), IVF is offered. I know people where were sent TDY here specifically for IVF. I thought that was nice!
Terri, when I had my HSG 2 years ago I was told it would be $800 if insurance didn't cover it. It turns out they did, so I think I just paid a small portion, like $100-$150. I also use a flex spending account and it really comes in handy.
Nothing exciting here with me. Had my RE appointment yesterday. He did a ton of tests and I'll schedule my new CD 3 labs and new HSG once I get my period again. Unfortunately my ovaries have forgotten how to ovulate on time, so it feels like AF is so far away! I'm sad that I have to sit out another cycle, but will be worth it if I get a sticky bean vs another mc. I should O today or tomorrow, and we did BD a few times so there is a slim chance, but we aren't going to do it again until after O is confirmed. It's so hard to not be sad, but I'm just trying to focus on next cycle.
In other news, my 39 y/o sis just found out she is pg. (4 weeks). I am happy for her, but she texted me ALL NIGHT about it! When I was pg a few months ago I didn't tell her bc I was trying to be sensitive of her fertility struggles. I wanted to make sure everything was going to be ok before we told family as well. So I told her about my recent mc and D&C a few weeks ago, (only family member that knows) so you'd think she'd be a little more sensitive, geesh! So I stayed off my cell phone today so I could continue to be happy for her instead of annoyed.
I'm so excited for y'all that are so close to testing! Hope those Valentines

s start rolling in!